Wednesday, November 13, 2013

kufi on too tight....,

quoth Bro. Makheru: If all language in the locker room or on the battlefield is fair game, why don’t we hear about Black players/soldiers using derogatory terms like “crackers,” “peckerwoods,” “honkies,” or “devils?” Why is that? White supremacy?

After 1978 or so, nobody outside the pathologically identified and the perpetually aggrieved use those terms of endearment - either in the heat of anger, or, in the throes of overwrought righteous indignation. The exception is of course "peckerwood", and the all-time classic conjugation of "redneck peckerwood" - which I haven't heard comically screeched since the last time I was at the Texas state fair. When that happened, I nearly had to have CPR I was laughing so hard hearing it inveighed by one loud and bumptious rednecked peckerwood against yet another only slightly less boisterous representative of the caste.

Now, the great Sam Peckinpah was intensely fond of this particular term of endearment, and he used it whenever and wherever possible in his westerns. It turns up in both Major Dundee and in the Wild Bunch.  So Bro. Makheru, in partial answer to your rhetorical kwestin, "why don't we hear black soldiers using these specific derogatory terms" - I'ma go with the answer "you better have been a very special brand of badass back in the day to have had the nerve and audacity to say it and live to tell of it", and, in consequence of this fact, it never caught on and became popular outside a small circle of intensely identified folk who LOVE to use these terms of endearment when they gather together to reminisce about the glory days of the early 70's.

quoth Bro. Makheru: “Where men are required to depend on one another, the spoken word doesn't even come from the same psychological spigot…” That is pure unadulterated, historically revisionist, bovine excrement!

Because I'm decidedly not a team player, you won't find me representing on behalf of either the Amerireich or the NBUF..., as a species-level guy, I find it preferable to observe and assess the antics of deuterostems in more universal and powerfully explanatory ethological terms, thus my preference for "killer-ape" on the small scale, "dopamine hegemony" on the largest scale, and global system of 1% supremacy to identify the controlling minority who rules it all.

quoth Bro. Makheru: The above mentioned derogatory words all come from the same psychological spigot--the spigot of white supremacy. Epithets don’t lose their meaning, particularly when a specific epithet is repeatedly used by the same group of people with violent intentions.

As the nominal and symbolic commander of the whole and entire machinery of global supremacy, the boss is not merely a figment of the imagination. The Hon.Bro.Preznit signifies where black Americans stand in the fourth and final quarter of this game. With nothing else left to prove. Everything else is - as they say - merely conversation.


makheru bradley said...

This is another example of the devastating impact President Obama is having on the moral conscience of Afrikan Americans. How can people who have been dealing with the naked aggression of imperial white supremacy for more than 500 years, support aggression against another people by imperial white supremacists?

[Blacks have for almost six years been in the grip of a fundamentally unsettling experience for which African American history provides no defenses: the presence of a Black man at the helm of the Empire. The progressive, peace-seeking African American worldview is out of sync with the deep imperative to support the First Black President. Black skepticism of U.S. government motives is short-circuited by the fervent desire for Obama to succeed – since his success or failure is seen as Black America’s collective legacy. Black politics crumbles under the weight of this massive contradiction – which is why Black America is in its deepest political crisis since Emancipation, unable to defend Black domestic interests or to be a force for peace in the world.] --Glen Ford

Speaking of killing people, check out what's happening out your way.

CNu said...

How can people who have been dealing with the naked aggression of
imperial white supremacy for more than 500 years, support aggression
against another people by imperial white supremacists?

I'ma go with ice-cold air conditioning, khemetic beverages, refrigerators full of food, late model, fully loaded automobiles, 100+ inch flat panel teevee, sharp-dressed and listening to a prosperity preacher every sunday - life in the fin d'siecle Amerireich is good for as much longer as it lasts - and the overwhelming majority of black folks in America are as deeply invested in this dying dopamine hegemony as the most ardent teatard is invested in the psychic wages of _________________?

makheru bradley said...

Chris Rock is just one example why I refrain from using the term racism, unless I’m quoting it in a historical context. During a lecture Dr. Joy DeGruy-Leary asked her audience if Black people could be racists. Some responded “yes.” She asked how does white racism affect Black people, and the audience responded with the usual examples: “Police brutality, healthcare, housing, etc.” Then she asked how does Black racism affect white people. The audience was basically quiet, although a few people said hatred. That’s the problem with the word racism. People attempt to compare something systemic to emotions, which is as ludicrous as Rock’s script.

“The most common mistake people make when they talk about racism is to think it is a collection of prejudices and individual acts of discrimination. They do not see that it is a system, a web of interlocking, reinforcing institutions: economic, military, legal, educational, religious, and cultural. As a system, racism affects every aspect of life in a country. By not seeing that racism is systemic (part of a system), people often personalize or individualize racist acts. For example, they will reduce racist police behavior to "a few bad apples" who need to be removed, rather than seeing it exists in police departments all over the country and is basic to the society. This mistake has real consequences: refusing to see police brutality as part of a system, and that the system needs to be changed, means that the brutality will continue. The need to recognize racism as being systemic is one reason the term White Supremacy has been more useful than the term racism.” - Dr. Elizabeth Martinez

“it never caught on and became popular outside a small circle of intensely identified folk who LOVE to use these terms of endearment when they gather together to reminisce about the glory days of the early 70's.”

I doubt that the late Trayvon Martin and Rachel Jeantel (and her associates) had any awareness of the “glory days of the early 70's.”

CNu said...

Then she asked how does Black racism affect white people. The audience was basically quiet, although a few people said hatred. That’s the
problem with the word racism. People attempt to compare something systemic to emotions, which is as ludicrous as Rock’s script.

lol, the anglo-saxon is a paragon of proper organization and stolid, dependable execution. the afro-saxon has assimilated quickly and smoothly into that program and now represents both its outward and collective unconscious imperatives.

makheru bradley said...

The Hammer bullied--not hardly, although he did get knocked out--literally, in SBI. I get your point. These cats, Deacon, the Assassin, Mean Joe, Too Tall, Night Train, even the Nigerian Nightmare, were a different breed of player than Martin. Who knows if Martin's heart was ever in the game. I assume he has other options, like Myron Rolle.

Did a little word play with my youth group tonight--Black males aged 12-18. I asked what's honkie? They answered, "white people." What's a peckerwood? Same answer. I asked what did Trayvon Martin call George Zimmerman? They said, "creepy cracker." But they also said those words were not commonly used by most of their peers. For example, they said, you hear people, Black and white saying, "my nigga. You never here anyone saying my cracker." Then they told me to check out this disaster as an example of the music influencing their peers.

CNu said...

Pure.aural.peasant.pornography. My son's mouth got him in trouble a couple of weeks ago, and it was because some of this garbage that had gotten in (his head) got back out again. With an iPhone, a Nexus tablet, and a laptop - he's got full-spectrum access and I've made a point of not content filtering anything, but instead, talking with him about the choices he makes and the consequences that these choices entail. Taking a page out of Umbrarchist's shopping list, I've compiled and given him access to a terrabyte cloud discography/bibliography of what entertained and informed me when I was his age. (bittorrent and google drive are the best things since sliced bread)

Now, I've had a few years to observe what thousands of kids do with Internet access and free file storage, and as you might expect, they squirrel away stuff they "value". It's up to us to make sure they get access to more nutritious material than what is being peddled to them 24/7/365 by the pornographers and architects and engineers of cultural degeneracy. All these years later it's ironic how right C. Delores Tucker was way back in the day.

BigDonOne said...

@CNu "My son's mouth..."
It is instructive to note that in "The Emporer Has No Clothes" fairy tale, it was an observant little kid who spoke the obvious truth rather than political correctness.......

CNu said...

When in a parochial school, the output of one's mouth must conform with parochial school standards and expectations. As the primary arbiter of measured and assessed conformity (Msr. IQ-Tests) - one would expect you to be the.very.first to underscore the acute necessity of getting with the program.

Everything has ended well, but his lapse of judgement and self-restraint has brought him an exponentially higher degree of scrutiny both at school and at home than he has ever previously been subjected to. Like any other freedom you foolishly take for granted, you don't know how much you'll miss it until it's taken away.

John Kurman said...

Um, wouldn't that be 24/7/52? Terms such as cracker, peckerwood, redneck, hillbilly, etc. have little effect upon white males north of the Mason-Dixon line. Want to really wound them[me>? Call them[me> incompetent. Incompetent fuckhead even better. You know, they[me> are supposed to be masters of technology, even though 99.99% of them could manufacture a pencil if their life depended on it. No, I can do that. I watched "How It's Made".

CNu said...

lol, that's a special case of the more generalized principle or approach of undermining "authoritah" in any of its myriad manifestations. Cartman nearly perfectly satirizes this generalized expression of the id.

The formerly perfected and perennial antidote to the deadly serious delusion of authoritah has always been little Johnny Conqueroo, in any of his many Eshu-Elegbara manifestations -

CNu said...

The singularly awesome power of the word "nigger" is best summed up in by Taney's decision in Dred Scott. (ironically yet another Missouri race "innovation") In the opinion of the court, the legislation and histories of the times, and the language used in the Declaration of Independence, show, that neither the class of persons who had been imported as slaves, nor their descendants, whether they had become free or not, were then acknowledged as a part of the people, nor intended to be included in the general words used in that memorable instrument.

It is difficult at this day to realize the state of public opinion in relation to that unfortunate race, which prevailed in the civilized and enlightened portions of the world at the time of the Declaration of Independence, and when the Constitution of the United States was framed and adopted. But the public history of every European nation displays it in a manner too plain to be mistaken.

They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it. This opinion was at that time fixed and universal in the civilized portion of the white race. It was regarded as an axiom in morals as well as in politics, which no one thought of disputing, or supposed to be open to dispute; and men in every grade and position in society daily and habitually acted upon it in their private pursuits, as well as in matters of public concern, without doubting for a moment the correctness of this opinion. It is the selfsame logic seized upon by the Bush and Obama administrations in the conduct of the GWOT - which defines "suspected" enemies of the state as having no rights the executive is bound to respect.

In this historical context, what power to demean is invested in calling a man a "whip"cracker, sunburned"red"neck, honky their horns for prostitutes in the red light district, pesky woodpecker, etc...,

CNu said...

lol, welcome to the spot.

that cast easily makes this movie one of the most grandiose orgies of hokum OF ALL TIME!!!!

BigDonOne said...

...It's OK, CNu, ...If you Like your son, you can Keep him...

makheru bradley said...

An inebriated white supremacist curses one of his grandsons--Cannan. But that didn't stop Moses from marrying a daughter of Mizraim--a Black woman.

Numbers 12:1-10

King James Version (KJV)

12 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.

2 And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it.

3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

4 And the Lord spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.

5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

7 My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

9 And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them; and he departed.

10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.

"Becoming white as snow and leprous." Could be your fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ken said...

Slightly off topic, BD , thought you would like to see your genetics ideas being used in liberal circles.

BigDonOne said...

10-4 Good Buddy, it shows that way deep down under all that politically-correct BS, even the libtards understand that life outcomes are heavily driven by genetics. Even though some disease/illness potential is genetic, much of health care costs result from genetic IQ-75 choices (gang-banging, drunk driving, irresponsible sex, substance abuse, etc), genetic lack of future time orientation driven outcomes.......

makheru bradley said...

Genetic lottery winners--meaning being born white in a country constructed on a foundation of white supremacist genocide and theft. You do have to be a seriously ruthless and barbaric criminal to steal an entire continent.

ken said...

Have you considered this when thinking about what Noah's curse was?

Vic78 said...

Somebody in Hollywood has money to burn. Before I clicked I thought it was an advertisement for the 300 sequel. Oh well, the Bible thumper dollar is one of the most reliable income sources out there. I guess they figured they can't just do super heroes. The Bible has a lot of potential blockbusters with today's special effects. How do they tell that story about Abraham's wife selling poom poom?

CNu said...

10-4 Good Bro.Makheru. - of course you know that NO moral indictment of successful killer-ape ruthlessness causes a sincerely identified killer-ape to bat an eyelash? Of course you know that my indictment of the whole and entire "proxy for leftist white feminist establishment" steez is predicated on the clear-eyed understanding that the end of cheap and abundant black gold is about to set wimmins back a couple thousand years?

Any humanist gains predicated on moralizing, nagging, and whining are about to be thrown out like last week's stinking leftovers...,

CNu said...

lol, I'm thinking they do that in 3-D POV...,

CNu said...


ONLY someone who has never spent a moment's time among hamito-semitic cushite people could be so obviously mislead about the nature of the "origins" of some of the oldest people on the face of the earth. Ken, have you considered getting a passport, attending a coptic church, or just getting your hardcore eat on at an Ethiopian restaurant there in the twin cities so that you can eyeball up close and personal those euro-featured, "good-haired" africans - who sired the overwhelming majority of the world's racially pinched-off and bottlenecked human populations at the time of the last great species bottleneck?

makheru bradley said...

Of course I know this. Just trying to move the runner into scoring position.

makheru bradley said...

I’ve also considered this:

[Jewish scholar Harold Brackman wrote of the evolution of the Hamitic myth in his PhD dissertation in 1977:

“The opening centuries of the Christian era constituted an interregnum in the native African record of historical achievement separating Cush’s era of ancient prominence from the medieval accomplishments of the great Negro states of the Sudan. These same centuries formed the seedbed of rabbinic Judaism. And this fateful coincidence goes tar toward explaining why they also formed such fertile soil for the growth of Jewish lore demeaning the Negro. The most famous of these anti-Negro legends cluster about Ham and Noah’s cursing of Canaan. There is no denying that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode by stressing Canaan’s fraternal connections with Cush. The Talmudic glosses of the episode added the stigma of blackness to the fate of enslavement that Noah predicted for Ham’s progeny. According to it, Ham is told by his outraged father [Noah] that, because you have abused me in the darkness of the night,

YOUR CHILDREN SHALL BE BORN BLACK AND UGLY; because you have twisted your head to cause me embarrassment, THEY SHALL HAVE KINKY HAIR AND RED EYES; BECAUSE YOUR LIPS JESTED AT MY EXPOSURE, THEIRS SHALL SWELL; and because you neglected my nakedness, they shall go naked with their shamefully elongated male members exposed for all to see.”

ken said...

I have already argued about this topic with Nsangoma years ago. Perhaps it was even back at Black Prof. In fact I argued with Makheru years ago, probably at the same site, and at that time discussed Ezekiel 18, in which all generational curses were ended. As for your questions, I have no idea what they have to do with Biblical teaching about cursing a race.

Certainly the Biblical story has the offspring of Jacob, the Jews leaving Egypt as slaves (obviously then Egypt was not part of the curse as you all here appear to be reading it) and then going into the land of the Canaanites and pretty much killing everyone there, between Sodom and Gomorrah and Israel's almost total annihilation of the Canaanites in Canaan, there really isn't a race today that can claim a heritage to Canaan.

A good source for information would be from the religion you now find yourself attending.

BigDonOne said...

To suggest any local human events that allegedly happened 2000+ years ago, are other than distorted mythology, is totally ridiculously bogus. There was no video, no photography, few literate folks who could write/record or had the materials to even do it with, tales re-told numerous times thru evolving language "translations" via scholars having various agendas, c'mon, give me a break.

Even today, we can't get a straight answer for certain on how the Kennedy assassination went down only 50 years ago, when there is film, audio, and living eye witnesses. Why not start with *THAT* one...??

Dale Asberry said...

One of my teammates is a Coptic. Are you recommending a visit to his church?

Dale Asberry said...

Lol, Donnie's attention strays from the comment he's responding to, but he speaks to the truth of Cargo Cult Christianity

ken said...

Unless of course there is a God Creator, then the things mentioned in transcripts that can be found from over 1000 BC and agree with transcripts from 200 AD could be possible. It could be the power of this God has an interest and the ability beyond ours to document events better than our own. And to accomplish things we couldn't imagine.

As you hold unto your thoughts about eugenics and evolution, not once have I seen you consider all the virgin births that must have happened to maintain each branch of species. I have never seen you consider how many times a wolf whale or a lizard with wings that don't work yet, or all the other species that went through similar transformations would be easy open prey for other predators to gobble the defective species extinct before it manages to defect to the next step of its evolution; And yet even more amazing to have a mate available in its lifespan to reproduce with. Over and over through all the millions and billions of transitional species possible we had these miraculous stories of species preservations, and having offsprings without mates to us to the species we have today, it really is nothing short of a miracle, and this happened with no god.

BigDonOne said...

If we get your concern, there is no need for virgin births. For example, dogs from Chihuahuas to Great Danes are all one species, canis familiaris, and the differences were obtained by selective breeding and mutations. Humans did their own Selecting -OR- akin to animal cultures and Primitive Humans, a few super-studs serviced all the females. (Did James Brown really have 10,000 kids?)

There is no Heaven, Hell, or any other kind of Hereafter...know y'all don't wanna believe that, but it's supported by billions of un-refuted clearly-visible data points and pathologists' reports. When you are dead, you're are Really Dead. Just like that roadkill squished on the highway. Dead....

It's fear of the unknown. Making up a story and associated worship is just a crutch for those who can't stomach Reality. Today is Sunday!! Take that Five Bucks you were gonna put in the offering plate and buy Lotto tickets. The odds are much better for a pleasant outcome.....

CNu said...

lol, that prescription wasn't for you, and frankly wasn't in earnest for Ken, because his condition isn't remediable. I like to tease my peeps about liturgical matters because they don't pay careful attention to the various and sundry remembrances which make up the mass, and consequently, miss the gist of what they're loading into their subconscious minds.

Most bible-buddies, Ken included, have never visited and participated in enough of the liturgical goings-on at a synagogue, at an orthodox church (nevermind a coptic orthodox church), or a mosque - to have any idea of what's going on in those "services". It doesn't help matters that the going's on might be in _______________________?

What BD and Bro. Makheru each have to say on this topic, the brick that NSangoma threw into the window, and the various and sundry Talmudic contrivances and manipulations pursuant to making up a culture out of whole cloth borrowing from others is a truly remarkable thing. I don't know how anybody in their right mind, with even a passing acquaintance with the serial frauds singular to the race and ethnicity as religion of the "chosen" people could ever attempt to make lemonade out of those rotten lemons.

Vic78 said...

I wouldn't say it's unremediable.
A select few have figured it out. Is walking away due to an uncommon strength of character or can anyone do it?

ken said...

Your thoughts about the inner variances within the dog species, doesn't inform us how we got the dog species in the first place. From my causal look, it would appear there would have had to have been a number of accidental advancements with the the luck of having a mate in the lifespan of the of the defective species. After getting over the mathematical victory many many times over, then we could talk about how many of those variants on the way to the dog were vulnerable to predators during it's evolutionary journey to being a dog.

I would suspect if someone were to mathematically calculate the chances of the arrival of the dog species verses the chances the dog was created by a higher being, the chances are better for the intelligent design.

"There is no Heaven, Hell, or any other kind of Hereafter...know y'all don't wanna believe that, but it's supported by billions of un-refuted clearly-visible data points and pathologists' reports."

How is this proved? And it is coming from a guy who just got done saying we can't even figure out how John Kennedy was killed. You have no one who can confidentally say this or prove it. Just like you don't have anyone who can say anything beyond theory how we even got here.

BigDonOne said...

"doesn't inform us how we got the dog species in the first place"
Mutations, starting with one-celled thingies in the oceans. Most of the transition species gone extinct, but there are fossil records that suggest this. As soon as you postulate a Creator, then you have to explain how that Creator was created. In any case, why would such a Creator require being Worshiped? This gets into BD's First Law of Religion (posted here at least twice in recent years) ---> If there are N distinct religions, then there are at least N-1 flawed religions, and mostly likely all N. Better be sure you got the right one before investing all that time and money....

Re: Kennedy. The point is, he was/is clearly dead and has not re-appeared. Ditto Marilyn Monroe. Solid data points you can hang your hat on....

ken said...

"Mutations, starting with one-celled thingies in the oceans. Most of the transition species gone extinct"

Good, right, so from the thingy in the ocean to the dog, what would you say is the mathematical chance that with all the transitional species that took place to get to the dog, the lucky fortune was to have a male and female defective advancement in the lifespan of the defective animal to keep producing more of the same defected species to be available for the next the defected advancements finally on to the dog. And to make it less probable, how many times with non working leg stumps, and eyes and ears and mouths would the mutated species have become easy quick food for some other creature. With the defected creature being such easy prey for much of its evolution and its need to have a mate defected like it was to reproduce with in it's lifespan to reproduce, it's survival is amazing really, and then to think it happened billions and billions of times over in evolution.... it really didn't, unless there was help, if we have any hope of believing evolution at all.

" As soon as you postulate a Creator, then you have to explain how that Creator was created.'

First off I see nowhere where evolution has to explain how the very first substance began and from what, it appears you are just fine with that. Evolution must have a beginning and some type of matter to begin with, and then couldn't we ask the same question, how did that first matter evolve and where did it come from. Is there a beginning for the evolutionist? If yes, then how and with what? Obviously you can see where this is going, each thing you came up with that one substance came from we could ask this over and over. Finally we would have to consider something had to always be there without beginning. And with the chances of success to have it come into existence like it is today, it's not fringe to consider it came into being from the work of the Creator.

"In any case, why would such a Creator require being Worshiped? This gets into BD's First Law of Religion (posted here at least twice in recent years) ---> If there are N distinct religions, then there are at least N-1 flawed religions, and mostly likely all N.

Well basically yes to your equation, however if there is a Creator who existed without beginning before creating, there must be a why as to it's purpose in doing it. And once you allow Creator and purpose, then you become designed. And once designed wouldn't the next logical question be to consider for what, and for who?

BigDonOne said...

"how did that first matter evolve and where did it come from.... "
There is no explanation for that and likely never will be.
But that is not an excuse to make something up because not knowing scares you.

CNu said...

That "mutations" theory is damn near as bad as Rev.Ken's fear-inspired hokum. Upgrade your game BD - Subrealism is school for you -

BigDonOne said...

@CNu - Mutation (any change in the genes) is real, with numerous proven examples. Your Subrealism link merely details possible mechanisms. You can't just toss a recipe of "nutrients" into a kettle from scratch and have a human, or any other advanced species, pop out. The preceding evolutionary stage has to exist.

By contrast, there are Zero proven examples of Creation. BD has discussed this with clergy: when you get them rhetorically cornered, they admit, "You just have to have Faith...," which is, of course, just a euphemism for 'Belief in unverified BS'.

CNu said...

Mutation (any change in the genes) is real, with numerous proven examples. not a single one of them "evolutionary". Qualifying mutation as "any change in the genes" is so far from useful as to be obstructionist. In order for reasonable people to coexist on the fact-based rational ground - we're going to have to get past the handwavy "mystery of faith" that is your own unreformed view of genetics and heritability of traits.

Subrealism remains school for you....,