Monday, March 23, 2015

what becomes of israeli prestige when not backed by american dominance?

theatlantic |  Here's something else Obama said in that interview last year: "I have not yet heard ... a persuasive vision of how Israel survives as a democracy and a Jewish state at peace with its neighbors in the absence of a peace deal with the Palestinians and a two-state solution. Nobody has presented me a credible scenario."

He went on, "The only thing that I’ve heard is, 'We’ll just keep on doing what we’re doing, and deal with problems as they arise. And we'll build settlements where we can. And where there are problems in the West Bank, we will deal with them forcefully. We’ll cooperate or co-opt the Palestinian Authority.' And yet, at no point do you ever see an actual resolution to the problem. ... And my assessment, which is shared by a number of Israeli observers, I think, is there comes a point where you can’t manage this anymore, and then you start having to make very difficult choices."

Over the past couple of days I've had several conversations with American Jewish leaders—those who are located in the broad middle, between the J Street/Sheldon Adelson ends of the spectrum—and they are uniformly, and deeply, anxious. The message was the same: Netanyahu's next, even-more-right-wing-than-usual government, they fear, will only take steps to further Israel's isolation, from America and from the world, and the Obama administration, which feels such deep, emotional anger toward Israel, will only make the situation worse, by misunderstanding, and downplaying, Israel's anxieties. (Sad but true: Some Israelis voted for Netanyahu because they're frightened of Obama.) 


CNu said...

The regime has been making terrible choices in the name of the American people for generations now. It's time to cut all of that shameful baggage loose, once and for all. Let them stand on their own two legs, or fall....,

BigDonOne said...

When their back is to the wall, don't forget they have NUKES.....

Constructive_Feedback said...

1) The UNITED STATES is GREATER than President Obama. A bad relationship with President Obama is NOT evidence of a tactical mistake by another entity

2) It was eye opening that after several decades of hearing "Black Progressive Activists" speak of "The LAND is the foundation of freedom and revolution" and "By any means necessary" - YET when the Israeli Prime Minister came to the American congress to DO WHAT HE NEEDED TO DO to defend his nation from what he sees as a THREAT - the PROGRESSIVE NEGRO said that they were OFFENDED that he breached protocol and "disrespected" the Black President.

2a) Its NO WONDER that as Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula streams toward chaos the usual voices that would otherwise be telling us about the hand that the USA has played in stirring things up are SILENT

3) If you read TWO TRACKS OF NEWS A) How Israel voted the wrong way and B) Many insurgent groups in the region claim allegiance to IRAN - the arguments seen regarding the "irrational fears" of Israel are exposed for what they are: Fraudulent

4) Those same people who call "Israel a Dependent state" won't dare say the same thing about certain zipcodes of dependency in the United States where they vote for SOCIAL JUSTICE rather than against foreign nuclear threats.

CNu said...

Looking back, Israel has serially betrayed the United States over the course of its short and sordid history. FDR had it right wrt Israel, and Truman betrayed that sage leadership in deference to short-term, domestic political tactics and aims. Learn a little grown folks history before you further embarrass yourself with all that irrational flailing

Looking forward, Iran is the axis of irreplaceable natural material resources that matter to the average U.S. citizen's quality of life and near term evolutionary prospects. - what is Israel by comparison? Its future is a bleak, dead-end apartheid theocracy that will either come to terms with its own collective neurosis and make peace with its neighbors and the peoples it displaced, or, it will cease to exist.

Iran matters in the future, Israel does not. Everything else is frivolous conversation....,

makheru bradley said...

What a joke this dishonorable POTUS is. Given his first post-Bibi election opportunity to show some testicular fortitude, he punks out--as expected.

[The US and Israel have boycotted a UN Human Rights Council session on the Palestinian territories. The council is probing a 50-day war in Gaza that killed more than 2,200 people, mostly Palestinian civilians. The United Nations Human Rights Council’s incoming chairperson said Israel had continued to bar access to the West Bank and Gaza Strip and that investigators need more time to finish their report.

“The commission has done its utmost to obtain access to Israel and the Gaza Strip, as well as the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” UN Human Rights Council Chairwoman Mary McGowan Davis said on Monday. “We would very much have liked to meet face to face with victims and the authorities in these places.” Washington, for its part, criticized the council's work saying it was unfairly targeting the Jewish state.

"We remain deeply troubled by this council's stand-alone agenda item directed against Israel, and by the many repetitive and one-sided resolutions under that agenda item," the US ambassador to the council, Keith Harper, said in a statement.]

It’s absolutely guaranteed that nothing changes, unless the can reach critical mass.

CNu said...

WTF part of NO JEWISH PRESIDENT IN 240 YEARS but a black president for the past eight - do you two cats fail to understand?

CNu said...

blah,blah, blah, blah, blah...., 240 billion barrels, proven reserves of sweet light crude for as long back as you dare to search this site. The only Ouji board is between your ears and behind your glasses. I've been entirely plainspoken for as far back as you can query concerning what matters and what does not in this fin d'siecle great game.

makheru bradley said...

What does that have to do with punking out?

CNu said...

lol, self-righteous sugar-plum fairy social justice revenge delusions have obscured your view of the big picture

Tom said...

It means a *lot* for white Americans to accept as President someone who is not part of the group. On our side there's no precedent. There's no cognitive hook to hang it on. Either you're Other or you're one of us.

Tom said...

I used to say here and at poor Chauncey's place, "Sure Obama is Black, but what concerns me as a voter is that he's white." And at CDV folks could not get what I meant. I had to be talking about his Mom, or about Oreo, or whatever. But that's not it.

The Pope is Catholic. It has to be that way.

Tom said...

Can His Holiness have *other attributes* in addition to Roman Catholicism?
Q Can the Pope be Argentinian? Yes, now. At one time no.
Q Can the Pope also be head of another church?

CNu said...

He can also be head of vocations as wildly divergent as the sublime little sisters and as morbid as this properly deflated ass-hat

Tom said...

Yeah. I mean we don't want to overlook the positive. But he head the organization that carried out the Inquisition. Not the kind of organization that might carry out an Inquisition. The actual author of it.

Lol thanks for the trophy or booby prize, whichever it is! I could have just posted that on CDV, let them ignore it, and never come back. Would have accomplished the same 0% communication with much less wasted time.

Tom said...

But coming down from metaphor, I'm claiming Head of Anglosphere in the 21st century has among his titles "chief white guy." His own ethnicity is apparently not a prohibitive obstacle here.

CNu said...

When is the last time you witnessed a cool white guy in politics? Obama became 44 because he was hands-down the coolest politician America had seen in generations. George Clooney acts like he may be a cool guy, and given our disastrous history with actors in the WH - might not be the most awful event imaginable if he was ever so inclined

But when you look across the landscape giving rise to delta-male loser ass-hats like Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, etc., etc., etc...., Hell the levels of thirst are damned near unimaginable.

CNu said...

One of the main drivers of Obama derangement syndrome on the part of the delta-male losers who've been losing their minds for the past seven years is that for each and every one of them the qualities that made Obama so appealing are utterly unattainable and damn-near ineffable. Drives these sorry peckerwoodsheads crazy with simple, animal envy. Everything else is disingenuous conversation...,

Vic78 said...

Bill Clinton was the last time a cool white guy was in. That was a long time ago.

CNu said...

Oh hail gnaw...., not gonna give it up for sick slick willie. That's not cool, that's a very high IQ lifetime of observation and apt simulation of cool. It's ersatz, phony to the core. The slick one is a just a jived up version of David Petraeus - neverendingly peeping on, creeping on, and playing every angle of self-promotion he sees.

Tom said...

If it was just cool I would relax. Eisenhower seems a lot less cool than Muhammad Ali but to me both are believable leaders of the tribe. JFK acted like he thought he was cooler than FDR, but IMO was a much worse president. James Brown was a lot cooler than Ronald Reagan but they were not presidential material.

Tom said...

KRS-One sounds like a better president than Robin Thicke. Thicke probably strikes the majority of folks as cooler? Maybe not. I try to stay out of touch.

Now Pharrell .. .if he plays his cards right he could be bombing North Korea by mid-2017. Comes down to that, I'm voting for Hillary. I think.

CNu said...

You've just now disclosed that "cool" is an ineffable and unattainable quality in Tom world...,

Tom said...

lol I get by. I'll let you get back to talking about your personal System of Cool Supremacy now, bro!

CNu said...

You took it wrong, but keep digging. My contention up-thread was very simple and not particularly personal. Obama is 44 because he's cool. Not fashionable, not trendy, not any of the many other things that have been offered as shallow proxies for cool - the man is simply and singularly cool, thus also the rorschachian effect he produced across color lines when he first swung into view.

Hell, i'll bet you that his coolness is the quality that got him elected president of the Harvard Review, long before he took the mass market popular stage.

rohan said...

lol, I feel you on all of this magne, including the part about Clinton faking it. An impressive fake, an Elvis Presley vs. a Pat Boone, but a fake just the same.

Can you imagine if Sen. Stumpy, the supreme assclown who brought Sarah Palin out onto the national stage had been elected? That shit would've made me ashamed to be an American and nothing that muhuggah said or did would have been acceptable in my name. Same for this country-style skidmark times ten.

Dale Asberry said...

Oh, he's not the Supreme Assclown. Indiana has it's own...

and here's how businesses are responding:

Tom said...

Ohhh, I see what you're saying. Yeah that's fair. I have cool in my mind kind of merged with popularity and with "cocky." That whole mess makes me suspicious. I don't know what you mean by it, except that it sounds like you might rank Eisenhower higher than I realized.

"Deval Patrick." Huh! He's cooler than me but ... I've had to make videos of myself lately and there is actually an eerie resemblance there.

CNu said...

lol, I find it endlessly fascinating that the kochtopi sock puppets are absolutely, positively bound to fail. Whether Jindal, Brownback, Walker, etc., etc., etc..., they are dedicated to implementing policies guaranteed to blow up in their faces.

This issue jumped live on the AEA listserv last night. With one old flatulent jewish conservatard attempting a defense of the policy and getting handed his ass by a unified chorus of Cathedral statisticians.

Dale Asberry said...

Hrm. Not allowed to view that thread.

Anyway, what I don't like is the stink of it... the lie of the bill's name is straight from Orwell's mouth. It's like these dumbasses haven't ever read. And then the petty, passive-aggressive viciousness of the little people calling for it's adoption (religi-tards). I'm around people CHEERING for this bill for fscksake!

Kochtopi -- ROTFLMAO! It is quite fascinating to watch our national id throw these little temper tantrums...