Thursday, September 02, 2021

This Is Not The First Time The Government Was Hand-in-Glove With The Drug Industry

C-19 is a disease of the eldery and obese. And the extremely unlucky healthy people who sometimes fall prey to a novel vascular endothelial proliferation vector in the body.
Does anybody really believe vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity? As a society the young developing natural immunity would have been the preferred public health strategy. The experimental mRNA therapeutics target a single antigenic point on the virus. ONE. The spike protein.
Natural immunity targets 28 antigenic proteins on the virus. Robust immunological memory produces a vast array of Defense in Depth.
From a scientific perspective the masking/vaxxing strategy is farcical and deserving of contempt. Many Public Health authorities apparently no longer believe in evolution via immunological memory and have become Flat Earthers.
Another common sense point, most miss. Where does the virus enter the human body? Through the respiratory tract. The nose and mouth. Where is the vaccine given? In the shoulder. On the other side of the moat. Sure some IgG through the lymphatic system probably progresses to the lungs. And then wanes over time.
But the defense against infection from respiratory viruses begins in the mucosal immunity. IgAs are produced here. They are much more important in preventing infections from C-19 and other respiratory illnesses than IgG which is blood based for the most part.
Guess what? Natural immunity from infection equals robust IgA response the second time the virus tries to enter the individual.
This would not be the first time the “government” hand in glove with the drug industry used its offices to circumvent FDA oversight and safety requirements, in order to establish a national for profit health care agenda. Prior example: life time use of hormone drug replacement therapy for women.
Following is a well-researched and documented study of the long-standing government recommendations and health information campaign advocating for the multi-billion dollar hormone replacement drug industry. This government agenda fell to “science” only when its decades long recommendations were finally put to a double blind, randomized study.
Ironically, the study was intended to support official FDA approval for lifetime drug use instead of short-term symptomatic use; only to learn the very drugs were causing the very problems they had been previously telling women they would avoid if they used these drugs, and plenty more.
The template is familiar- establish a public health social agenda using an unproven hypothesis, partner with a for-profit pharmaceutical company, and actively discredit all opposition:
The Greatest Experiment Ever Conducted on Women: Exploding the Estrogen Myth (Barbara Seamans – solid health researcher with footnotes)


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