Wednesday, February 06, 2013

anonymous spanks banksters...,

WaPo | Anonymous is continuing its protest of federal computer crime law. Members claiming to be part of the hacking collective Sunday posted the names and contact information of over 4,000 banking executives to the government Web site of the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center. The file is no longer available on the government Web site, which was inaccessible as of Tuesday morning.

The file was posted to the Web site Sunday night and publicized through a Twitter account associated with an Anonymous initiative called “OpLastResort,” a report from ZDNet said. The information in the file includes professional and personal contact information for bank presidents, chief operating officers and others, and log-in information. A quick check of several of the officials’ names shows they are currently employed at the banks listed in the file, indicating that the information is fairly recent. Some of the data in the file may have come from Federal Reserve computers.

The Federal Reserve acknowledged the attack in a Tuesday statement. “The Federal Reserve system is aware that information was obtained by exploiting a temporary vulnerability in a website vendor product. The exposure was fixed shortly after discovery. It is no longer an issue. This incident did not affect critical operations of the Federal Reserve system,” spokesman Jim Strader said.

The Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center did not respond to requests for comment.


Zardoz said...

If it were me I would not f*ck with those people. Wrong ankle to bite.

This is a weakness in the thinking of most ppl who complain about the "power." The "system" becomes so fictionalized in their minds that they forget real power exists.

CNu said...

Is that why "real power" is so intent on getting ahold of people's guns right about now? Because "real power" is protected by obscurity, anonymity, and a pretty thin blue and green line when it comes right down to it. And as was so aptly demonstrated last week, no matter how bad you've shown yourself to be, anybody can get got...,

Zardoz said...

I don't think anyone's taking your guns away. They love pandering to people's absurd feeling that their guns somehow protect them against government tyranny. It's a great way to hack the vote.

CNu said...

hmmph...., I believe those medievally smithed guns being turned out in the Khyber pass are doing a fine job protecting their makers against the predatory might of full spectrum domination

John Kurman said...

True, we can blame David Lloyd as completely clueless for the Guy Fawkes mask, but come on. Guy Fawkes, as I've said before, was not only a counter-revolutionary, a reactionary conservative asshole who wanted to put a Catholic monarch back on the throne of England, but even worse, a incompetent fuck-up of a reactionary conservative asshole. They might as well be time travellers from 400 years in the future wearing Rush Limbaugh masks. Can't Anonymous be bothered to do even a simple google search about their symbolism? For me, the devil's in the details. If you can't get even your minor particulars in order, why should I trust you big picture wise?

CNu said...

lol, the chirrens are not classically educated and must instead focus on source code, "sploits", and keeping it moving. I ain't mad at'em and in fact, salute and support their earnest desire to keep hitting goliath upside his melon fucking head with a round smooth stone every chance they get, and consequences be damned...., so what they only saw "V"

John Kurman said...

The difference, as I see it, is mere cleverness versus wisdom. To ignore 10,000 years of painfully accumulated experience (yes, like the story of Davy and Goliath and I don't mean the claymation series) is to pretty much to categorize someone as clueless. Rebel without a clue. Just another irritant, like so much of contemporary culture.

CNu said...

Bear with me for a second as I momentarily digress before returning to my defense of young anonymii thesis. So, when I was dismissive of the twitterping as not illustrative of a new world order, I had in mind the underlying infrastructure on which twitter and the entirety of the digital manifold depends. My disdain was perhaps premature. Inasmuch as the ego is a virtual construct riding on wetware that operated for aeons prior to its emergence, and the ego certainly effects exposures to olfactory and nutritional gradients, thence controlling the epigenetic context in which genes express, i.e., that egoic software is definitely rewriting the extended phenotype, phenotype and genotypic norms for these humans.

So also, the epiphytic constructs emergent in the social web are feeding back onto the what, why, where, and how much of material infrastructure is deployed in support of its own emergent imperatives and perogatives. As trivial, stupid, and offensive as I find the twitterverse to be, it is indeed a force to be reckoned with wrt its effects on meatspace.

So also the anonymii.

Now, I don't know how much exposure you've had to hacker culture, but its preoccupations are ever so slightly akimbo..., to the extent that one's long term avoidance of detection and capture depends on a fairly broad and deep understanding of how things work in the virtual universe, these clever younglings are a goodly bit wiser than you give them credit for. To the extent that they're non-violently carrying out the Assangian oeuvre without compensation or recognition, their wisdom and their ethics rate quite a bit deeper than you're giving them credit for. To the extent that they haven't broken anything, and I can assure you that it's easy to reach back from the virtual space into the meatspace and genuinely fuck some things up, well..., I give them high marks and high praise for adhering to a pretty straight and narrow path.

I think that when everything's said and done, this policy and praxis of disclosing truths that TPTB strenuously want to conceal, is a morally and strategically very compelling approach to world change and furthermore, that it's a much more than just an irritant.

John Kurman said...

Well, I can tell you, aside from reading about it, I know nothing, nada, nichevo about the hacker culture, but do I need to? I've seen it before, and the threat is the same that always comes from utopian social engineering, which is invalid assumptions based upon faulty and flawed data. I understand the whole sensory limiting thing about twittering and bleeping and blooping because that's the limitation of the mobile platform. It's fishing for paramecia. Getting excited or upset about the current platform content and context is big-picture silly, in that, the one thing we (should) learn from history (and prehistory) is that format wars are universally ancient, platforms come and go, but the demographics for the most part remain, and noise is always present. (In fact, noise probably helps more than hinders quantum entanglements, to mix up metaphors). This demographic is well known. They answer to a higher calling, and we all where that ends up. Once you justify your (even presently innocuous) actions as in pursuit of a higher calling, there's no end to the horrible things you can commit. Once upon a time, these nuisance kiddies looked up to a daddy named Adolph, once a upon a time, these kiddies got tired of answering to the temples in ancient Uruk, once a time, these kiddies were part of the Black Goat Cult that had a big problem with the format of hand axes, and slaughtered those who would dare use the lever. They are eventual endogenous retroviral DNA gyring like so much plastic flotsam on the fitness seascape. There's always a virulent period with them. Also, to borrow from that idiot Nietzsche, what they don't kill, they make stronger. That's the dual threat I see.

CNu said...

I'm definitely with you on the Nietzschean threat front. There's a bit of history bound up in that.

Going back to the early 90's, well prior to the advent of the world wide web, there were numerous whitepapers percolating in and around the military and federal law enforcement spaces about the risks of netwar, as it was then termed, kind of a catchall for assymetric warfare and hacking all at once. Once datasets modeling the command, communications, control and intelligence characteristics of discrete social groupings became available, and these came off of text-based interactive applications like listserves and usenet, it became quickly apparent to analysts and planners that there were a few social groupings that intrinsically exhibited higher performance/higher fidelity C-cubed-I than the military.

By definition, any such social groupings, no matter how innocuous seeming, would become the subjects of intense strategic study. Well guess who, beside muslims, exhibit these leading C-cubed-I characteristics? Give me the autistic-spectrum netkiddies over the military or sharia-loving knuckledraggers any day. Not only are we talking about a distinctive culture, but also a distinctive human neurotype, and a neurotype which spans and interpenetrates myriad other cultural, social, organizational, or institutional groupings.

John Kurman said...

Well, as a near parent of one, of several actually, since many of these a-s kiddies end up under my care and mentoring, and certainly tangentially grazing the spectrum myself, I can say that they do exhibit a near-Vulcan honesty. Which, of course, gets me back to puzzlement on the whole Guy Fawkes symbol mangling. Ah, well, I guess it ain't all that important.

Dale Asberry said...

Other things to consider with this neurotype

- they don't do this for social status, and hence, don't reveal their activities to anyone else and so don't get caught
- are quickly able to determine others that are of the same neurotype and so are able to "recruit" them safely
- the best are able to pass themselves off as neurotypical
- they are tremendously lazy, mistakes on "unimportant" stuff don't matter, e.g., Guy Fawkes being an incompetent is unimportant as long as their imagery sufficiently intimidates the nasty-mean neurotypicals

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...