Counterpunch | Now, there is something else being obscured in all this hashtag
outrage. And that is the criminality and coercion of all labor under
capitalism. Remember, too, that there is silence thus far from the most
vulnerable women working in the West; au pairs, maids, factory workers
and the like. Many of whom are immigrants or from immigrant families.
Also, the most acute violence directed at the working class can be found
in the near servitude of citrus pickers and migrant workers in states
like Florida, California and Texas. There is very little media attention given to this.
And one could also examine the actual rape conditions of American
prisons and county correctional facilities (see below). The clear rape
by proxy of young people intentionally put into cells with sexual
predators. This is the disciplining of the underclass via sexual
The 1% (or ruling class) are there to distract the populace from the
growing economic chasm between themselves and the rest of us. And this
is done by providing cheap satisfactions. The system grants the illusion
of reform but simply repackages the same. White male power will now
adjust to present itself as caring and sensitive to causing offense. Or
will there be genuine structural and substantive change? The odds are
against change if it challenges the ruling class. I also have noticed a
new sort of white male subject position that insists on being thee most
feminist man in any discussion, and publicly self lacerates as evidence
of his personal evolution. The confessional element in public discourse
today looms over all of this.
And today, in an age of electronic media and mass marketing of
everything, including lingerie for five year olds (see Victoria’s
Secret) this eruption of anger and outrage at the behavior of privileged
white men, feels oddly linked to that shadow guilt and resentment of
the white ruling class. The white patriarchy needs to abuse the help.
And if the slave is now too much of a threat, then women will suffice.
And, this is Capitalism after all, where everything is for sale. And
much of the language of this anger at white patriachy takes on the
quality of self help books and the therapy culture that favors
empowerment over organizing. It also manufactures a kind of theatre of
grief, in which the word “feelings” is used quite a bit. This is anger
predicated upon an identity consensus. And the massive hashtag response
speaks to a shared world view. There is a progressive aspect to it all,
and that is clear. I think, anyway. The boorish and abusive and
humiliating — a key word — behavior of men like Harvey Weinstein, and
their default belief that they can do what they want, with women, with
anyone under them, is being exposed.
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