Tuesday, May 27, 2014

clever memetic engagement with/for doing something about it...,

resistcomics |  What is resistcomics? The summer of 2013 saw one of the greatest mass uprisings in the history of Turkey. What started out as a small scale environmentalist demonstration became a defiant outcry in the face of an increasingly authoritarian, conservative, neoliberal government.

The resistance became associated with creativity and humour of the protesters from early on, as they tackled the violent oppression of the state with a cheerful attitude of subversion. #diren (#resist) became a hashtag mantra in social media and on the streets. 

#ResistComics has been inspired by the intelligence of the protesters and the sense of solidarity and collaboration in the air. We wanted to capture the spirit of the resistance in our words and pictures. We wanted to make a political statement without being didactic. We wanted to tell good stories about the resistance in different genres. 

#ResistComics anthology contains 96 pages of comics, illustrations, a short story and an article on comics and politics. We would like to entertain, inform and inspire our readers through this anthology.

Who are we? We are an international group of writers, artists, academics and critics. We are based in different parts of the world, including Turkey, France, Germany and Australia. In the early days of the resistance, we organised online to collaborate on a comics anthology. We used online tools to workshop scripts and artwork, and to exchange ideas. As we all have day jobs and other responsibilities (some of us became parents in the last year), it took us a while to bring our project to life. 

We embrace a punk/DIY approach, and have been involved in every stage of production and we would like to self-publish our anthology through the support of our Kickstarter backers. 

We are supporters of indie art and the comics scene and some of us have been involved with independent comics projects before. Some of us are professional comic artists and cartoonists published internationally, while others are first timers. We bring an eclectic range of styles and diverse stories.


Constructive_Feedback said...

[quote]Other items: reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act[/quote]

As is the case that after every Mass Shooting someone says "The NRA has caused this because of the proliferation of guns"............so too is the case that "Glass-Steagall Act" is a catch all - a golden path to the return to Utopia.

The essence of "Glass-Steagall" was to prohibit investment banks from commingling their retail customer deposit account funds with their SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT operations.

IF the "2008 Meltdown" was caused by too many "Exploding Mortgages" pushed into the market to extend credit to people with shaky credit histories and/or marginal income - HOW WOULD GLASS-STEAGALL have prevented any of this CNu?

Just a few weeks ago Mel Watts (HUD Secretary) announced a RELAXATION of the lending standards that were imposed in the wake of the crisis.

Just as the THEORY of "Green Energy" falls away when a 'Green' finds out that she has no propane in the winter or no gasoline in the summer for her hybrid car - SO TOO is it the case that when those who demand a LARGER REGULATORY CANVAS TARP upon the whole of the financial service industry begin to see the ECONOMIC SUPPRESSION that it foments, especially upon "The Least Of These" - ONLY THEN will they agree to ease up on their THEORIES - but only after they have used the crisis to put THEIR FAVORABLE PEOPLE INTO POWER - who essentially DO THE SAME DAMNED THING yet retain the confidence of the congregation while doing it.

CNu said...

Feed, would under-regulated banks and their loan origination designees and assigns have entered into this business were it not for their capacity to securitize and sell-off shaky loans as investment vehicles? The answer, conspicuously obvious to the casual observer is NO!

That said, who exactly pays you to misdirect and obfuscate even the simplest and most common-sense call-outs on behalf of the peasant democracy? Or are you just suffering some form of nitrogen narcosis from having dived so deeply into your unique idiosyncratic account of political history, that even you have trouble keeping track of your point?

woodensplinter said...

Is mass-violence really what we ought to begin treating like an infectious disease, or, is the root contagion;

whiteness - http://www.chaunceydevega.com/2014/05/yes-elliot-rodger-is-white-what-santa.html

or closeted homosexuality? - http://dreamandhustle.com/2014/05/black-women-continue-to-blissfully-ignore-the-black-elliot-rodger-and-the-black-mra-threat/

Ed Dunn said...

Not your normal mass shooting - this one is special as this guy created the biggest sh*tstorm I have ever seen manifest over the Internet in less than 48 hours. Back in the days, nutjobs would be playing AD&D thinking they a wizard - what we see here is an evolution of the persona game where this special case attached himself to men online in real-world fantasy role play as a pickup artist or PUA.

The PUA and MRA community is going extremely apesh*t right now trying to cover up their tracks and duck for cover because now they are publicly exposed. I have never anything like this before - never in my 20 year history on the Internet...look at the guy in the video looking like Scott Baio from the 1980s - his persona was crafted all over the Internet data he collected - this specimen is a true piece of work!

CNu said...

Back in the days, nutjobs would be playing AD&D thinking they a wizard

lol, okay, that'll be quite enough out of you sir! Back in the day, before I finally fell into some of those sugarwalls and got on track, I played a fair amount of D&D my damned self and managed to steer clear of tragedy and epic fail. But I tell you what magne, as always, you raise some truly interesting points about what's different between the cognitive ecology of then and now. The autistic spectrum had constructive channels back then with a little bit of structure and seldom ever spun completely out of control, not considered so much crazy as just awkward.

Nowadays, on the other hand, it's not only very possible, but in fact, highly likely given the abyss of the web that the victims of the shyberry could fall off alone, on their own, without any kind of constructive channels of socially enforced culture, and then there's just now telling how deep that fall would go. Add to that, the medicalization (drugging) and http://www.cchrint.org/2014/05/26/will-lawmakers-investigate-elliot-rodgers-psychiatric-drug-use-or-ignore-it-that-is-the-question/ and voila!

All I'd ever heard of risperdal before now was the crazy solicitations for plaintiffs in lawsuits against the drug's maker because it causes gynecomastia..., so you've already got an individual with social awkwardness issues, and now dood grows some breasts and just gets an additional heaping helping of hell to add to his already significant troubles.

Ed Dunn said...

I'm looking for a precedent or variation and the only thing that comes to mind is when a woman kidnap a baby from the hospital after lying to others that she was pregnant and display the kidnapped baby as hers. Reality, she could have easily gotten pregnant but she chosen to create the persona of a mother going through pregnancy and having a baby without the birthing experience. This guy could have easily found an airhead in the the valley of the dolls but he chose to be lonely to adopt some twisted PUA reject failure persona. But the fake pregnant girl was in the real world talking to real people - this guy was on the Internet collecting data. This is why this cannot be dismissed because we seeing data collection instead of tragic experience as a source of this persona...

Ed Dunn said...

Exactly and this is an extreme dangerous precedent - now the data manipulators just realized over the weekend that these people can be manufactured.....this guy was the freak lab accident...

CNu said...

Hack medical records?!?!?!

Shooooot...., it's a whole lot easier than that. The downside of these drugs has been well known and thoroughly described for some time now. Abruptly curtailing anti-anxiety/anti-psychotic meds for these autistic spectrum adolescent males yields a very high-probability of a violent psychotic break. http://subrealism.blogspot.com/search?q=zoloft

The really nice piece you've added to the puzzle Ed, is the very destructive way in which common technology, as it's commonly used, can be employed to mold and shape a directed and weaponized young male who just a couple of decades ago would've been happy getting his jollies in a fantasy role playing game with 12 and 20 sided dice in the reassuringly awkward company of older nerds.

Ed Dunn said...

Why is why I need to re-review the Black Navy shipyard mass shooter incident. I have a feeling the EMF references may have been manufactured by the shooter through data collection instead of actual exposure.

CNu said...

Web crawlers, sifting through the infinite surfaces of online interaction space could trivially, anonymously, and prolifically identify legions of susceptible candidates for this type of fantasy role-playing conditioning. Now granted, for the most part I think you could only churn out human grenades, but I wonder what could be done with a little more direct attention and application to individuals who "fit the profile"?

CNu said...

lol, perhaps we ought to begin treating the US/UK active shooter instances as something a bit more malignant than a mere infectious disease?

Ed Dunn said...

Sometimes a grenade is all a person need. Right now, we seeing lab trials and the most interesting lab trial of all examples is the dude up in Afghanistan who singlehandedly massacred a village. He had real world experience instead of data collection but the medical treatment he received for PTSD may be interesting

Maggie Danhakl said...


Healthline just designed a virtual guide explaining how testosterone affects the body. You can see the infographic here: http://www.healthline.com/health/low-testosterone/effects-on-body

This is valuable med-reviewed information that can help a man understand how affects multiple parts of their bodies and the side effects that occur from having low testosterone. I thought this would be of interest to your audience, and I’m writing to see if you would include this as a resource on your page: http://subrealism.blogspot.com/2013/03/review-moral-molecule-source-of-love.html

If you do not believe this would be a good fit for a resource on your site, even sharing this on your social communities would be a great alternative to help get the word out.

Thanks so much for taking the time to review. Please let me know your thoughts and if I can answer any questions for you.

All the best,

Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager

p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health

660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

www.healthline.com | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

About Us: corp.healthline.com

BigDonOne said...

The only reason this incident is getting any media attention at all is because it was White People - so unusual for the culture. If the shooter had been some dis-respected "wat da fug you lookin' at...?" gangbanger in the 'hood, it would have gotten little media notice other than in the periodic bodycount-for-the-year announcement (or every Monday, for the weekend, in Chicago). And except for the ridiculously poor marksmanship of hoodshooters, those bodycounts would be much higher - they don't even know what the sights are for, they hold the pistols turned sideways over their IQ-74 heads ....

Ed Dunn said...

"If only I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't have quit work," - Tomohiro Katōhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihabara_massacre

Same story..

Makheru Bradley said...

“The only reason this incident is getting any media attention at all is because it was White People - so unusual for the culture.” What you are really saying is that the superiority complex and pristine self-image derived from white supremacy is supposed to prevent white-on-white mass violence. That type of violence is supposed to be directed towards people of color only.

In fact, it so unusual that 70 percent of the mass killers over the past 30 years have been white males.



Before you start chirping about Chicago, I fully acknowledge “the psychodynamics of Black self-annihilation in service of white domination,” but that isn’t the issue with the likes of Elliott Rodger.


Tom said...

I think you're both leading with political ideas and not giving the data your complete attention. Almost seventy percent of males in the US are white. So if women aren't committing mass murders, then 70% is about what you'd expect for whites if race wasn't a factor.

Which, frankly, ... well, both you guys put a lot more faith in Race than I do.

Tom said...

Fair enough, but it is a different point.

Tom said...

That link is a horrendous example of harassment.

Possibly the story with mass murderers is that the crimes are so heinous that the perpetrator (or accused perpetrator) loses his status as a member of the white tribe, and we see something closer to the real statistics. With drug possession offenses on the other hand, it's hard to imagine that the official statistics reflect anything other than biased enforcement. White kids are smoking pot like crazy, that's for sure.

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...