unz | It
seems like we woke up one day to find that, out of nowhere,
distinguishing between male and female has become illegal. In defiance
of intuition, common sense and 3rd grade biology, a number of liberal
plutocracies like Canada and the United Kingdom have legislated to
force-feed their subjects the doctrine of transgenderism, which contrary
to the idea that it is an individual choice, is always coupled with
mandates that ordinary citizens acknowledge the delusions of wealthy
narcissists and perverts.
the United States, using the incorrect pronoun or expressing suspicion
that transgender people are simply mentally ill incurs a massive
personal cost. Such expressions can get one put on a Southern Poverty
Law Center hit list, banned from the ability to use social media and
banking services, and opens one up to harassment and violence from
anarchist and radical liberal militias given vast leeway to operate by
the police.
army of phony scientists, shameless academics, politicians and activist
legal fronts, armed with unfathomable amounts of money, have been
successful in using every dirty trick to completely circumvent and upend
legislative democracy. Christopher Caldwell’s recent book, “The Age of
Entitlement,” outlines how elites have been able to use Civil Rights
precedents – where laws are decided in courts rather than by elected
representatives and referendum – to radically transform American society
by overruling the US Constitution and the will of the people.
Rights, what was originally promoted as a second “Reconstruction” that
would only impact issues related to Jim Crow in the South, has become a
parallel vein of political power, where laws and rules that impact
society as a whole are no longer tethered to public opinion or consent,
but instead decided by a small group of rich Jews and capitalists,
sometimes in the same family and playing diverse roles on the pitch to
make their grotesque and oppressive dystopia real.
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