Saturday, February 09, 2013

deep disillusionment...,

enidnews | The military stresses integrity. It is apparently a lesson learned well by two Vance Air Force Base students.

An Enid church is a little richer today thanks to the integrity of Lt. Andrew Baugher, a Marine student at Vance, and Ensign Chris Dorner, a Navy student pilot.

The two were driving into Enid Sunday afternoon when they spotted a bank bag in the middle of the road.

After turning around, they picked up the bag and found it contained nearly $8,000. They promptly took the bag to the Enid Police Department

The money belongs to Enid Korean Church of Grace, 724 W. Randolph, and the bag contained $7,792 in cash and checks.

“I thought it was a wallet. We turned around and found it was a bank envelope,” Baugher said. “We opened it and found plenty of cash in there.”

Baugher said the pair did not know if the money was lost or stolen, but took it to the police department.

“I thought it was a piece of cardboard,” Dorner said. “When we passed it I thought it was a large purse and turned around.”

When the two opened the envelope, they saw the checks and the church’s deposit slip.


CNu said...

the unredacted Dorner manifesto

Ed Dunn said...

Can someone explain to me why are some people in the Black community going out of their way to condemn Mr. Dorner? Is it because they are scared of seeing Django using a whip with vengeance in fear of repercussions or they are jealous of seeing Django doing the actual whipping knowing they are too scared to do what Django has done?

CNu said...

That's it brah..., real virtue is scary'n'a'muhphukka to a system as debased, hypocritical, and vile as this one has become. If virtuous hacker children disclosing truth got these reptilians running scared, a virtuous man bringing total war must be straight up terrifying.

Ed Dunn said...

I guess no one read the last paragraph of my blog article from several months ago:

CNu said...

lol, the last two paragraphs actually. I read'em.

My perennial question revolves around the contemporary alienation from edged weapons. Turns Kevlar into swiss cheese, silent, deadly as hell, and a cat could blow the roof off the Guinness world record with a pair of heavy machetes before his arms got tired and he even thought about going gun....,

Ed Dunn said...

Wow, check out this breadcrumb...over at YourBlackWorld, someone posted the following comment:

makheru bradley
February 9, 2013 at 6:45 pm

"If Dorner is a lunatic, when did he become one?
[This story was published in the Enid News & Eagle on Nov. 5, 2002.
The military stresses integrity. It is apparently a lesson learned well by two Vance Air Force Base students." - sounds like the article here, huh...

Now the next thing you know, YourBlackWorld running some cover story about Chris Dorner giving back $8,000....interesting coincidence....

Dale Asberry said...

Too up-close-and-personal? Don't-bring-a-knife-to-a-gun-fight? Unless I've trained as an edged weapon warrior, I know I'll make too many mistakes and get put out of the situation much too soon.

Dale Asberry said...

What do you mean by "you used to be the man" tag?

Ed Dunn said...

Dale, it is apparent Chris Dorner was hanging about White people with the sole purpose of looking for validation and acceptance through their system during his college/ROTC years, in the Navy and as an officer. He was not hanging around brothas who could have schooled him better.

He did everything right, including turn in church money and he fought in wars and stayed in shape and always smiled and stood tall - notice they can't find a bad picture of the dude to put on television. He used to be the man until the system like the LAPD turned on him for being too righteous...

CNu said...

CNu said...

why we play tennis

makheru bradley said...

Ed, what the hell are talking about? Information in the public domain is supposed to be disseminated. I see Ed Dunn making the same comments at YBW you're making over here.

Ed Dunn said...

Just pointing out what appeared to be an interesting data flow. Nothing more than that. However, I keep my comments very unique for each area of the web I hang out..I'm very polite here and on YBW, other places the conversation is way more raw and intense...

makheru bradley said...

Guess what--I don't give a damn. Bro. Dunn, I don't post information to be given credit, particularly when I'm not the original source of the data. When I write articles and essays I quote the sources or use footnotes and end notes. When Im directly quoting a blogger I always give them credit.

makheru bradley said...

Before Dorner there was Mark Essex.

Ed Dunn said...

I didn't need to guess....

makheru bradley said...

Speaking of an interesting data flow I see that Bro. DeVega put up a post today at WARN titled: Hidden History: Before Christopher Dorner There Was Mark Essex, the New Orleans Sniper

Just a coincidence I suppose.

makheru bradley•4 days ago

Before Dorner there was Mark Essex.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...