Thursday, January 20, 2022

Solution Of The Fundamental Problem Of Quantum Mechanics

The photon interaction, however, constitutes a time-differentiating operation imposed upon 4-dimensional Minkowskian reality (which is unperceived reality), producing three-dimensional, objective, determined, past reality. 

Photon absorption constitutes dimensional differentiation of reality, while photon emission constitutes dimensional integration. Objective concepts have been developed in correspondence to the photon interaction.

In the two-slit experiment, the electron is 4-dimensional, not 3-dimensional. When shielded against the photon interaction, it remains four-dimensional,  possessing its time dimension, and capable of interacting in a time-like manner. By wavelength one refers inversely to a time interval. 

Synchronization of time intervals between slit dimensions and electron wavelength results in time interaction between the electron’s time dimension and the time dimension of the two slits . Thus the electron interacts with both slits if shielded against the photon interaction, and time waves are propagated forward from both slits. If the slits are made much larger, time synchronization is destroyed and the classical effect reappears . If the photon interaction is imposed upon the electron, it is time-differentiated and becomes a classical object , having lost its time dimension.

When the electron encounters the screen, it meets a region of randomly varying time oscillations of the orbital electrons around the individual atoms comprising the screen . Thus the exact location of the orbital electron in the screen which will first precisely time-synchronize with the electron wavelength reciprocally is a random choice , and the “place” where the electron hits the screen is randomly selected along the screen, when the electron is four dimensional. The time pattern of the 4-d electron , however, had a distribution induced by its previous time interaction with the two slits . The pattern of this time distribution is wavelike, and is recovered when the distribution of the number of electron hits per screen length (which involves cumulation over time) is plotted .

Thus the two-slit experiment can be explained once the fourth law of logic is comprehended , and once the dimensionality of the electron and other parts of the experimental apparatus are taken into account.

The author points out that ordinary instruments and devices can be made to process entities in the unseparated state (multi-ocular state) , as demonstrated by the two-slit apparatus itself . Some consequences of this fact are mentioned, and the author refers to a basic mechanism he has proposed for the deliberate and controlled violation of objective reality .