Monday, August 29, 2022

The Predicament Of Mankind

The Club of Rome published “The Limits to Growth” in 1972.

It was funded by industrialists. They’ve been acting profitably on this information since they got it. The inherent short term interest of capitalism has always made it a death cult and everyone who sees capitalism as an organizing principal for an economy is buying into this cult. The death cult has recently become a totalitarian one in the West as the US attempts to make its surveillance capitalism a universal system.

Capitalism may have a place in a sustainable future, but only as a carefully controlled, constrained system for fostering technological competition contained within pro-social, pro-ecological governing structures. We’ve probably moved beyond that possibility already.

I think part of it is that ruling elites have a very difficult time imagining how a society can hold together without the hamster game of work, debt and consumption. One of the things constricting their imagination is the fact that a different system, one less reliant on the radical individualism that seeks to justify outrageous levels of inequality, would eliminate much of their power and privilege.

By now - it should be obvious to even the most psychopathic and parasitic of our elites - that as they make the hamster game harder and harder, that radical individualism twists itself into Free-Dumb to such an extent that society becomes ungovernable. 

When you look at the actions of the Western colonial nations you can see that their intent is to keep the poor countries poor so that they won’t be able to have the high consumption lifestyles of the West. The elites know that there isn’t enough to go around, and they are hoarding what is available. Drilling down a bit one sees that in individual nations in the West the wealthy keep the poor poor so that they too won’t be able to compete for what the wealthy have. It is truly dog eat dog at every level of society. Propaganda is used to make the poor (and increasingly the middle class) think that they too can live the high life if only they get the right credentials and work hard enough. Because it is a zero sum game the wealthy won’t actually allow the poor and middle class to impinge on their lifestyles, but they certainly try to convince them that it is in reach provided…

Pierre Trudeau and the global jet-set are being hoisted on their own petards. No business can build and operate an ocean terminal in Canada to ship Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) to Europe in the next six months. They have turned the world into a free trade scheme whose organizing theory relies exclusively on markets - and - whose sole purpose is to increase corporate profits. Russia, China and Iran are trying to break free of this new world order.

The only response in the West to the shortages and workers missing due to the Ukrainian proxy world-war  - and - ongoing unmitigated coronavirus and monkeypox pandemics - is to raise prices. The globalist bubble is so impervious that it is of no matter that the rising energy prices for most will be unaffordable and many expendable proles will face an unheated winter. No one is thinking of the consequences.

The 2021 Texas Freeze power outages only lasted for one week . These market-driven outages led to: 

  • Widespread damage to homes and businesses
  • Foregone economic activity
  • Contaminated water supplies
  • The loss of at least 111 lives

Early estimates indicate that the freeze and outage may cost the Texas economy $80–$130 billion in direct and indirect economic loss” (for example, frozen pipes and water damage to homes and apartments). 

If this happens next Winter in Europe, it will collapse the EU and Western Europe. Yet, there is no talk of an armistice or opening NORD Steam 2 gas pipeline from Russia. The West is at war but with no working sovereign and representational governments. All the West can do is to send money and armaments to Ukraine – ignoring the looming disasters that await.


51st State And The Hot MIC Moment

EXCLUSIVE: @SecRubio on Canada, 51st State and the Hot Mic Moment HERRIDGE: “In a hot mike moment, Canada’s prime minister said that absorb...