Monday, August 22, 2022

A LOT Of Your Elites Are Excited About Climate Change

They’re excited about the arctic being open for shipping and drilling.

They’re excited about future archeological expeditions to places that will become accessible due to climate change. 

Like all the land below the ice in Antarctica. 

They’re excited about their investments in farmland and water rights paying off. 

They’re excited about water becoming more valuable than oil.

In fact, quite a few large companies are positioning themselves to profit off of “big water”. 

They’re excited about Montana becoming great wine country. 

They’re excited about the coast line changing and creating more opportunities for development. 

They’re excited about public private partnerships for the infrastructure to protect the places they decide to protect. 

They’re excited about the opportunities to redesign cities to handle “chronic inundation”, “induced seismicity” and “heat challenged districts”. 

These people absolutely see themselves as winners in climate change. They see no reason to stop making profits off the activities that are driving climate change because they see no reason to stop accelerating climate change. They’re looking forward to the world to come. 

They might acknowledge that there isn’t as much room for people like us in the future. But as long as they can keep shifting the idea of responsibility to suburban moms and soy eating college activists they’ll be happy to continue funding environmental goals that don’t achieve anything for the environment. 

They’ll always be able to find another Greta Thunberg to scold them while looking suitably young and idealistic. And most people will fall for it because they want their actions to mean something. Because who could believe that our leaders know they’re destroying our world and that they don’t care.


51st State And The Hot MIC Moment

EXCLUSIVE: @SecRubio on Canada, 51st State and the Hot Mic Moment HERRIDGE: “In a hot mike moment, Canada’s prime minister said that absorb...