Saturday, September 18, 2021

A LOOOOONG Ways To Go Sonny Boy, But At Least He's Barking In The Vicinity Of A Tree!

medium |  One of the clear indicators of non-equilibrium processes that scientists have studied in single celled organisms is a loss of what is called detailed balance. Detailed balance is simply the sense that time is neither running forwards or backwards. In other words, a process is just as likely to move from one state in phase space to another as back again.

Thus, the trajectories through phase space that exemplify non-equilibria are those that are distinctly future oriented. They have a memory of past, and they are irreversible or nearly so. And these are also what life depends upon.

Life is able to keep non-equilibrium processes in check however. When it gets out of control, you get cancer, unconstrained growth and out of control metabolic properties. It is as if life is trying to ride a bike down a steep path and cancer is when the bike starts to careen out of control down the slope. Because an out of control process will lead to complete disorder eventually, a tangled mess at the bottom where equilibrium, i.e., death, occurs, life must maintain itself at the brink between chaos and order, between a fast decent to one equilibrium and a stand still at another.

Despite all its vast array, perhaps this definition of life as non-equilibrium processes that maintain high probability trajectories in phase space while maintaining order for a long time will provide, if not a definition, at least a measure of how alive something is. Certainly passing on genetic encoding might be included for it is another measure of persistence.

Such an achievement might also have applications. It could provide us insight into how to build technology that is more “alive” and thus able to repair itself and stop from degrading in hostile environments. This could be useful for biotechnology including medical implants. It could also have applications for space based technologies, especially those that are designed to visit distant planets and act autonomously in unknown environments. The future may not be one of steel and glass and obviously artificial machines but one where biology meets technology and technology borrows the best of what it means to be alive in order to sustain itself. What a fascinating world that would be.


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