Saturday, August 20, 2011

fake and fruity didn't take long to metastasize....,


nanakwame said...

You want to make a correlation between young black males who are into etiquette and this use of sterotypes by this company. I guess we must find a correlation between your love of Khakis and The Companies that do business in South America. Should we say that the elgantly dress Malcolm and Jimmy are fake and fruity? And are you complicit with the Jamaican boys who like to beat up on fruity boys?
I am going to get my The Price of a Ticket by Bladwin who points out the behavior we see today among our own and why.

I will agree using the word civilzed is a problem and should be retracted, you can't find any where in the article where it talks about not have dreads or facial hair. As a matter of fact these boys from Brooklyn wouldn't even try it.

Dale Asberry said...

Etiquette is the surrender of power to a lesser person due to coveting something the lesser person has.

That makes me want to vomit.

Tom said...

Dale, the other day I posted a comment in which I dreamed happily about an ethnicity determined by competence not birth.  But something felt uneasy & familiar about that comment, and later I realized what it was.    For some reason I'm spouting stuff from Atlas Shrugged.   Why am I doing that?  Am I sure it's not crazy?

I have the same kind of question about your comment here.

CNu said...

You want to make a correlation between young black males who are into etiquette and this use of sterotypes by this company

lol, you want to read my mind and put words in my mouth - and for one who has clearly demonstrated profound difficulties with reading what's clearly spelled out on the printed page, that's a pretty big and insurmountable objective.

your correlations are uniquely your own - don't project them on me - and please give your tedious and not terribly competent preaching at me a rest Nana...,

CNu said...

That led to an unrelenting social beat down and my position as a social outcast. 

any incompetent asshat can play dress up and butt-kiss and then be party to perpetrating and perpetuating such unrelenting social beatdowns. 

in fact, it's the primary stuff of which adolescent evil is comprised precisely because of the ease with which fake and fruity status-seeking and queenbee-ism can be effected making it an attractive and alluring refuge to insecure and incompetent individuals desperate to feel better about themselves...,

Dale Asberry said...

The good news about all that is, Tom, that the moment I got to college, I was surrounded by an intense culture of competency. Still, it took me almost 20 years to overcome my first instinct to lash out when criticized. To recognize that when a competent person criticizes, it comes from a place of admonishment and not hurtfulness.

Tom said...


I was bullied in school.  It's not fun.   I guess I look back at my own 'culture of competence' comment and I'm a little taken aback.   Some of that may or may not apply to yours too.

I'm mad at the ass hats.  It's not that I'm not mad at them.  I dunno.

Dale Asberry said...

I'm not following.

As for anger with the ass hats, I'm not mad like I was when I was younger. I now recognize the behaviors -- fake and fruity, driven by etiquette (for example) being primary determinants -- and simply avoid.

nanakwame said...

No Problem, I am not taken by your attempt of using words to sound sanguine. Never was, it is your ability to place facts for thoughts that is good. Apocalypist even in me should always be challenged, it causes folks to take their lives or others. Too many in my life time alone. I will take note of preaching.

CNu said...

You want to make a correlation between young black males who are into etiquette and this use of sterotypes by this company

Nivea is promoting its products in exactly the same way that the brooklyn fashionista's are promoting what they're promoting.  (I'd say "their products" if there was any indication that the products were manufactured by the brooklyn crew)

Since you use the term so uncritically, indiscriminately, and without standards Nana, "etiquette" seems like a perfect euphemism for "fake and fruity" to me...,

Should we say that the elgantly dress Malcolm and Jimmy are fake and fruity?

your comparison between baldwin, malcolm x, and dick gregory - who were all hella dap back in the day - and these DO_NOTHING fake and fruity fashion boys - is flatly dishonest.  but of course you knew that the minute you typed it out and hit enter.

nanakwame said...

Dale Asberry said...

Into The Microsoft Cloud Equals Into The Maws Of Palantir...,

CTH  |   Yes, the Govt is in crisis, and just as sure as you are reading this, the administrators within the IC already have the solution...