Guardian | The ripple effects of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy have led
to a civil war in the Republican party. But they have also had the
unexpected consequence of leading to a subterranean civil war within Anonymous, the mysterious hacking collective.
Most of the political operations targeted by Anonymous – including
the Church of Scientology, Isis and the KKK – have instigated some level
of internal dispute among people claiming to be part of Anonymous. But
when the group announced
their next target would be the Trump campaign, it set off the most
heated debate yet within the movement – which has no leader and no
specific set of aims.
Many disavowed the anti-Trump operation as being counter to
Anonymous’s tradition of not taking sides in political contests. (A previous operation
against Trump was similarly derailed, albeit on a smaller scale, when
another hacker calling himself Black Mafia wrested control of the
Twitter account.)
Others have even alleged the movement is being hijacked by either
campaign operatives or activists trying to co-opt Anonymous for their
own political ends. On 15 March, a video was released.
“We are feeling deeply concerned about an operation that was launched
in our name – the so-called Operation Trump,” says the video, which, in
classic Anonymous style, is narrated by a disembodied computerised
“We – Anonymous – are warning you about the lies and deceits pushed under our banner,” the voice continues.
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