eand | Every
year of my life so far, it seems, some wise and learned old man
publishes a book which recites the same old gruesome and weird myth,
almost word for word. It’s like groundhog day, but for…
myth goes like this. Capitalism! Yay! It saved the world! The latest
such person is Steven Pinker, and it’s his third? fourth? book
proclaiming so. Needless to say, it must be something people feel the
need to hear, over and over again,a And so it’s very much a modern myth:
a tale we tell, ritually, to comfort ourselves. But from what, exactly?
Probably from the sinking feeling, that, right about now, the myth is
probably about as true as Snow White being rescued by Prince Charming,
which is to say, not very.
you looked at the stronghold of capitalism, the United States,
recently? It’s not exactly bubbling over with prosperity, whether it’s
called happiness, sanity, wealth, democracy, or wisdom. If
capitalism didn’t save America, the most capitalist society in human
history — how could it have saved anyone else? The myth falls apart the
very instant we think about it, instead of recite it. So what happens if
we go on questioning the fairy tale that capitalism is the Prince
Charming of human progress, or, if you like, the magical perpetual
motion machine of neoliberalism? What might we discover?
first thing we’d probably think is that no one in their right mind
should be proclaiming “progress!!” in a summer when ruinous heatwaves
due to climate change are sweeping the globe, and so are pulsating waves
of fascism — both catastrophic depletions of natural and civic capital.
The true story of capitalism, in other words, is as much about
catastrophic hidden costs, or “externalities”, as much as “benefits” .
Those costs are obvious, though, if we care to look. Centuries of
slavery. Segregation. Colonialism. Speculative frenzies which lead to
depressions, which cause world wars. No accounting of capitalism is
complete with any of those — but for that precise reason, because it’s
the logic of capitalism, “accounting” isn’t the way we should think of
human progress at all.)
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