Counterpunch | To reverse angles, one need not be a self-affirmed racist to have
complied with ‘red-lining’ or ‘white-flight’, only protecting your home
value as banks and tax codes made fit. In fact, a recent survey on
immigration found Americans (along with Canadians) the mosttolerant
among 27 polled countries, of non-native speakers, the unemployed,
felons, radicals, or ethnic groups, so long as they’re citizens. I’m
not altogether sold, but we might not be the irreparable bigots we
seem. According to the findings, ‘the US has a very legalistic vision of
what it is to be an American’.[i]
(Of course, Nikki Haley stood it on its head when she told the UN it
was ‘ridiculous to look at poverty in the world’s richest nation’.
Apparently just as citizenship welcomes our most-poor, it denies them
outside protection.)
Thus it’s pertinent to ask, in both cases, should we be looking at
conceptions of race and poverty, or of law enforcement and state-power
to understand mass-incarceration or the police’ rising body count?
Consider the FBI memo that invented ‘Black Identity Extremism’ (BIE)
the same time it granted them right to oppress it. ‘Racism’, in which
case, is literally a state-authored fiction, as the group only exists on
FBI records. Moreover, as with the ‘blue lives matter’ bill which makes
resisting arrest a hate crime, their (straw) premise is that racism
‘goes both ways’. I’d prefer that were true, since, as stray
individuals, we’d have limited ability to act on it. But it’s
not. Racism has a definition: prejudice plus power.
Unlike BIE, ‘SIR’ (state-invented racism) and ‘CRP’
(capitalist-powered racism) have been the constant since answering the
mixed ranks of poor in Bacon’s Rebellion with the 1705, Virginia Slave
Codes, our first official color-line. Since then, occasionally its been
lifted due to public reckoning. But it’s never been imposed without
the help of some authority, be it state, judicial, or investment
capital. ‘Law and order’ is sympathetic to profit. The Slave-trade
launched our banking system, and the plantation supplied the
organizational model for the corporate firm.ii Post-slavery, fomenting racism was and remains an indispensable strike-breaker.
This doesn’t apply only to blacks. Today, corporations open our borders to cheap, bracerolabor
that it can throw away when its worn, or dares lift its head, while
coaxing us to blame the workers. Or stuff them in jail, along with 1 in
10 African-Americans. After all, wrenching kids from their parents
precedes our deranged president.
It’s ironic though, that the free-market is putting labor in cages, like the slave-market did.
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