Saturday, June 14, 2014

not just liminal perspectives, but a genuine science of consensus reality

Ed points directly toward the essence of the thing

The DoD does not care about the ideology; their efforts are all about communication patterns and cluster detection for - as they put it - "warfighter-relevant insights". They want to figure out the social media communication path to spread word of mouth to predict the creation of pop-up protesters and flash mobs. They also want to to quickly identify influencers, or, as they put it " individuals mobilised in a social contagion" - I really love the word contagion because the goal is to quickly marginalize/neutralize the contagion.

The problem - and what is scary - is not only the DoD wants to do this, everybody's commercial operation in the world wants to do this. This is being studied for political strategy, this is being studied for consumer product marketing and being studied for social media marketing. So there is a concerted effort worldwide to be the first to be able to master this science so governments and corporations can predict social contagions.

Now, this falls back to the Elliot Rodger mass shooter - if they are looking to detect social contagions, wouldn't it be feasible to manufacture a social contagion? This is what I referenced earlier through the behavior modification drugs - what if someone can find someone who has charisma to lead others and help them as an invisible hand?

It doesn't matter - according to some, I'm supposed to be worried about what happened in the 1960s with COINTEL, act like an emotional seperatist from Amerikkka instead of concerning myself with socio-bio data manipulation patterns and practices that are manifesting itself in real-time.


BigDonOne said...

Good website for some serious liminal "consensus reality" .... (updates often)

CNu said...

Go take Mrs. BD shopping or something....,

umbrarchist said...

6 decades of buying into slavery for worthless assets.

The Economic Wargame is a continuation of the Military Wargame by other means.

Why is mandatory double-entry accounting such a difficult idea? But no, we have a dumb system of everybody competing with everybody else over bullshit. My car is better than your car when both cars are junk.

CNu said...

We think that a template, personalized image, and theme is what you need for your very own situation. - What think you?

umbrarchist said...

I remember sitting in my bosses office while he talked about whether or not he should lease a Porsche. I really didn't mind it too much when he wanted to play status games with stereo equipment. At least that isn't boring technology like cars.

But I think my Vandersteen 2ci speakers sound really good. But do power amplifiers sound any better today than they did in the late 70s?

There are plenty of things that cost a lot and impress "some" people but are not worth crap to people who understand the products. They depreciate regardless.

Ed Dunn said...

I didn't catch the earlier comments but I have a feeling there is some kind of comparison of inner city violence (based on tensions, etc.) versus agent-based social data manipulation which is what the DoD and others are really after. Not the same problem and does not have the same solution.

makheru bradley said...

“I'm supposed to be worried about what happened in the 1960s with COINTEL, act like an emotional seperatist from Amerikkka…” It is absolutely guaranteed that the national security state is applying the lessons it learned from the COINTELPRO era to its operations today, but this dude is suggesting that those lessons are irrelevant. SMDH Thank goodness not everyone believes such nonsense.

[All across America, from Florida to Colorado and back again, the country's increasingly militarized local police forces are using a secretive technology to vacuum up cellphone data from entire neighborhoods – including from people inside their own homes – almost always without a warrant. This week, numerous investigations by major news agencies revealed the US government is now taking unbelievable measures to make sure you never find out about it. But a landmark court ruling for privacy could soon force the cops to stop, even as the Obama administration fights to keep its latest tool for mass surveillance a secret.]

CNu said...

We were sitting around chatting after breakfast this morning and the peoples were talking about that sovereign stand-down and how unprecedented that is. This lead to talking about the law, talking about how getting served with a civil suit by an esquire (from the sidekick servant of a knight (squire)) is a pre-cede-ent to getting served with the state's monopoly on "legitimate" violence etc..., folks typically don't like to wade through the inimitable hypertiger's lessons, but there's so much useful history we were never taught in school and which is never highlighted in the mainstream

The DoD and the militarized police apparatus is the protective organ of legitimate violence and the powers that be. What the peasants do to one another doesn't matter one damn bit, until and unless they mess with somebody's property.

Ed Dunn said...

COINTELPRO success is due to snitches and weak organizations that had inside no way of telling who was a snitch except mumbling about threats of retaliation. So there is no lesson from COINTELPRO except we had some weak "pro-black militant" organizations that had too many snitches, informants and undercover agents in their midst and they were too dense in their inflated ego to fight off these infiltrators.

These groups like al-Qaida and ISIS and Occupy and Anonymous nowadays are not weak snitches hiding behind Afrocentric cosplay, they are loose organizations that operate on compartmentalization guided by ideology. Your [] message is a reflecting of the new strategy of communication interception and data manipulation and has nothing to do with a simple COINTELPRO that only worked because of ineffectual black militants more interested in being seen than being effective.

Musk To Rehire Marko Elez

WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...