carolynbaker | Reposted From Enformable Nuclear News
Complete transcript from Nuclear Regulatory Commission Website
Editor’s Note: This
morning I received a call from Mike Ruppert who had obtained these
documents from a Facebook reader. At this point, I see the links and
sources for this story as legitimate. The Enformable Nuclear News
website seems quite reliable. I concur with Mike who says:
It is my prayer and
deepest heartfelt wish that somehow what follows can be shown to be
incorrect. If it is correct, however, then in my estimation ONLY two
important questions remain to be asked. They are, “Exactly how much
radiation has been released and how many human beings have already been
fatally exposed and in what regions of the Northern Hemisphere?” And,
“As radiation continues to spread – especially for more dangerous
isotopes like plutonium – is this then an eventual life-terminating
release of radiation for the entire planet?”
This is not a spoof. This is not “The Onion” on steroids. If these documents are valid, we are in deep, deep trouble…CB
Tomorrow is Black Friday. A more immediate threat is the First Fuzzlim's False Flag attack(?) to get the Obamacare rollout disaster off media front pages and talk shows.... (Sort of like Sandy Hook to give his anti-gun agenda a needed boost....) Chicago Thugsmanship at its worst....
lol, tinfoil hat teatardery at its finest...., Happy Thanksgiving BD!!! (I'm so glad you exist and call attention to your beliefs, otherwise I'd be at a complete loss to make your isht up!)
You know he really isn't a Muslim. Muslims for the most part are just normal people. The rollout being a disaster is a little hyperbolic. Alex Jones is playing you for money and attention. If he believed the shit he's saying, he would have acted against the government a long time ago. Whoever allowed that boy on CNN should have the skin beaten off his backside.
Speaking of tinfoil hat wearing, we get the Alex Jones show broadcast live off this futty-as-nuck cluster - I admit that like Jerry Springer, this hot mess is a guilty pleasure of mine. Yesterday, driving down toward the Plaza, I heard a commercial on this station for this product here - which just about perfectly encapsulates the conflicted zeitgeist of these people who have enough brain power to notice writing on the wall, but not enough brain power to process workable solutions for themselves and their kith and kin...,
Alex Jones and that whole southern texas, quasi-larouchian element is easily the most ruthless exploiter of "constituent" interest of all time. Things like iodine, chlorine, and other essential chemicals that will prove highly useful and valuable around that signpost up ahead can be gotten very cheaply at a mexican grocery store or a hardware store, or a pool supply store, etc...., I think I paid $.99 for a big a bottle of tincture of iodine. Alex Jones has the audacity to charge his bumbleclot minions, $29.95 for a little bottle of tincture of iodine - bundled up under a whole lotta ingorant-assed, magical-thinking whooie standardized nano-colloidal nascent iodine. It is
manufactured with a unique transformative bio-elemental matrix using a proprietary process.
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