Not a repeat - it starts at a specific part of the video - so just click it. | What’s more, a flickering flame in the cave may have conjured
impressions of motion like a strobe light in a dark club. In low light,
human vision degrades, and that can lead to the perception of movement
even when all is still, says Susana Martinez-Conde, the director of the
Laboratory of Visual Neuroscience at the Barrow Neurological Institute
in Phoenix, Ariz. The trick may occur at two levels; one when the eye
processes a dimly lit scene, and the second when the brain makes sense
of that limited, flickering information.
Physiologically, our
eyes undergo a switch when we slip into darkness. In bright light, eyes
primarily rely on the color-sensitive cells in our retinas called cones,
but in low light the cones don’t have enough photons to work with and
cells that sense black and white gradients, called rods, take over.
That’s why in low light, colors fade, shadows become harder to
distinguish from actual objects, and the soft boundaries between things
disappear. Images straight ahead of us look out of focus, as if they
were seen in our peripheral vision. The end result for early humans who
viewed cave paintings by firelight might have been that a deer with
multiple heads, for example, resembled a single, animated beast. A few
rather sophisticated artistic techniques enhance that impression. One is
found beyond the Hall of Bulls, where the cave narrows into a long
passage called the Nave.
High on the Nave’s right wall, an early artist had used charcoal to
draw a row of five deer heads. The images are almost identical, but each
is positioned at a slightly different angle. Viewed one at a time with a
small circle of light moving right to left, the images seem to
illustrate a single deer raising and lowering its head as in a short
flipbook animation.
Marc Azéma, a Paleolithic researcher and
filmmaker at the University of Toulouse in France, has studied dozens of
examples of ancient images that were meant to imply motion and has
found two primary techniques that Paleolithic artists used to do this.
The first is juxtaposition of successive images—the technique used for
the deer head—and the second is called superimposition. Rather than
appearing in sequence, variations of an image pile on top of one another
in superimposition to lend a sense of motion. Superimposition can be
seen in caves across France and Spain, but some of the oldest examples
come from Chauvet cave in France’s Ardèche region. Burned wood and
charcoal streaks along Chauvet’s walls indicate that campfires and pine
torches lit the cave.
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