Sunday, October 09, 2011

"repeat after me - john lewis please go away"

Video - ATL OWS decides not to hear John Lewis' tired old gas

The call and repeat is tedious beyond belief, but the upshot of that childish seeming ad hockery - is - that the group is uninterested in hearing any of John Lewis tiresome gas. OK John, we all know you took an epic ass-whooping fortysome years ago for the right to vote - and folks in your district have been voting you into office for generations. Since you've been on the federal payroll - what exactly are the structural changes to the political economy that you've authored and that you have to show for all that electoral loyalty?

What do we collectively have to show for your ignominious fifteen minutes forty six years ago?!?!?!?!?

The cast of geriatric preachers, pundits, lawyers, and sundry assorted oxygen thieves comprising the CBC, governance in a number of unfortunate metropolitan areas, and unelected, unaccountable tenured public "intelligentsia" - are the inevitable negative externality of the civil rights movement. At the risk of provoking Constructive Feedback to have a heart attack - the majoritarian 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement are the real disgrace and actual leadership vacuum systemically afflicting the black electorate in America.

Drive around any hood near where you live and payday loans, liquor stores, convenience stores, korean "beauty" supply retailers, and storefront churches - comprise the overwhelming majority of what passes for private enterprise in most downwardly mobile and predominantly black neighborhoods today - with the majority of these private enterprises not in black hands except for the churches.

No other factor in the political economy of black America holds a candle to the cataclysmic failures owned by the predominant 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement.

Things have gotten so bad that the Boule have gone even more despicably race-traitor than their characteristic gatekeeping establishment buffer role has required of them, and have begun an atypically conspicuous orchestrated effort to position economic hit men in the hood to execute public payroll disaster capitalism - and further drive the artificially created, unsustainable, and politically irksome faux black middle class to its knees.

Folk genuinely have no idea what's going on all around them today and the 2nd and 3rd line inheritors lack the knowledge, skill, ability, and administrative courage to illuminate and publicize the real and acute threats to what little political economics black folk have managed to muster from the crumbs swept off massas table.


Ed Dunn said...

The funny part is Woodruff park they are "occupying"  was already being "occupied" by the permanent Black homeless class in Atlanta. So they kicked out the homeless Black cats and now I'm looking at hippie Whites with nice tents and iPads all set up in the pretending to stage a protest displacing the homeless Black Atlanta population that been there since anybody who been to Atlanta and walked to the Underground area know full well about.

CNu said...

Woodruff park is doubtless relieved by the change-up.  Speaking of which, where was John Lewis when the bum village in Woodruff needed his wisdom and leadership?

nanakwame said...

Bots do become malleable , since they are part human. I have to give that to CFbot. But this is funny shit, better than the movies out there now.

Ed Dunn said...

Indeed a valid question that can branch out into it own discussion about the displaced Black homeless that were in that placed known as "bum park" that been taken over by the middle-class hippies. 

CNu said...

You know the answer to that question Ed. It's only a matter of time in the U.S. before police sweeps begin permanently solving the unsightly and increasingly common problem of discarded surplus labor value - just like they do in Latin America. Them well-fed and grossly overpaid CBC oxygen-thieves won't make a peep then either..,

Constructive_Feedback said...

My dear friend KCNu - I didn't know you cared.   {Sniffle}{Sniffle}{Sniffle}

I actually went down to Woodruff Park in Atlanta to see the sight for myself.  Along the way I drove past Atlanta City Hall and saw the "urban campers" who don't have an option.

1) IF the mostly White "Occupy Atlanta" Urban Campers were to yield their tents in Woodruff Park to the homeless in Atlanta - who are majority Black - the Black run City Of Atlanta Government would start ARRESTING PEOPLE for sleeping inside of Woodruff Park as they had been doing prior to the "Occupation"

2) John Lewis and the legacy of  "Job Creation" In Atlanta

3}  As 2 Black Men are Murdered at two different gas stations in Atlanta - the Civil Rights Pharisees go after a Death Penalty Ban Upon The Government

Constructive_Feedback said...

Brother Dunn - you are spot on with your analysis.

That was the first thing that I thought of when I saw a bunch of tents on the lawn that had been the source of so much conflict over the past 15 years or so.

CNu said...

Crime? What's crime got to do with it brotherbrown?

Makheru Bradley said...

- that the group is uninterested in hearing any of John Lewis tiresome gas.--

Come on Bro. Nulan.  Have you been taking lessons from the MSM in Libya?  Your objectivity is clouded by your vitriolic criticism of Lewis. It wasn't that this group was uninterested in hearing Lewis. They could not agree on allowing him to speak at that moment.

I don't know what these 2nd/3rd line inheritors did to you, but it has obviously left a very deep emotional scar.  Who will you have to blame when all of these folks die out?

By the time these hippies get through repeating every word five times and twisting their hands in the air the oligarchic psychopathocracy will have stolen another $10 trillion.   

brotherbrown said...

Are you suggesting death squads are going to go after homeless or OWS?

CNu said...

Of course not, it's already been established along the lines of the OWS experiment with the NYPD that animal control durst not get too rough with OWS - much as the policy was hands-off teabaggers trolling about with AR-15's slung across their backs.  As for folks lacking critical mass and professional political advocacy, and whose presence is an increasing public health nuisance on the commons....,

nanakwame said...

Part of this is well staged, in my days ,we would be broken up every day and demanded a march. This is the use of the virtual and Sous-veillance. s_t some didn't know who Sigourney Weaver was. For good or bad it is here,  voices must be heard.
My union under negotiations now,  has slowly accepted to send some one. I am very close but haven't gone by, for it would remain me of Surrealist SyFy. I am pushing for the public square, even modulations of the violence in your surroundings. Right now the average citizen in the USA, is uncertain that is what the partisan politics has accomplish and the fact that no one person got an answer. The speed of our time has caught up to our inabilities in thinking. What is that story about Scottish Crones?Democracy right now as some of our youth are saying is greater than who is going to win 2012. And we have not seen the end-world folks, yet in numbers, in the public square. Think about it: they shaved the hair of a Amish, over customs, s_t is stirring up.  And I took care of person who were violent and anger, look at The States carefully. 

Makheru Bradley said...

Sounds like you need to organize an Occupy CBC/Al Sharpton movement.  I wonder if these folks would treat the "Black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs" the same way if he showed up and asked to speak.

CNu said...

Pathetic - they're all just bound and determined to never move out of the way and to be carried out of their offices on a stretcher

Vic78 said...

You can't even run a primary challenge against the dickheads because all they'll do is have Bill Clinton give a speech to reward the congressperson's loyalty. The value of Bill Clinton speaking gives the audience a fuzzy feeling and they forget why they should abandon the clown. Nevermind he's protecting a New York City congressman that doesn't bring in the bacon. He was a good boy when Clinton held office in the 90s. Imagine if pro sports did that shit. Charles Barkley'd still be playing.

CNu said...

lol, turrible....,

Vic78 said...

You watch Inside the NBA? Shaq and Chuck make TNT worth watching.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?