theconservativetreehouse | If you look at Robert Mueller from the position of trying to protect
his cherished Deep State institutions from horrible Trump swamp
draining…. things begin to take a more accurate context. The only way
for Mueller to protect his Swamp Allies and Institutions, was to
generate leverage against Trump.
Having established only political leverage, nothing factually
unlawful or illegal, the Mueller investigation begins to dry up.
Leverage diminishes.
Without direct leverage against President Trump, Team Mueller moved
to position leverage against those Trump cares about… that’s a secondary
approach; but the secondary leverage approach is fraught with public
noting Mueller is on a “witch hunt”… the investigation into outlying
Trump allies becomes transparent in motive. Support for Mueller erodes
amid independent-minded people.
Enter Rudy Giuliani, a political and legal Subject Matter Expert – with direct knowledge of evidence held
by NYPD and NY FBI field office of gross criminal conduct by Hillary
Clinton. (Weiner Laptop etc) Buried by SDNY Clinton Allies.
With Special Counsel Mueller having exhausted most of his
investigative leverage, Giuliani enters to negotiate Mueller’s exit and
discuss his team’s path of retreat and image face-saving.
The discussion from Mueller’s perspective will not center around
Trump, but rather center around how much risk to Hillary Clinton, and by
extension political allies within FBI and DOJ – including Obama White
House, Mueller will permit.
Mueller will be looking to protect the interests of Obama, Clinton,
Lynch, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc. and negotiating degrees of risk to
the institutions each represents. This is the political horsetrading
phase. The leverage cards held by each participant are laid on the table
for discussion. Low leverage officials will be sacrificed by Mueller to
protect those holding more leverage.
Giuliani is a well qualified person to present the Trump
administration position within these negotiations. They are essentially
negotiating who faces criminal prosecution and who doesn’t.
Ultimately protecting Obama and Clinton will be of higher importance
to Mueller. If Mueller doesn’t protect Clinton, he knows her team will
destroy everyone if she goes down. That scorched earth approach is a
historic part of Team Clinton’s leverage. The stronger the evidence is
against Clinton the more people Mueller will have to give up to protect
her. The stronger the evidence against the corrupt institutions, the
bigger the officials Mueller will have to sacrifice to save them.
Negotiating all this with Robert Mueller will likely be Rudy Giuliani’s primary job.
Likely the general public will never know the ultimate deal
decisions. We will only be able to gauge the scale of corruption by the
officials Mueller agrees to sacrifice.
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