Thursday, September 08, 2011

do the kochs want to end public education?

Video - Why do the Kochs want to end public education.


Tom said...

'Multiculturalism' is just the real world.  (The clip may not be, but the basic fact staring us in the face is that not everybody is Ward Cleaver.  Sorry BD!)   People are up in arms politically against the real world.    It gets back to brotherbrown's comment on the Ayn Rand stuff, we are all consuming too much FICTION.  Beyond multiculturalism, even, the real enemy is reality in all its phases.

Tom said...

Umbra, I'd help out compiling a list.  I bet a lot of people would.

Tom said...

Sorry, there is an alternative to 'multiculturalism,' it's genocide.    We may have one in that camp here.  But anyone opposing both ideas is really still on the fence.

CNu said...

Put up a google site (free) use google books (free) work with the chicago public libraries and schools (free) and turn on ad sense and harvest your views and clickthroughs (profitable) and let us know where to go to chip in and visit and assist.

Ev erything else is merely conversation...,

nanakwame said...

Just look at Euro-Americana and Afro-Americana 
They use codes to eliminate who they don't want. We have been at this for awhile now. America has broken its public sphere in many basic services.,9263,7601900409,00.htmlAs a great bluesman once said, America was always a creole nation. This is why what we are witnessing is near the panic of bigots and so-called "Originalist"  and very precarious. 

Dale Asberry said...

And that is the crux of the problem, right there... "I bet a lot of people would."

Which people are allowed? What if someone fully qualified with a list no one else has is excluded? Who decides what books get added? What if it's not a book? What if only parts contain valuable information and the remainder is junk? Finally, what if people don't read from it?

CNu said...

When it was first launched, what differentiated Google search from any other form of search at that time? 

That very same factor would work to democratize Umbra's hypothetical National Recommended Reading List.

umbrarchist said...

What if all of the cultures on the planet are obsolete?

Technology brought all of these cultures together and now it enables them at the personal level to communicate.  But our problem is deciding and controlling what to do with the technology.

But we don't have THE CULTURE capable of doing that.

I hate to have to say it but most Human cultures seem to be designed to brainwash children into being Stupid.  And then people act like there is something wrong with you if you are not.

How does a country that praises Capitalism to the heavens not advocate something as simple as mandatory accounting in the schools when double-entry accounting is 700 years old?  Of course, Capitalism depends on most people being stupid so they can be ripped off.  LOL

CNu said...

as I surmised, merely conversation....,

Dale Asberry said...

Capitalism depends on most people being stupid so they can be ripped off. LOL

It depends on humans following their genetic programming. Change the programming (neuronal plasticity, social norms,....) and you fix the 'problem.'

Umbra, you speak more contemptuously of humans than even Little Don.

Big Don said...

...and, oh yes, OOW-breeder pampering...

Rembom said...

Yo, BD!  Long time, no head slap.  You got your guns and ammo ready?  The liberals are armed and dangerous, and they're coming after YOU!

CNu said...

BD's systemic defect is conflation of "poor" with "genetically unfit"..., poor kids tend not to have the cultural and educational supports required to thrive in schools, public or otherwise.

Tom said...


I think we're a mix.  I think the culture has bad strands and good strands.   Broadcasting to people looking for a good strand is not an inherently doomed activity.

Tom said...


I hear you, but Wikipedia has done a lot of good work in the face of your first three objections.   We could evolve the format  to "Wiki Reading ListZSs" and acknowledge that 95% of it may be 13 y/o girls with teh Supernatural Romance.

Numbers 4, 5 the list author just says so in a note.  

Final one, then they remain ignorant of that material but they have that much more free time.

CNu said...

Or just link-rank entries for relevance and use - and - use the My Library feature more fully for reviews and social networking around specific titles - and link-rank the quality/authority of various social network ecologies (communities of interest) that grow up organicallt around certain titles and lists of titles.

Google has democratizing QOS capabilities that wikimedia has never even thought about (much less have the means) to impllement. Wiki does the best it can do withijn its limitations. Google is utililized at somewhere south of 3% of its existing capabilities. People just have to exercise the google-ology in order to better understand exactly how powerful it really is if skillfully utilized.

Tom said...

CN, interesting, I'll take a look.

padwantwo said...

Can you Subrealism folks set yourselves up on Facebook? This would allow me to share your content far more easily. It is pretty simple to do.

CNu said...

Nope.  Facebook is evil.   That said, if you wish to share this content via facebook, simply plug this link  into My Notes. You're more than welcome to syndicate this blog's feed into your facebook stream, and it's pretty simple to do.

umbrarchist said...

Facebook is evil!


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