Piers Morgan did nothing wrong in his interviews of Janet Mock. Mock on the other hand, lost her exceptionally gorgeous cool and discombobulated into a ratchet hot mess of bouncing, clapping A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E signifying nothing but quintessentially exemplifying the abject fakery which is the brick and mortar of the identity politics Cathedral. .
Attitude, faking, and fronting has been promoted for 40+ years as the establishment counterinsurgency against organic political economies of interest. Attitude, faking, and fronting have displaced organic communities of political economic interest and resulted in the most powerfully adamant divide and conquer in American history. Watch.
Cool as the bottom of the pillow.
Bouncing, clapping, ratchet hot mess.
Remember where you read it first...., accept no substitutes!
Damn, though, s/he is pretty hot.
A strong relationship is not built on superficial qualities, solid family values are more important...
That's large part of the IQ-75 problem, can't think beyond their next _ _ _ _...
(BD has been married over 50 years...)
Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and _ _ _ _ the prom queen.
I acknowledge my IQ deficit, BD, and I promise to work harder at my studies.
lol, she's too pretty. It's not fair.
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