Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ron Klain Was Supposed To Mastermind The Biden Pandemic Response...,

nakedcapitalism |  I see two themes running through his speech. The first is he is betting the house on vaccines. Forget masks, forget social-distancing, etc., just everybody has to get a vaccine. And I suspect that the reason why is the weakness of the Professional Managerial Class – it is measurable. Having people wear masks and other social measures is a bit fuzzy to get a handle on. But with vaccines, it is easy. You can put that info into an Excel chart as in ‘unvaccinated’, ‘first shot’, ‘second shot’, and of course a new row soon called ‘booster shot’. You can analyze those hard figures, play with them, break them down by region, age group, etc. – all the sorts of things that managers love to do. Mask-wearing? How do you measure that? Dunno. This PMC viewpoint is also why he did not thank all the doctors, nurses, first responders, etc in his speech like he should have. Managers want it to be all about them and not to share the credit.
The second theme is that he has decided to go full divisive. He has set up those unvaccinated to be the fall-guy for all that goes wrong with America dealing with the pandemic. If things blow up, it is not the fault of Biden and his regime – it is all the fault of the unvaccinated. The pandemic is still raging next year? It is all their fault. A new variant turns up that blows past these vaccines? It is still the fault of the unvaccinated. It is a signal and a blank cheque to turn loose the attack dogs on them by all right-thinking people. They are to be trolled and harassed and are to be banned from restaurants, parks, gas stations until they get vaccinated. You could never call Biden a Unity President. And when he says his plan is ‘protecting our economic recovery’ you wonder whose economy he is actually talking about. But keeping the schools open will only ensure that the pandemic still spreads as they will be the new vector for virus spread. Suffer the little children indeed.
As for why all this was not done back in January or July, it is simple. They never had a plan going into government. I have made the point before that even though the US was in the middle of a world-wide pandemic last year with bodies stacking up, there was no task force set up to work out what to do before he went into the Presidency as he had task forces set up for other matters. Think about that. The pandemic undermined the Trump Presidency and without it, Trump would probably still be President. But yet it was not thought worthy enough a subject to form a distinct task force by Biden and the Democrats. 
I’m not sure about that; see STAT here. I believe the thinking was that Mr. Ebola, Ron Klain, was tapped as Biden’s chief-of-staff exactly because of his presumed expertise in managing pandemics. Either Klain was over-rated, or he couldn’t manage Biden (meaning he was over-rated in a different way).  


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