Sunday, June 15, 2014

the effects of deception in social networks

arvix |  Honesty plays a crucial role in any situation where organisms exchange information or resources. Dishonesty can thus be expected to have damaging effects on social coherence if agents cannot trust the information or goods they receive. However, a distinction is often drawn between prosocial lies ('white' lies) and antisocial lying (i.e. deception for personal gain), with the former being considered much less destructive than the latter. We use an agent-based model to show that antisocial lying causes social networks to become increasingly fragmented. Antisocial dishonesty thus places strong constraints on the size and cohesion of social communities, providing a major hurdle that organisms have to overcome (e.g. by evolving counter-deception strategies) in order to evolve large, socially cohesive communities. In contrast, 'white' lies can prove to be beneficial in smoothing the flow of interactions and facilitating a larger, more integrated network. Our results demonstrate that these group-level effects can arise as emergent properties of interactions at the dyadic level. The balance between prosocial and antisocial lies may set constraints on the structure of social networks, and hence the shape of society as a whole.


ken said...

I like the subheading of the Atlantic article.."A guide to how the militant group overrunning Iraq wins hearts and minds."

I think they left out if your mind and heart isn't won over, and you are under their rule probably your mind and heart has expired. If we can believe the New York Times, it seems the group is bragging about things that might make cities they plan on visiting a little more aggressive and ready to meet them with more tenacity then they have been coming against now. I know if my options were to have captions mocking me with my hands tied behind my back walking to be executed, or fighting to the death I suspect I would find every possible way to fight until death. If this is truly Isis bragging, it seems like a very stupid strategic move. They would have been far more ahead quietly killing the opposing minds and letting puff pieces from the Atlantic amplify the positives.

Ed Dunn said...

ISIS is making a very strong statement to the Sunni who decided to create a bougie society that discriminated and looked down on Shites instead of equality. All you seeing here is the same thing other repressed groups done from 1950s Cuba to 1960s Algeria to the Viet Cong and the 1980s Taliban. This is not random acts but the Art of War of winning hearts and mind while bringing terror to the soldiers of status quo.

This was a very good strategic move on ISIS - it let the Iraqi soldiers know they can be lined up and get dropped like baby seals up in the North Pole. So that demoralize and allow ISIS to take over cities more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, the United States cannot deal with boots on the ground insurgency nor can the Iraqi government. This is the field the Iraqi government sowed and I don't know if there is a way out if the hearts and minds are already won.

arnach said...

"...lying appears to be surprisingly common among humans... although the distribution was highly skewed (23% of all lies were told by 1% of individuals, and half of all lies were told by 5% of the respondents)"
based on studies of self-reported lies.

Thanks for the interesting read, CNu, and HFD.

ken said...

I am not so sure, they also let it be known, there is no way you are going to live if they are in power. It's not like you can side with them if you are known to be part of the government or Shiite you will be dying an undignified torturous death. That's going to raise the level, and right now Isis has won because the level is low. And a little fear I suspect will mean the newly energized opposition with numbers won't mind some collateral damage as they fight back.

Ed Dunn said...

ken - is the goal moreso to destablize the status quo or create a new government. I think ISIS is effectively sending the message all revolutions make clear - the status quo has to go. Really that is all that is necessary, the rebuilding part can happen some other time.

ken said...

We'll have to see, it looks like they are attempting a new state to me...

It's strange times, my guess is in Syria we were backing this group, and now we are thinking of stopping them.

BigDonOne said...

In the title of this post, (quick cleanup of hoods and trailer parks) considering the current ISIS activity in Iraq, is Subrealism actually [OMG] suggesting that the slaughter of 'dysfunctionals' might be appropriate...??

CNu said...

lol, how could i ever do such a thing, and neglect to suggest starting with you first?

makheru bradley said...

“COINTELPRO success is due to snitches and weak organizations… there is no lesson from COINTELPRO except we had some weak "pro-black militant" organizations...they were too dense in their inflated ego to fight off these infiltrators.”

Your superficial analysis exposes your limited knowledge of the program, and your disparaging attitude towards the targets of COINTELPRO (Malcolm X, Martin King, Bunchy Carter, Fred Hampton, Assata Shakur, Dhoruba Bin-Wahad, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Jalil Abdul Muntaqim, etc.) is what we’ve come to expect from the pied-piper of anti-Black thought. Malcolm and Dr. King “were too dense in their inflated ego to fight off these infiltrators.” The imbecilic incantations of the pied piper never cease to amaze.

Every movement in history has had its traitors. Some Jews fought in Hitler’s military. The presence of spies was nothing unusual or exclusive to Afrikan American organizations. Certainly Gene Roberts, William O’Neal, Louis Tackwood, Marrell McCollough, and others had a devastating impact on our movement. They are one reason why many brothers and sisters went underground to form groups like the Black Liberation Army.

There is no way our enemies could have gotten all of my personal and family history through snitches alone. This history included my father’s military service record, my mother employment history, and my high school and college transcripts. And it’s not like I was H. Rap Brown. Information gathered was shared across various government entities. A military recruiter who was badgering my mother to get me to volunteer became very angry with her when he suddenly “discovered” that I was a Black militant (his words to my mom). The recruiter accused my mom of wasting his time because she did not inform him of my political activities.

“These groups like al-Qaida and ISIS and Occupy and Anonymous nowadays are not weak snitches hiding behind Afrocentric cosplay…” LOL Bin-Laden is dead because of a snitch, and Occupy’s loose organization that operated on compartmentalization guided by ideology did not prevent it from being crushed.

However, the piper is correct on one point. There are no lessons to be learned by people who don’t know history, and are not willing to study history before going off half-cocked.

Ed Dunn said...

In a fantasy world, rhetoric would equal results but in the real world execution is real and effectiveness is measurable. Not discussing public records which is nothing more than self-snitching nor discussing Jews in WWII or bin laden who had a $25 million bounty. We are specifically talking about social data manipulation which is the creation and manufacturing of facts..way above some COINTEL program.

I'm pretty sure you have romantic stories to tell about the COINTEL years but then again...

makheru bradley said...

Facts cannot be created. Keep that in mind the next time you attempt to revise history.

Ed Dunn said...

No one is revising history..seems like there is this attempt to make irrelevant history relevant. Your whole angle is hoping someone gives a shit..nothing to do with facts or progress or results...just be honest.

CNu said...

Your whole angle is hoping someone gives a shit
Your whole angle is hoping someone gives a shit
Your whole angle is hoping someone gives a shit

lol, and unless your name is Kanye West, and you've got 4 days to squander on photoshopping a picture for instagram....., we won't even look in the direction of how profoundly emasculated that whole and entire approach and its whole and entire constituency - is bound by definition to be.

WWABD? (what would Adu Bakr do?)

CNu said...

We should look into printing up some of those bracelets, find out how much they are, and whether we could pack several sea containers full and get a decent markup on them in all the bazaars in every predominantly Sunni country in the world....,

Ed Dunn said...

IKR and as I talked about in February we see people in Ukraine getting lit up by gunfire, people in Bangkok getting lit up by gunfire and the Arab Spring getting lit up by gunfire to go for their liberation and we got characters wanting to express their pssy opinion and avoid battle scars at the same time and want others to care. We watching people in Brazil fighting hard over FIFA and they going door to door gunning poor brown people out..I think you get my point.

But back to ISIS, USA pretend to be on the rebel side, then broker a deal with Russia blinking over the chemical weapons. Did ISIS donned black berets and put their fist in the air? No they went into Iraq and show they can fight in two areas and destabilize the whole region and bordering neighbors. But yet I'm supposed to give a shit about some era where cats couldn't fight off cops in the militant fashion they proclaim and spent the next 40 years romanticizing that ish...

CNu said...

The two videos below comprise are the bookends of the sum total results of the movement. 30 years of effort just spiraled down the drain and with no possible hope of recovery. First, watch Conrad Worrill explain why and how the "movement" has failed in Kansas City and is a microcosm reflection of the failure of the movement as a whole. This is classic Bro. Feed material here, straight from the horse's mouth. "politics is everything" first NBUF took over the board, then approved this contract"

Then, when the political screw turned, and NBUF lost those board seats, it lost that contract quick, fast, and in a hurry. Throughout the whole ordeal, the kids who were, are, and should always be the primary constituents were never brought to the measurable achievement levels that NBUF claimed. I would sincerely lament the loss of the African centered education collegium if they ever produced the 85% levels of competency in all the core subjects that is professed in the first video - but that isht never happened!

So, long and short of it, the Movement failed to serve its primary constituents, and instead functioned as an underperforming full-employment program for cronies, and, couldn't even keep its books straight enough to survive an audit. But how you gonna keep your books straight if your chief operating officer is the exact same dude who FUBAR'd the HEDFC - again - unable to account for $1 Million?!?!?!?!

This Movement hasn't been undermined by traitors or a dedicated political nemesis so much as it's been undermined by thieves and incompetents peddling poverty programs that don't do what they profess to do. Jack Webb not having it!

makheru bradley said...

“No one is revising history…” I was wrong. You are just ignorant of history. What “weak organization” has been declared “without question, ... the greatest threat to internal security” of the United States? What other mass-based organization has been formally targeted by the United States government for total destruction?

“seems like there is this attempt to make irrelevant history relevant.” You are attempting to make something that is irrelevant to you, irrelevant to history, which is just ignorant.

“There are 361 institutions of higher education with formal units in Black Studies and an additional 999 institutions of higher education with courses in Black Studies that are offered by other units.” Obviously, it's not irrelevant to many people.

“Your whole angle is hoping someone gives a shit.” My angle confronting people who consistently defame the character of Afrikan people. You’re more concerned with vanity, which I’ve never given a damn about.

“Did ISIS donned black berets and put their fist in the air? No they went into Iraq and show they can fight in two areas and destabilize the whole region and bordering neighbors. But yet I'm supposed to give a shit about some era where cats couldn't fight off cops in the militant fashion they proclaim and spent the next 40 years romanticizing that ish…”

That has to be one of the most ridiculous analogies ever. Comparing a group which owes its existence to the Anglo American destabilization of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, to a group deliberately targeted to destruction by the most powerful government on the planet. This horribly flawed analogy reveals why the study of history is so important. Let’s be clear. There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq under Hussein. What became modern day Iraq is a product of the British Mandate of Mesopotamia which forged Kurds, Sunnis, and Shias under one government. If you think ISIS is going to conquer the Shia areas of Iraq you are completely out of your mind.

Finally, it’s very easy for armchair verbalists to criticize people who actually engaged in struggle and confronted power face to face, since they don’t have that experience.

Ed Dunn said...

To satisfy your futile and worthless contribution to Black History Makheru and those you name drop around you as having "black conscious", I'm pretty sure you badly want to believe someone like me is not doing anything but talking on the Internet. Reducing yourself to ignorance and trying to claim what I'm about is not a strategy - it's desperate.

Over and over again you use deflection, you try to make awkward analogies and comparisions but damn, I'm not seeing actionable. Honestly, you just a conversation and your commentary is just that..not progress, not results but commentary.

What gets me is this quiet assumption that you own history or know history, well history don't mean anything if you didn't launch a platform with effective results from the history you learned. Anything can talk for the next 25 f*cking years about history homey, building a platform off that history is what gets you to the next level.

I'm pretty sure the guy in Iraq can tell you a whole bunch of damn history of when Saddam first took over and all the foul ish. But it seems to me the guy in Iraq is learning from the past and formulate a present-day strategy - something you Makheru has yet to demonstrate any comprehension of as you keep playing the broken record of "black thought" and "black conscious" which is nothing but a worthless ass opinion that aged too long that it smells like a rotting carcass to the current black youth..

Ed Dunn said...

I'm beginning to see what's going here - i missed the whole afrodemica element.

Only in afrodemica is where black studies sit around sucking off the teat of corporate college/public taxpayer funding and have the luxury and imagination these "black consciousness " have value. I would say ivory tower but don't want to use that term to offend my black conscious brothas.

Well how about that? Kalinga 1960 black radicald homies who didn't get post office jobs ran into the college campuses to the world of afrodemica...

That a hell of a lot of brash cojones to come after a real world STEM brothas like me...

CNu said...

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. My mentor, Leon Dixon, mathematician and pioneering programmer and founder of the Learning Center has told me on more than one occasion what the nationalists, black consciousness, NOI, politicians, and other breath and britches contingent told him he could do for them. Whereupon they ushered him into their makeshift mail rooms, showed him a pile of envelopes and some stamps and told him he could get busy.

Nothing has changed substantively since that era and it shows in every single aspect of the 2nd/3rd line inheritor, gatekeeping, and wannabe mau-mauing establishment. Buncha useless cosplay, whole lot of moralizing and pontificating and ultimately, hoping that somebody gives a shit. For the life of me, I've never seen so much trumped-up indignation paired with so little practical know-how and gumption to do anything about it - and it shows on.every.single.MLK Blvd in the United States....,

makheru bradley said...

"You use deflection, you try to make awkward analogies and comparisions but damn, I'm not seeing actionable. Honestly, you just a conversation..."

Deflection occurs when a person is incapable of responding to another person’s rebuttal of that person’s argument, so they either ignore the rebuttal or they respond with a tangential argument. Case in point my rebuttals to your statement: “COINTELPRO success is due to snitches and weak organizations…” One of my rebuttals to that statement: What “weak organization” has been declared “without question, ... the greatest threat to internal security” of the United States? What other mass-based organization has been formally targeted by the United States government for total destruction? Dunn’s response to that point--deafening silence. And that’s just one example. No need to rehash all of them.

“you try to make awkward analogies…” Here is a person uplifting a group of people who are cutting off the heads of people, using that group to disparage the Black Panther Party, and he says I make awkward analogies. ROTF

I’ve posted my actionables here on numerous occasions since Bro. Nulan started this blog, as he recently acknowledged: “You have more going on on your little ‘each one-teach one’ urban garden there in Charlotte, than the whole and entire "nation" of Islam has on its miles of acreage in Georgia.” While I doubt the veracity of that statement, it acknowledges an actionable--teaching young men to feed themselves.

“I'm pretty sure you badly want to believe someone like me is not doing anything.” Psychoanalysis is way out of your league. I wouldn’t waste one second of my time believing any such thing about you. I’m simply responding to your comments which I consider to be a defamation of the character of Afrikan people. If you are doing anything other than denigrating Afrikan people, then more power to you.

“What gets me is this quiet assumption that you own history or know history…” Nobody owns history, but I do know something about the history of Afrikan people.

“it seems to me the guy in Iraq is learning from the past and formulate a present-day strategy…” Whew… You’re calling exploiting thousands of years of sectarian hostilities “a present day strategy.” SMDH

OBTW, Muqtada al-Sadr has returned to Iraq from Iran. Let’s see of ISIS’s Sunni allies, the Military Council, and the Naqshbandi movement want to take on the reformed Mahdi Army in Shia territory, or if they will be satisfied trying to hold on to the Sunni Triangle. Either way you cut it, the Bush/Neocon political strategy has made one helluva mess.

makheru bradley said...

I'll send this over to Conrad and see if he chooses to respond. "Black nationalism was soundly and permanently defeated. It's not coming back, ever." How would you know? I seriously doubt that you go where these people are.

CNu said...

lol, not any more. Be sure to send him a donation too. Breath and britches is not a self-sufficient occupation.

Ed Dunn said...

What I'm looking at is an ineffectual strategy of believing the best rhetoric and convincing argument wins - that is your parameters and all you seem to stay stuck on Makheru. You think the last word shows resilience or the most rationale or psuedo-rationale statement carries weight. This does nothing but proves my point that you are looking for someone to give a shit.

Your actions are actionable? You most likely name one thing "you doing" that is an extension of your ego - urban garden? You mean using public space to not do commercial development but to grow some carrots and you think that something to brag about? I bet you feeling real contributory to urban society creating an urban garden, the biggest use and waste of urban space ever invented. What, I'm scared to do or incapable of creating an urban garden, pouring dirt and planting carrot seeds in the hood and let the old farts come out and water them and pick them when they ripe?

No turn the tables - everything you can do or claiming I can do - now when you can impress me or the rest of black america with your STEM skills to empower and change people and have the funds to make real things happen worldwide, then you can step to my level with more than an attitude and words - I actually worked to contribute something worthwhile, you believe you can talk and convince like you doing now.

Yeah, I really salute you and your carrot and green urban impressive...

makheru bradley said...

Ed Dunn RIP: an implosion due to self-hatred. If you happen to make it to CLT before you implode stop by our school.

The Jiu-Jitsu class can always use another punching bag.

CNu said...

Gentlemen, enough feuding, fussing, and fighting already. Ed is the least self-hating cat I know of online, and frankly I share his disdain for the Movement which went nowhere and whose manifest and manifold failings I am a first hand witness to.

When you hollar at your boy Conrad in Chicago, be sure to ask him why NBUF couldn't contribute one red cent to the plight of its flagship african centered collegium here in KC, given the many long years of dues-paying and props-giving that this community has done for that lame-assed organization. Also, please ask him what's wrong with his national organization website?

Maybe if he had the support of some young STEM cats, instead of peddling that baba yaga okey doke - his inner city studies would've born at least a little productive fruit by now..., mebbe if he even just knew how to use facebook or blogger he could get his tired shit together?

makheru bradley said...

I agree, it was taking on the character of Nulan vs Fisher, and we don't need that.

makheru bradley said...

We all have things that we disdain. I disdain white supremacy. I disdain the defamation of the character of Afrikan people. Over the past 4 centuries Black Nationalism has taken various forms and strategies. Various movements (Garvey e.g.) have been taken out of their development due to external pressure and internal contradictions. Nevertheless, it resonates in the hearts of many Afrian people, and I'm convinced it will reemerge even stronger, having learned the lessons of the past.

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WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...