Friday, July 01, 2011

Bro. Mak and Big Don differ....,

"The history of Afrika prior to the arrival of Western Europeans ..."

was never written in any kind of First Person perspective, because they were so IQ-70 primitive that no pre-colonial Africans had a written language. African history was written 100's 1000's of years after the fact by "researchers" who had an agenda to make 'em look good, i.e., early Africans had calculus, airplanes,thriving modern cities etc... WTF? They didn't even know how to make sailboats until the first White people showed up. And Ayi Kwei Armah was born in 1939, all he had to work with was handed-down mythology...

BD understands that Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who ran a hospital in Western Africa for 20 years in the early 20th century, had some pretty on-the-mark insights before all his German language documents and letters were translated and sanitized by political correctness. This material was on the internet back in the 90's but it has all been cleaned out by Google liberals and others. Schweitzer called the Africans sub-human. Now, seriously looking into *that* would make a dandy Phd dissertation...

WRT continuous physical fighting among groups of Americans in America, why didn't you bring up the Bloods and the Crips...?? Where all it takes is a glance to start the fighting, " 'Fug you lookin' at...??" 

Artifacts of imported primitive African culture...ROTFLMWAO.

Historically, Americans are not nationally aggressive and do not attack unless attacked or national security is seriously threatened.

The history of Afrika prior to the arrival of Western Europeans was the continuous formation of large, productive, and wealthy empires. Based on these cycles of development other empires would have risen out of the ashes of the Songhai Empire, just as Songhai rose after the fall of the Mali Empire. Neither the Afrikan, nor the Native American was prepared for strangers with the culturally structured thought of Europeans. If either group had known then what they know now, instead of welcoming these strangers, they would have cut their heads off. As Ayi Kwei Armah writes: "A ruinous openness we had. For those who came as beggars, turned to snakes after feeding. The suspicious among us had pronounced fears, incomprehensible to our spirit then, words generosity failed to understand. 'These are makers of carrion,' the wary ones said, ' do not shelter them. See their eyes, their noses. Such are the beaks of all the desert's predatory birds.' We laughed at the fearful ones, gave the askers shelter. And watched them unsuspicious, watched them turn in the fecundity of our way, turn into the force that pushed us till the proper flowing of all our people, the way itself became a lonely memory for abandoned minds." And for this a bastard asks for thanks. Go straight to Hell in a gasoline jacket--bastard.

Civilized people don't routinely physically fight continuously within their own country. -- Don

They just continuously fight in other peoples countries, which is okay in revenge-warped minds. They are always willing to sacrifice thousands of men and women to death and debilitating injuries and even more to psychological damage as long as they serve as "gangsters for capitalism." Their barbarism abroad will eventually kill what they consider to be civilization at home.


Rembom said...

Nice presentation, Bro CNu.

CNu said...

Futzing around with the toolset(s) and browser settings on a debian laptop - trying to get the hang of everything - then I'm fit'na get an iPad, and will commence to doinking with that next. Please keep a charitable mindset if stuff comes through looking kinda wack..,

nanakwame said...

The artist in you, nice work.

Have a nice weekend, Doc; Hear Samsung Tablet is smoking?

CNu said...

I gotta Galaxy S in my pocket, so I'ma guess the tablet is just a larger format instance of that goodness. The iPad is a day job requirement - and from what I've observed here, there, and everywhere lately - is the Blackberry du jour for folks for whom accessorizing is a priority.

Big Don said...

Tom - First of all, any old document, even the comparatively recent Middle English stuff, has been translated to allow contemporary understanding of its content.  Your Wiki glyph page alludes heavily to the problems therewith.  Scholars vary all over the map on the meanings of early materials, 1000 or more years old, like the Hebrew biblical stuff.;  Much is lost and distorted, or outright changed, in such translations not to mention.  Good grief, the Bible, Revised Standard Version (think it is) had changed "virgin" to "young girl," a particularly egregious example of such fiddling.  Recognize, you can't even get a straight answer on what happened in Dallas, Nov 22, 1963, when there are living eye witnesses, 8mm movie, and audio tape to work from.  Anyone who thinks they know an serious early African history is really kidding themselves - it don't exist.

Furthermore, with some effort, a reasonable translation of "Atlas Shrugged" to Greek, Latin, or Hebrew could be accomplished because those are indeed Real_Languages with sufficient words to do the job.  How far would you get on that task with your Egyptian glyphs...?? ROTFL

And to ALL of y's -- In all the discussions here with BD, recognize that civilized folks are able to discuss their divergent opinions without a lot of name-calling and ad hominem attacks.  You are all guilty of the latter.  BD is not. Don't 'spose y'all ever noticed that.  Rather,  BD provides real data, PRR, no-nonsense examples to support  his assertions.  Shame on y'all... (Oh, OK, so Mark Halperin called Obama a "dick" on TV yesterday)...

umbrarchist said...

And what is memetic warfare?

All warfare is based on DECEPTION.

So what does it mean that double-entry accounting was invented 700 years ago and yet does any Western nation make accounting mandatory in its high schools?  Why not?   So what does it say about Western culture that they don't?

The White lower classes must be kept ignorant to be pawns of the imperialistic system.  So what can  the global Internet  do to the memetic war?  So what are we waiting for?

CNu said...

Rather,  BD provides real data, PRR, no-nonsense examples to support  his assertions.  Shame on y'all...

rotflmbao..., whew!!!!!
If you didn' t exist, it would be beyond my imaginal means to make you up.

Dale Asberry said...

Unfortunately for you, 'dolt' is an applicable, if not uncomfortable, label. As for the 'bastard' comment, I think it's letting you off the hook considering how you've been spewing all that racist verbal and intellectual diarrhea hereabouts.

Tom said...


What are you talking about?  I tried to say that our alphabet is a copy of a copy of a subset of Egyptian hieroglyphics.   That's established.   It doesn't depend on translating anything.

You're telling me something about translations, which I happen to agree with, but what does it have to do with what I said?

You are far more guilty than anyone else here of throwing out deeply offensive in-your-face remarks.  

Makheru Bradley said...

BD provides real data, PRR, no-nonsense examples to support  his assertions. They didn't even know how to make sailboats until the first white people showed up. -- Don

Okay dude, here's your opportunity to provide real data to support this sailboat assertion.

Makheru Bradley said...

Anyone who thinks they know an serious early African history is really kidding themselves - it don't exist. -- Don

Per your narrow parameters no early history exists, and that's understandable since you pretend to have erased all of your history prior to coming to America. However, given the specific venom you spew regarding Afrikan people you're really attempting to validate Arnold Toynbee.

"It will be seen that when we classify Mankind by colour, the only one of the primary races, which has not made a creative contribution to any of our twenty-one civilizations  is the Black race." 

White supremacy is constructed on a foundation of myths (Afrikans are inferior sub-humans). As those myths are exploded ("And thus Egypt was the cradle of the mathematical arts." - Aristotle, "Metaphysics") the whole structure of white supremacy begins to wobble and eventually fall. And that, more than anything, is what Big Don is deathly afraid of.

Big Don said...

Mak - Nothing found on African sailing, prior to arrival of Europeans,  other than some primitive boats in Egypt, technology for which was probably picked up from Arabs and Greeks on the Mediterranean.  Zilch on the other 95% of the continent.  So ball is in your court to produce some evidence if you think  any exists...

CNu said...

Not only were the Phoenicians the masters of ALL the worlds seas in antiquity they also invented the lighthouse. As for the ethnicity of the Phoenicians/Carthaginians - well - only the historically ignorant need be tutored on this subject. And we all know that everyone hereabouts purporting to have an opinion on any given subject, will have first established a credible baseline command of the subject matter in question, lest he be tossed upon his pointy little head and mercilessly ridiculed and ostracized for packerish ignorance and stupidity.

Gee Chee Vision said...

Big Don, the tinkering of "serious early African
history" will always be targeted by the same class of revisionists that nip & tuck early American history e.g. the push to rename
slavery the Atlantic triangular trade. So I would image that any source material outside of orientalists' dirty scrawls, that fail to flatter your nationalistic posturing, would sit better with you if you'd simply wish it to not exist.

Big Don said...

BD will see your Phoenicians, and raise you much better documented ancient Greek sailing.  Just follow the links.  Get started here:-
It's obvious the Phoenicians picked up  their paltry glorified rowboat technology from more accomplished sailors on the north side of the Med with major heavy-duty navies,  since there is no evidence of anything else maritime on the African continent below the Med. Probably from getting their asses kicked in battle, and picking up some higher-cognition genes from the north when all their women got raped, which was customary treatment  for the losing side. 

Tom said...

Yeah, BD, you've got it backwards.  Egyptians, Phoenicians, then Greeks.  Everybody who went to school knows this. 

Gee Chee Vision said...

CNu, you'll only encourage BD to pop open an MRE pack of, "Well if they (Phoenicians) made defense their top number 1 priority they would still be around today."

I think Big Don may be sailing straight into a dead sea troll.

Gee Chee Vision said...

It's interesting that you imagine "serious early African history" with the current "African" borders on a contemporary inverted map. Attempting to defuse any contribution to civilization by the so-called Africans by attributing their accomplishments to "Arabs," you still run smack dab into black folks.

"The Hamitic-Semitic languages a family of genetically related languages developed from a common parent language that presumably existed about the 6th-8th millennia BC and was perhaps located in the present-day Sahara. Also known as the Semito-Hamitic, Erythraean, Afro-Asiatic, and Afrasian language group, it is the main language family of northern Africa and southwestern Asia and includes such languages as Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Hausa." -Encyclopedia Britannica

"Strabo, around the 1st cetury BC, Philostratus and other writers, speak of the area east of the Nile in Africa as 'Arabia' and the people are persistently and indiscriminately and sometimes simultaneously referred to as either Arabs, Indians, or Ethiopians, just as native Americans in Central and North America are characteristically grouped under a single term as 'Indians.' Strabo even went so far as to say that the peoples called 'Trogodytes,' the indigenes of the ancient Horn, should not be called Ethiopians as they were really Arabs." -Golden Age of the Moor

I think one needs to realize the first basic approach to "serious early African history" is cutting loose western notions of borders and race.

Tom said...

It does sound like trolling, doesn't it?  Nobody really thinks that the Phoenicians learned sailing from the Greeks.  Or that Nigerian emigrants to the UK have higher than average IQ because some of 'em have some British grandparents.   

Makheru Bradley said...

Yeah, it was a terrible joke. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima deals briefly with the political and economic relationships between the seafaring Phoenicians and the Afrikans of Ancient KMT in "African Presence in Early America."

Of particular interest is the presence of Phoenicians in the Olmec Civilization (948-680 BCE), in sculpture,  right next to the colossal Afrikan stone heads of La Venta.

"Apart from the African, there is another element that is represented in the Native American sculptures of this time. That other element is Phoenician. A figure with curved aquiline nose, thin lips, and flowing beard stands on the same plaza as the African figures." - Van Sertima

Van  Sertima suggests that this Afrikan/Phoenician crossing of the Atlantic in the 800 BCE time frame may have been accidental-the Phoenicians were trading with the Iberians and the British at this time and they may have sailed too far into the Atlantic and got carried away by the Canary/N. Equatorial Current-but their presence in ancient Mexico is undeniable.


Big Don said...

What you're acknowledging here is the smarter folks gravitated Northward, leaving the LOOZerz in Africa/Subsahara  Prof. Cavilli-Sforza at Stanford has characterized the genetic divide, but political correctness has muted his findings (required to protect his funding).    

 The confusion here is apparently attempting to ascribe Phoenicians as being Africans.  More appropriately, they were Arabs centered in what is now Lebanon/Syria and  who had a presence in Egypt.  Is it really correct to credit Phoenician accomplishment as being "African" ??   

See image of Cavilli-Sforza's map below, developed from DNA sampling, showing genetic division of world populations, from his classic book, "The History and Geography of Human Genes" pg 136.

In summary, there is no pre-colonial record of any sailing along 95% of the African coastline...

Tom said...

So BD your theory is that "high IQ genes" reached Europe in historical times, with migrants from Africa.  Leaving the whole continent of Africa with brain drain?   Any evidence for your theory?    How do you reconcile it with the current wave of high-IQ migrants from Africa to the UK?  Did all the smart people move back from Greece to Nigeria while we weren't watching?

Your claim about history of sailing around "95% of the African coastline" is just false.   The east coast of Africa has a milennia-long archeological record of long-haul trade across the Indian Ocean, e.g. this info on Somalia.  The whole north coast of Africa has traded with the rest of the Mediterranean going back thousands of years as well.  The Atlantic coast, everybody I know of, not just Africans, was pretty late and cautious getting into that bathtub.  The Atlantic is dangerous.

Your credibility isn't looking good here BD.   Where's the evidence you said you bring?  Where's the basic googling of your basic claims, even?

Prometheus6 said...

Tom said...

Even if the 'brain drain' theory were right, and it sounds wrong to me, even then this whole discussion linking IQ and ethnicity (or whatever we're linking it to) would be totally off track.  Say some core culture of wandering smart people wandered from sub-Saharan Africa to Egypt then to Phoenician Greece, Rome, Arabia, etc., after a thousand years say revisiting Europe again.   All the time blending in with whoever the majority population was.   In that case the whole 'race' thing as we perceive it is utterly meaningless w/r/t IQ, because there's really this other lineage that we know nothing about -- except that you can't tell them by looking at their color and facial features.   Right?  So that shoots your stuff down again.

Prometheus6 said...

Pre-colonial history

The first inhabitants of present-day Kenya were hunter-gatherer groups, akin to the modern Khoisan speakers.[16] These people were later replaced by agropastoralist Cushitic speakers from the Horn of Africa.[17] During the early Holocene
the regional climate shifted from dry to wetter climatic conditions,
this provided an opportunity for the development of cultural traditions,
such as agriculture and herding, in a more favorable environment.[16]

Around 500 BC Nilotic speaking pastoralists (ancestral to Kenya's Nilotic speakers) started migrating from present-day Southern Sudan into Kenya.[18][19][20] Nilotic groups in Kenya include the Samburu, Luo, Turkana, Maasai
etc. Some of Kenya's Nilotic groups are admixed with Cushitic (Hamitic)
populations and came to be referred to as Nilo-Hamitic peoples, such as
the Samburu and Maasai.[21]

By the first millennium AD, Bantu speaking farmers moved into the region.[22] The Bantus originated in West Africa along the Benue River in what is now eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon.[23] The Bantu migration brought new developments in agriculture and iron working to the region.[23] Bantu groups in Kenya include the Kikuyu, Luhya, Kamba, Kisii, and Mijikenda among others.

Arab traders began frequenting the Kenya coast around the 1st century AD. Kenya's proximity to the Arabian Peninsula invited colonization, and Arab and Persian settlements sprouted along the coast by the 8th century. Some of the "Arabs", like in much of East Africa, were Afro-Arabs.

The Kenyan coast had served host to communities of ironworkers
and communities of subsistence farmers, hunters and fishers who
supported the economy with agriculture, fishing, metal production and
trade with foreign countries.[24] 
Around the 6th or 9th century AD Kenya switched to a maritime-based
economy and began to specialize in shipbuilding to travel south by sea
to other port cities such as Kilwa Masoko and Shanga along the East African coast. Mombasa
became the major port city of pre-colonial Kenya in the Middle Ages and
was used to trade with other African port cities, Persia, Arab traders,
Yemen and even India.[25] Fifteenth-century Portuguese voyager Duarte Barbosa
claimed, "Mombasa is a place of great traffic and has a good harbour in
which there are always moored small craft of many kinds and also great
ships, both of which are bound from Sofala and others which come from
Cambay and Melinde and others which sail to the island of Zanzibar."[26]

Big Don said...

All this is straying from the point.  Show BD some maritime intellectual property that originated in African, rather than being picked up from the higher IQ humanity further north... 

Dale Asberry said...

Really Big Don, is this all you can do? Make unbacked assertions and then expect everyone else to prove you wrong with facts. And, when they do, spout nonsense about "intellectual property"? I mean, WTF is that all about? P6 did a helluva job smacking you down -- you should be embarrassed with how little he just made you look. I think I'll start calling you Little Don now...

Tom said...

The point on this tangent, BD, covering the ground again for you, is we have several troublesome thousand-year historical periods when Europe was a neglected backwater, contributing nothing to world knowledge, off the trade routes, terra incognita.   Where'd all your smart people go?  They snowbirds or something?

Gee Chee Vision said...

Considering the point made by you and Dale about BD's irrational replies, it makes you wonder if something is amiss. It's as if he's just saying things to trigger a response; as if he is trying to induce all possible positions using juvenile youtube-esque methods. He's obviously not intending to substantiate his rational with source material. Rather BD employs trash tongs to pick-up just enough sidewalk findings that would gesture that some measure of effort has been allotted to research. Perhaps he's concealing his intentions to build an argument and his supremacists wiring allows no other way to ask about these histories other than a casual troll through the blog.

...or perhaps I'm just assuming he's more intelligent than what his posts suggest.

nanakwame said...

Bingo - Race was an irrational notion used by the children, for we had this at this point:

And then the meme that Big Don exhibits became the vicious illusion - And then Diamonds look backs and writes his book, this is why the mind is a waste when not conscious

Dale Asberry said...

Little Don is real and he's not trolling in the typical sense. He truly-down-to-the-bone believes the nonsense he is spewing. I believe it is a manifestation of "anosognosia". He is unable to see anything outside of his worldview AND he is incapable of recognizing that he is incapable.

Personally, I feel pity for him having to live with this mental defect.

CNu said...

Interestingly (to me at least) the ancient world seems to have been dominated by the dying god cults whose entheogenic initiatory banquets turn up time and again across millenia and multiple cultures. Not only did the Roman republic eradicate and obfuscate a host of precursor religions, it wiped out a considerable number of ancient libraries and when the Roman republic collapsed, its efforts in this regard were zealously taken up by the Holy Roman Church exercising (exorcising) the last remaining vestiges of pagan religion and civilization - all the way up through the reformation.

Arguably, we live in a very Romanesque republican cultural construct - which very effectively obscures our knowledge of and access to cultural formations of the past. 

Big Don said...

Now you guys be nice, or BD will ask you to explain another IQ-7o African phenomenon:  Why do villagers carry their water and other heavy loads in containers on their heads, or hanging off shoulder rods, the same way they have done it for 5000 years, instead of using wheelbarrows which would be so much easier...??

CNu said...


Looks like Big Man has been peeping your antics BD.

Dale Asberry said...

Lol, you apparently have never tried to move significant amounts of water using either pots or wheelbarrow. But I'll step out on a limb here and guess that the only significant weight you've ever moved is your own...

...Still, the smart thing, if one needed to move water, would be to move it without human or animal energy. Of course, such technology is unnecessary when it just falls from the sky right where you stand. Which, until recently, was the case in almost all of Africa. That being said, the Egyptians discovered irrigation and aqueducts too.

Only within this century have water shortages been an issue such that a person must fetch large amounts of it, and that is solely due to the importation of north African (ancient Egyptian) agricultural practices. That particular development has been very, very, very unfortunate. True, (it is thought) grain agriculture feeds more people per acre than other agricultural methods (no longer true, but the discovery of is a recent development) but comes with disastrous side-effects: exponential population growth, significant increases in water usage, and the desertification of mind-staggeringly huge areas of land. Most of the Saharan desert is directly the result of applying grain agricultural technology on marginal lands. The same is true of the entire Middle East. It is rapidly becoming true in China. Imagine what will happen in your precious U. S. of A. the day after industrial agriculture has drained the last drop of fossil water from our ancient aquifers.

Really Little Don, bring your A-game or, better yet, just STFU.

Tom said...

Gee Chee Vision,  I do see your point.  

On motivation,  CNu has linked this video in the past.   I thought it was the most  persuasive argument that came up in this short thread on the subject, shooting down the hypothesis in the post pretty well.

John Kurman said...

Well, here's an example from India. The typical woman carries 45 lbs of water on her head from a well, usually at least a mile away, sometimes as many as two, on rough terrain, sometimes muddy, rqarely on a paved road, 3-4 times a day. Little children also. All females. That acitivity can consume as much as 6 hours a day. They have a circular knotted rag they wear on their head to carry the water. They walk with a remarkable sway that allows them to spill not a drop from these balanced pots that are lidless and filled to the brim. I challenge anyone here to do that. Your average American, fat, sloppy, slow, lazy, bungling, stumbling Jumbo, would not make one trip successfully.

But, with practice, you might get better. So, once you get that down, compare to holding the same amount of weight with two hands below the waist, balanced, over rough terrain, which is sometimes muddy, in a plastic jug on a wheelbarrow, and tell me what the energy difference is. I'm betting you get a quarter mile before you have to rest your arms and hands. Do that a few times, and I think you will find that only fucking retards would choose the wheelbarrow. Simple ergonomics and backpacker's logic.

Big Don said...

You didn't understand.  You put the pots containing water into the wheelbarrow, with support to keep them from tipping if necessary, and use it to move the pots.   Move twice or three times as much water with same effort...

Uglyblackjohn said...

Ummm... BD.
"Smart" people always run from problems?

Dale Asberry said...

Here's a novel concept... try it! (Here's a clue, I already have.)

It doesn't solve the primary issue: more people drinking and using than resources can support. All due to the use of grain agriculture, a technology which we, 'genius whites', have mastered to the point it has been industrialized, a technology which is literally destroying the earth.

Other technologies exist... did LD know that the entire, lush, seemingly wild East of the Mississippi before Europeans was one huge, almost no maintenance, forest garden? Did LD know that this huge garden was cooperatively managed by thousands of Native Americans? Does LD know that several tribes in southwest Ohio created some of the first known earthworks to manage waterflow in a severe multi-century drought?

Tom said...

Have you ever met anyone from Africa?

Dale Asberry said...

Wait, did you just change the subject? Get your ass-end back over here and take your lashings like a man.

Overpopulation did not occur until grain agricultural technology was invented. Period. You have proof that shows overpopulation without the exponential growth enabled by grain agriculture? Didn't think so. EVERY human population is in exponential growth mode, including the U.S.A. The only reason we're not 'overpopulated' is due to the Native Americans slowly, patiently building up the soil for centuries before psychopathic,  exponentially growing Europeans stole it. And right now, we're literally washing their legacy away. When it's gone, you are screwed.

Just realized, LD, you're surprisingly silent about how grain agriculture was invented by Africans. Or how they invented irrigation.

BTW, have you done that wheelbarrow experiment yet? Gonna do it? Didn't think so.

Big Don said...

Yep.  They are all over the place in my locale.  Parasitic refugees from Somalia, Sudan etc have large enclaves here.  BD has a senior citizen bus pass and rides frequently.  The Af's are constantly yakking up a storm in Swahili (or WhateverTF language) on their taxpayer-funded cellfones...  One of them who actually had a job as an aide in a retirement home murdered a resident there and got caught when he IQ-70 stupidly used the victims credit card he had stolen...

Big Don said...

You actually can move liquids quite effectively in a deeper-bin style wheelbarrow.  BD, back in his less-geriatric days, once moved 5 yards of mixed concrete into the back yard from the street in a couple hours, included some up and down ramps too...

African irrigation and agriculture?  Even with all the recent extensive mentoring by the Peace Corps, they still can't feed themselves. Most of the continent would be toast without foreign aid...

Birth rates?  Smart people in the USA know when to back off, breeding rates are now 1.9 per white woman.
The problem in USA is the Hispanics currently at 4+ per woman

CNu said...

Tom, help me if I'm mistaken here, but I believe the answer he gave you is NO.  BD knows no Africans, but he vaguely knows about one who is bad, and so..., by extension - well - you do the math.

Prometheus6 said...

What kind of colonialism did Europe have going on in 500 AD?

That's the timeframe we have for Kenyan sailors.

Makheru Bradley said...

Dunce, why don't you try moving a loaded wheelbarrow on a two mile round trip, over rough, often hilly terrain, three times a day and see who delivers more water--Dunce Don (even in his prime) or the women of Afrika. 

Prometheus6 said...

Oh, and I DID give you you evidence of maritime intellectual property that originated in African, rather than being picked up from the higher IQ humanity further north. It's that Wikipedia link to Maritime history of Somalia.

Rembom said...

"vaguely knows one who is bad".  Yeah, CNu, I think that gets right at it.  "Them".

Does BD have any African born friends?  Does BD have any black friends?  Has BD EVER had either?  When you're talking about actual persons that you know, and not just some abstraction, it often changes the POV.  Prejudice feeds on ignorance.

'Course, then there's that bit about the ignorance being willful.  Sure wouldn't want to actually find a real person who both had some melanin and who you could respect.  Hell, BD might get crazy and make a friend.  But that might result in some major housecleaning in BD World, and we're just not having that, are we, BD?

Are you an old assed dog, BD, with new tricks looking like the enemy, nowadays?  That cortex you're so proud of gettin' kinda tired, not dealing so well?  Trying to keep the dreaded word "Alzheimer's" our of your head?  Might oughta seek medical attention.  Just sayin'.

Tom said...

Yeah PK Dick's characters keep zoning out and seeing ancient Rome around them, which sounds pretty much right to me. 

I dunno if I'm with you on the entheogens though, broski.

CNu said...

Aight then, you tell me what was going on in the mysteries, across time, cultures, languages, and a fairly sizeable geography - that bound all of these up together in a continuous skein of dying god symbolism, values and praxis?  

Big Don said...

(Paraphrasing y'all) "Does BD know any..."
Over the years, BD worked with several black engineers, a couple were truly brilliant - all groups have a Plus 3-Sigma region...also have a speaking acquaintance with some black neighbors who are just fine.  But groups also have a Statistical Mean and Negative 3-Sigma one black person or family can be just fine, but all have friends and relatives, who also have friends and relatives, and you don't have to expand that group very far before it takes on the average well-known characteristics of the demographic re: cognition, crime rate, OOW breeding rate, etc.  Just as a matter of routine caution and common sense risk minimization, makes sense to avoid association with that culture...sorry.  If the ROI potential is the same, best to invest in areas with the least downside risk.  It's not bigotry, it's common sense.  And if one feels his group is not getting the proper respect from society, rather than complaining to the dissers about being dissed, it would be far more effective to pressure the group to improve its statistics.

BD_Advice if you aren't already doing it.  Emphasize to your children and younger extended family members the importance of immediately dissociating ones self from any acquaintances who are involved in any activity with potential for that acquaintance to get into significant trouble.  Even if totally innocent, just by having an association, a person can come under suspicion and suffer negative consequences...

BD is too nice a guy to inquire what percent of y'alls' parents, siblings, and cousins/nephews et al  extended family have been arrested, been shot at, used/sold illegal drugs, etc...

CNu said...

African American Youth Are Treated Differently By the Juvenile Justice System According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, among youths aged 12 to 17, the rate of current illicit drug use was 11.1 % among whites, and 9.3% among African Americans. [5] In a previous year, the same survey found that white youth aged 12 to17 are more than a third more likely to have sold drugs than African American youth. [6] The Monitoring the Future Survey of high school seniors shows that white students annually use cocaine at 4.6 times the rate of African Americans students, use crack cocaine at 1.5 times the rate of African Americans students, and use heroin at the same rate of African Americans students, and that white youth report annual use of marijuana at a rate 46% higher than African American youth. [7] However African American youth are arrested for drug offenses at about twice the rate (African American 314 per 100,000, white 175 per 100,000) times that of whites, [8]and African American youth represent nearly half (48%) of all the youth incarcerated for a drug offense in the juvenile justice system. [9]
Weapons. According to the Center on Disease Control's annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey, in 2001 whites and African Americans reported similar rates of carrying a weapon (whites 17.9%, African Americans 15.2%), and similar rates of carrying a gun (whites 5.5%, and African Americans, 6.5%). [10]African American youth represent 32% of all weapons arrests, and were arrested for weapons offenses at a rate twice that of whites (69 per 100,000, versus 30 per 100,000). [11]
Assault. According to the Center on Disease Control's annual Youth Risk Behavior Survey, African Americans report being in a physical fight at a similar rate (36.5%, versus 32.5% for whites), but were arrested for aggravated assault at a rate nearly three times that of whites (137 per 100,000, versus 48 per 100,000)."The existence of much larger racial and ethnic differences in arrest rates than in self-reported violence is a matter of great concern. On the one hand, there is no reason to expect similar distributions, because these measures were designed to assess different aspects of violence. But if both measures are valid and reliable, the discrepancy suggests that the probability of being arrested for a violent offense varies with race/ethnicity."—Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General, January, 2001. [12]

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