unz | The ‘they’ stands for
those individuals and groups in the power system who operate beyond
legal limits as a hydra-headed entity, whose coordination depends on the
project, campaign, mission, or operation at hand. Those with much power
got away with excessive extralegal use of it since the beginning of
this century because systems of holding the powerful to account have
crumbled on both sides of the Atlantic. Hence, potential opposition to
what the reality architects were doing dwindled to almost nothing. At
the same time, people whose job or personal inclination leads them to
ferret out truth were made to feel guilty for pursuing it.
The best way, I think, to make sense of how this works is to study it
as a type of intimidation. Sticking to the official story because you
have to may not be quite as bad as forced religious conversion with a
gun pointed at your head, but it belongs to the same category. It begins
with the triggering of odd feelings of guilt. At least that is how I
remember it. Living in Tokyo, I had just read Mark Lane’s Rush To Judgment,
the first major demolishing in book form of the Warren Report on the
murder of John F. Kennedy, when I became aware that I had begun to
belong to an undesirable category of people who were taking the
existence of conspiracies seriously. We all owe thanks to writers of
Internet-based samizdat literature who’ve recently reminded us that the
pejorative use of the conspiracy label stems from one of the greatest
misinformation successes of the CIA begun in 1967.
So the campaign to make journalists feel guilty for their
embarrassing questions dates from before Dick Cheney and Rove and Bush.
But it has only reached a heavy duty phase after the moment that I see
as having triggered the triumph of political untruth.
We have experienced massive systemic intimidation since 9/11. For the
wider public we have the absurdities of airport security – initially
evidenced by mountains of nail-clippers – reminding everyone of the
arbitrary coercive potential that rests with the authorities. Every time
people are made to take off their belts and shoes – to stick only to
the least inane instances – they are reminded: yes, we can do this to
you! Half of Boston or all of France can be placed under undeclared
martial law to tell people: yes, we have you under full control! For
journalists unexamined guilt feelings still play a major role. The
serious ones feel guilty for wanting to ask disturbing questions, and so
they reaffirm that they still belong to ‘sane’ humanity rather than the
segment with extraterrestrials in flying saucers in its belief system.
But there is a confused interaction with another guilty feeling of not
having pursued unanswered questions. Its remedy appears to be a doubling
down on the official story. Why throw in fairly common lines like “I
have no time for truthers” unless you feel that this is where the shoe
You will have noticed a fairly common response when the 9/11 massacre
enters a discussion. Smart people will say that they “will not go
there”, which brings to mind the “here be dragons” warning on uncharted
bits of medieval maps. That response is not stupid. It hints at an
understanding that there is no way back once you enter that realm. There
is simply no denying that if you accept the essential conclusions of
the official 9/11 report you must also concede that laws of nature
stopped working on that particular day. And, true enough, if you do go
there and bear witness publicly to what you see, you may well be
devoured; your career in many government positions, the media and even
academia is likely to come to an end.
So, for the time being we are stuck with a considerable chunk of
terra incognita relating to recognized political knowledge; which is an
indispensable knowledge if you want to get current world affairs and the
American role in it into proper perspective.
Mapping the motives of those who decide “not to go there” may be a
way to begin breaking through this disastrous deadlock. Holding onto
your job is an honorable motivation when you have a family to maintain.
The career motivation is not something to scorn. There is also an
entirely reasonable expectation that once you go there you lose your
voice publicly to address very important social abuse and political
misdeeds. I think it is not difficult to detect authors active on
internet samizdat sites who have that foremost in mind. Another possible
reason for not going there is the more familiar one, akin to the denial
that one has a dreadful disease. Also possible is an honorable position
of wishing to preserve social order in the face of a prospect of very
dramatic political upheaval caused by revelations about a crime so huge
that hardly anything in America’s history can be compared to it. Where
could such a thing end – civil war? Martial law?
What I find more difficult to stomach is the position of someone who
is worshiped by what used to be the left, and who has been guiding that
class of politically interested Americans as to where they can and
cannot go. Noam Chomsky does not merely keep quiet about it, but mocks
students who raise logical questions prompted by their curiosity,
thereby discouraging a whole generation studying at universities and
active in civil rights causes. One can only hope that this overrated
analyst of the establishment, who helps keep the most embarrassing
questions out of the public sphere, trips over the contradictions and
preposterousness of his own judgments and crumples in full view of his
The triumph of political untruth has brought into being a vast system
of political intimidation. Remember then that the intimidater does not
really care what you believe or not, but impresses you with the fact
that you have no choice. That is the essence of the exercise of brute
power. With false flag events the circumstantial evidence sometimes
appears quite transparently false and, indeed could be interpreted as
having been purposeful. Consider the finding of passports or identity
papers accidentally left by terrorists, or their almost always having
been known to and suspected by the police? What of their death through
police shooting before they can be interrogated? Could these be taunting
signals of ultimate power to a doubting public: Now you! Dare
contradict us! Are the persons killed by the police the same who
committed the crime? Follow-up questions once considered perfectly
normal and necessary by news media editors are conspicuous by their
How can anyone quarrel with Rove’s prophecy. He told Suskind that we
will forever be studying newly created realities. This is what the
mainstream media continue to do. His words made it very clear: you have
no choice!
A question that will be in the minds of perhaps many as they consider
the newly sworn in president of the United States, who like John F.
Kennedy appears to have understood that “Intelligence” leads a
dangerously uncontrolled life of its own: At what point will he give in
to the powers of an invisible government, as he is made to reckon that
he also has no choice?
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