Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Politics Pretending To Be Science

Evidence says it’s fantasy implying (((1] Politics))) and ((( 2] “The Science”))) are anything but:
(((2]))) follows (((1]))).

Those were political decisions to:

1] Deem vaccination as The Final Solution, back on Jan. 15, 2020 as “worth the risk” — over and above: equal, or more resource allocation to prevention and cure.

1a] Political decision to deem “it is out of the question” to provide any Emergency Use Authorization for treatments; while before-the-fact promising those to Moderna and Pfizer neo-vaccinoid manufacturers.

2] political decision to throw billions of dollars — not at prevention and cure, rather: billions and billions creating experimental vaccines.

3] political decisions to block and malign prevention and cure, to boot.

4] political decision to “warp speed” neo-vaccinoid.

5] political decision to block, using all means, treatments.

5a] political decision to censor and block the many warnings from spring 2020 forward, ongoing and continuing: potential dangerous consequences of mass neo-vaccinoid during pandemic, such as mutations run amok, deaths, injuries, permanent disabilities.

6] political decision to block treatment, to tell the sick, already in hospital: go home until you are so ill you need hospitalization; and provide the sick ZERO treatment.

And don’t say these things didn’t happen.

7] political decision to absolve neo-vaccinoid manufacturers of all liability

8] political decision to deny superior herd immunity, and deem neo-vaccinoid immunity superior

9] political decision to bully health care providers to shut your mouths and keep them shut about adverse neo-vaccinoid effects, once they were rolled out in USA circa mid December, 2020. To shut up or else.

And don’t say this is not happening, and continues.

10] Political decisions to use narrative: covid infections bad in 2020; covid infections OK in 2021 — provided you got neo-vaccinoided.

Don’t say this isn’t happening.

11] Political decision for Biden to call Xi and Putin tyrants while extra-constitutionally attempt to mandate businesses make their workers be neo-vaccinoided, or else.

12] political decision to have so-called covid tests run at 35+ cycles knowing full well results from this are garbage. . .

13] political decision to lower this cycling when the inevitable breakthrough cases began to proliferate

13a] political decision to hide data on breakthrough cases

14] political decision to count a death a ‘covid death’ on a death certificate without evidence that it be a death DUE TO covid

15] thus a political decision to inflate death counts, irrespective of “the science” and absent evidence [just as 35+ threshold political decision to inflate case counts, irrespective of science].

16] political decision to hide data on neo-vaccinoid injuries, deaths, to American public

17] political decision to threaten doctors that use and prescribe IVM and chloroquines to their patients; and now to ban doctors from treating their patients.

Don’t say these things did not happen.

18] political decision to claim Vaccine Effectiveness = 95% for mRNA shots.

19] political decision to hide the actual VE [approaching VE=ZERO].

20] political decision to deploy military grade propaganda pushing the political decisions and wrap them in veneer of “The Science.”

21] political decision to ban children from schools, and now mask them, and now neo-vaccinoid them despite fact: risks from these shots far far far outweigh benefits

It is one thing for us old folk to be worried for our own health and security and the like.

Another entirely to throw our kids to the wolves, knowing full well we are throwing them to the wolves.

And it was a political decision NOT TO mandate any neo-vaccinoid trials on the short term and long term effects of covid neo-vaccinoid on pregnant women! This is a political and a criminal decision, perhaps.

We have no idea the risks on this essential dimension; no trials on pregnant women [the CDC terminology is “pregnant persons”].

And no one put a gun to Fauci’s head when he stated: an attack on me is an attack on science.

This very sick man in charge of COVID USA.

No one put a gun to Walensky’s head when she stated: we have hope, we don’t have data.

She, in charge of CDC?!?!

“John Tukey once said that the collective noun for a group of statisticians is a quarrel. This applies to other scientists, too.”

Among the most eminent and knowledgeable MD and scientist in USA [and among the earliest in 2020 who was censored] recently discussed his take on the perfidy: the political decisions . . . and these, from and because which: men like him were attacked without reason. He dared critique the narratives created, the political narratives dressed up as science:

“But ‘we are at war’ led to a step beyond: This is a dirty war, one without dignity. Opponents were threatened, abused, and bullied by cancel culture campaigns in social media, hit stories in mainstream media, and bestsellers written by zealots. . . .Wikipedia pages were vandalized. Reputations were systematically devastated and destroyed. Many brilliant scientists were abused and received threats during the pandemic, intended to make them and their families miserable. . . .Politics dressed up as public health not only injured science. It also shot down participatory public health where people are empowered, rather than obligated and humiliated.”


Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?