Wednesday, October 05, 2011

take a page from the teabagger playbook

'This is Revolution Not Reform' Occupy Wall Street Organizer from Naked Emperor News on Vimeo.

WaPo | A question was asked of me yesterday about the Occupy Wall Street movement that has been a presence in lower Manhattan since Sept. 17. Are there any parallels between it and the Tea Party movement? Yes. But if it doesn’t do four things — 1.) broaden its base of support to include those who share its values or goals; 2.) get specific about what the goals are; 3.) bring the protests to Washington; and 4.) get support from members of Congress — it could squander its momentum.

Both Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are organic movements. They rose up from everyday people who got tired of being pushed around or ignored by powers they believe are beyond their control. Both movements eschew having one or a crew of recognized leaders who speak for everyone. So far, it’s worked for the Tea Party. For the nascent movement centered in Lower Manhattan, there’s still time for it to get its act together.
Occupy Wall Street is already doing the first and second things I proposed. A look at the calendar on shows rallies with organized labor. And it released a “Declaration of the Occupation of New York City,” detailing its beliefs and grievances.
They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.
They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.
They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one’s skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.
They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.
They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless animals, and actively hide these practices.
There’s more where this came from. But it’s still having trouble articulating specifically what it’s fighting for. A painful example of this was an interview Al Sharpton did last night with Harrison Schultz, an organizer for Occupy Wall Street. Sharpton asked him several times, “What are the goals?” Schultz just couldn’t articulate any.


nanakwame said...

Reverend looking sharp these days, got rid of the made up long hair. 
Rituals don't have to have some meaningful goals, it is the tradition of expression that is important. A public square,  the great Octavio Paz speaks about that, he thought it more important than voting as he fought in Mexico.  "And finally, Zaptaismo is a traditionalist revolt. It does not affirm modernity, it does not affirm the future. It affirms that there are profound, ancient, permanent values."  Redeemers, Ideas and Power in Latin America - Enrique KrauzeAnd a nation with the highest anxiety disorders in the world, we need this public square of kvetching. Goals will crystallized sooner or later, like the benefit of min. wages and standard health care. 

Makheru Bradley said...

According to some pundits Barack Obama through MoveOn is attempting to hi-jack this fledgling movement.  A friend of mine received this email from MoveOn:

build on this energy, we're organizing a huge round of speak-outs
nationwide next week to deliver the simple message that we need "Jobs
Not Cuts" and to "Make Wall Street Pay." It's part of a massive week of action to show the human impact of the economic crisis.

But we need public events in as many communities as possible to show that this is a national movement. We'll provide everything you need to hold a successful event. Can you sign up to lead a speak-out in Charlotte?

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?