nakedcapitalism | According to David Harvey, neoliberal globalization is comprised of
four processes: accumulation by dispossession; de-regulation;
privatization; and an upward re-distribution of wealth. Taken together
they have increased both economic insecurity and cultural anxiety via
three features in particular: the creation of surplus peoples, rising
global inequality, and threats to identity.
The anxiety wrought by neoliberal globalization has created a rich
and fertile ground for populist politics of both right and left. Neither
Norris and Inglehart nor Laclau adequately account for such insecurity
in their theorization of populism. As we have seen, populism can be
understood as a mobilizing discourse that conceives of political
subjectivity as comprised of “the people.” Yet this figure of “the
people,” as Agamben has indicatedin What is a people? (2000)
is deeply ambivalent insofar as it can be understood both in terms of
the body politic as a whole (as in the US Constitution’s “We the
People”), or in terms of what Ranciere calls the “part that has no
part,” or the dispossessed and the displaced; as in “The people united
shall never be defeated,” or in the Black Panthers’ famous slogan: “All
Power to the People.”
In this dichotomy, the figure of “the people” can be understood in
terms of its differential deployments by right and left, which
themselves must be understood in terms of the respective enemies through which “the people” is constructed. And this is the decisive dimension of populism.
Right populism conflates “the people” with an embattled nation
confronting its external enemies: Islamic terrorism, refugees, the
European Commission, the International Jewish conspiracy, and so on. The
left, in marked contrast, defines “the people” in relation to the
social structures and institutions – for example, state and capital –
that thwart its aspirations for self-determination; a construction which
does not necessarily, however, preclude hospitality towards the Other.
In other words, right-wing or authoritarian populism defines the
enemy in personalized terms, whereas, while this is not always true,
left-wing populism tends to define the enemy in terms of bearers of
socio-economic structures and rarely as particular groups. The right, in
a tradition stemming back to Hobbes,
takes insecurity and anxiety as the necessary, unavoidable, and indeed
perhaps even favourable product of capitalist social relations. It
transforms such insecurity and anxiety into the fear of the stranger and
an argument for a punitive state. In contrast, the left seeks to
provide an account of the sources of such insecurity in the processes
that have led to the dismantling of the welfare state, and corresponding
phenomena such as “zero-hours” contracts, the casualization of labour,
and generalized precarity. It then proposes transformative and
egalitarian solutions to these problems. Of course, left populism can
also turn authoritarian – largely though not exclusively due to the
interference and threatened military intervention of the global hegemon
and its allies – with an increasing vilification of the opposition, as
we saw in Venezuela and Ecuador with Rafael Correa.
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