Monday, September 27, 2021

Mr.NA Neo-Vaccinoid Mandates Put Democrats On A Collision Course With Black Americans

Phugg a Tuskeegee and ancient history. Black people have powerful common sense and clearly understand the absurdity of "protecting the protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected".  Too bad too many other folks LACK the common sense that God gave to his people. How many vaccinated are just resentful and Karenized because once you get cream-pied with that unnatural and inanimate goo, there's no getting unvaccinated....,

newsweek |  President Joe Biden's announcement of vaccine mandates, after previously vowing to not take the step, has fueled further mistrust, according to Newsome.

"I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm no Fox News-watching conservative. Many Black people are not, they just do not trust this vaccine," Newsome, who is unvaccinated, added.

The president "made a lot of promises to us around all the Black Lives Matter movement, but he hasn't taken any substantial steps on that front," Newsome said, and pointed to the mistreatment of Haitian migrants at the border.

"Black people are realizing that Democrats are almost as bad as the Republicans when it comes to their treatment of Black people," he said. "It's a very sobering feeling."

But he added: "We're fully aware that Republicans only care about Black issues when it impacts them. They were pro-police when there was BLM protests, anti-police when they stormed the Capitol on January 6."

And while he disavowed any comparison between vaccine mandates and Nazi Germany or slavery, he believes they would be used "to make Black people second-class citizens."

Forcing Black Americans to make a decision to take the vaccine or lose their job is "completely unfair... because as a Black person, I do not trust the government," he said. "The largest numbers of unvaccinated people are Black. We will truly feel the penalty of not complying."

Newsome said he would not get the COVID-19 vaccine until he can trust it is safe. "I think each individual has their own threshold," he said. "I'll know mine when I reach it."

Enyia added: "When we talk about issues of vaccine hesitancy, and we hear 'trust the science' and those sort of phrases, you just can't overlook the role that historical factors play into the scepticism and perhaps the mistrust.

"Frankly, it's condescending and a bit trite to toss it aside... because the time for trust building is throughout time, it's throughout that history. It's harder in the middle of a pandemic, to need to hurry up and convince people to trust an institution when the history has not shown that that trust has been earned. That's a very real challenge."




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