Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hizmet: the Gulen Schools Movement

Townhall | The charter school movement was presented to the American people as a way to have more parental control over public school education. Charter schools are public schools financed by local taxpayers and federal grants.

Charter schools are able to hire and fire teachers, administrators and staff and avoid control by education department bureaucrats and the teachers unions. No doubt there are some good charter schools, but loose controls have allowed a very different kind of school to emerge.

Charter schools have opened up a path for foreigners to run schools at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, without much news coverage. One of the few breakthroughs in the media was a June 7, 2011, front-page article in The New York Times, which carried over to two full inside pages, about the many charter schools run by a secretive and powerful sect from Turkey called the Gulen Movement.

Headed by a Turkish preacher named Fethullah Gulen who had already founded a network of schools in 100 other countries, this movement opened its first U.S. charter school in 1999. Gulen's schools spread rapidly after he figured out how to work our system and get the U.S. taxpayers to import and finance his recruitment of followers for his worldwide religious and social movement.

The Gulen Movement now operates the largest charter school network in the United States. It has at least 135 schools, teaching more than 45,000 students in at least 26 states, financed by millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars a year.

The principals and school board members are usually Turkish men. Hundreds of Turkish teachers (referred to as "international teachers") and administrators have been admitted to the United States, often using H-1B visas, after claiming that qualified Americans cannot be found.

In addition, the Gulen Movement has nurtured a close-knit network of businesses and organizations run by Turkish immigrants. These include the big contractors who built or renovated the schools, plus a long list of vendors selling school lunches, uniforms, after-school programs, web design, teacher training, and special education materials. Fist tap Big Don.


guest said...

Would you think for a second these might be wrong, Gulen movement is peaceful and just the right interpretation of Islam in America.I would read some articles here:
or I would check this web site:
Truth may sometimes be different than we think or believe.

CNu said...

Thanks for posting. I have no information one way or another, and consider both the source (Townhall) and the specific informant (Big Don) to be about as biased as possible in their respective coverage and interpretation of the topic.

Big Don said...

Right.  9-11, Sharia Law in Michigan, et. al., it's all just an optical illusion...

CNu said...

Hmm..., if I recall correctly, that 9-11 binnis was Saudi Wahabi and if I had to guess, any move for Sharia in the U.S. is likely rooted in the same foundational influence and financial backing.

I'm not seeing any such skeleton bones in hizmet's closet

Big Don said...  "99% of the Turkish population is [Fuzzlim]"  Islam is the largest religion of Turkey. No Fuzzlim can be trusted....

CNu said...

lol, "conservatism" is racist, tribal white identity politics no conservative can be trusted...,

Gee Chee Vision said...

"Tribal white identity politics" I suppose that would sum them up.

Gee Chee Vision said...

A fair  point BD. I mean in the early forties it was said that blacks
were buying up all of the icepicks in the state of North Carolina
awaiting a blackout to launch their secret attack. That wasn't an
optical illusion at all. I'm sure however those plans were thwarted because our
national security cracked the black telepathy code.

Big Don said...

You say your daughter is planning to marry one...??

Gee Chee Vision said...

That's what I'm talk'n Big D. You're 'bout the cause too. So let's connect and bring down these statistics here at home base  then if we're not too exhausted we can skate over to Toronto and bumrush them jokers. Whachu say?