[Jobs] told a reporter that taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life. He said there were things about him that people who had not tried psychedelics — even people who knew him well, including his wife — could never understand.Unlike many people who have enjoyed success, Jobs is not saying that he was able to succeed despite his illegal drug use; he’s saying his success is in part — in substantial part — because of those illegal drugs (he added that Bill Gates would “be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once”). These quotes (first published by a New York Times reporter) have been around for some time but have been only rarely discussed in the recent hagiographies of Jobs: a notable omission given that he himself praised those experiences as an integral part of his identity and one of the most important things he ever did. A surprisingly good Time Magazine article elaborates on this Jobs-LSD connection further:
The paradoxes of love have perhaps never been clearer than in our relationships with Apple products — the warm, fleshy desire we feel for such cold, hard, glassy objects. But Jobs knew how to inspire material lust. He knew that consumers want something that not only sparkles and awes, but also feels accessible, easy to use, an object with which we want to merge and to feel one and the same. . . .America’s harsh prohibitionist drug policies are grounded in the premise that the prohibited substances have little or no redeeming value and cannot be used without life-destroying consequences. Yet the evidence of its falsity is undeniable. Here is one of the most admired men in America, its greatest contemporary industrialist, hailing one of the most scorned of these substances as integral to his success and intellectual and personal growth. The current President commendably acknowledged cocaine and marijuana use while there is evidence suggesting the prior President also used those substances. One of America’s most accomplished athletes was caught using marijuana at the peak of his athletic achievements. And millions upon millions of American adults have consumed some or many of those criminally prohibited substances, and themselves will say (like Jobs) that they had important and constructive experiences with those drugs or know someone who did.
Not coincidentally, that’s how people describe the experience of taking psychedelic drugs. It feels profoundly artificial yet deeply real, both high-tech and earthy-crunchy, human and mystically divine — in a word, transcendent. Jobs had this experience. . . . As attested by the nearly spiritual devotion so many consumers have to Jobs’ creations, the former Apple chief (and indeed many other top technology pioneers) appeared to have found enduring inspiration in LSD. Research shows that the psychedelic experience is, in fact, long lasting: a new study published last week found that people who took magic mushrooms (psilocybin) had long-term personality changes, becoming more open, more curious, more intellectually engaged and more creative. These personality shifts persisted more than a year after taking the drugs.
That may have been the premise, but almost everything to do with illegal versus legal drugs is rooted in somebody's economic interests. Did you know part of the legend of the famous budweiser clydesdales is that they were a gift from August Jr and Adolphus to August Busch Sr. to celebrate the end of prohibition? Their first order of duty was to deliver a case of beer to President Roosevelt at the White House. Must've had a case lying around since before prohibition. ;o)
"the former Apple chief (and indeed many other top technology pioneers) appeared to have found enduring inspiration in LSD",
Back in 1969, after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, the media went nuts sensationalizing the event, much more so than with the death of Steve Jobs. Madison Ave was taking advantage of this by linking all kinds of products to the space program in whatever manner possible. Believe it was Newsweek that had a short article noting all the products that were attempting to get noticed and cash in with such ads. One hilarious line in that article noted a whiskey ad and commented to the effect that "even [name of distillery], whose true contribution to the space program will never be known, had ads featuring space program references..."
The history of the control and suppression of hallucinogens is somewhat different from what you've noted above brotherbrown. Right off the top, hallucinogens are non-addictive and intrinsically self-limiting.
So no, there is something else altogether involved with the many centuries long suppression of these most crucial solvents...,
Well, who wants the people to WAKE UP. No drugs!!!!!
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