Saturday, July 01, 2017

Fat Childless Singleton's Fake Virtue Signalling on Obamacare

fmshooter |  On Monday, Huffington Post author Kayla Chadwick posted an article titled “I Don’t Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People,” which was essentially an emotional plea without any constructive argument on why Americans should pay higher taxes as well as sign up for Obamacare:
If I have to pay a little more with each paycheck to ensure my fellow Americans can access health care? SIGN ME UP.
But if making sure your fellow citizens can afford to eat, get an education, and go to the doctor isn’t enough of a reason to fund those things, I have nothing left to say to you.
Well, since Chadwick has no problem telling Americans to pay more for their healthcare, she should have no problem signing up for an Obamacare plan herself.  It sure appears as if Chadwick is on an employer-sponsored health insurance plan, as I imagine she would be singing quite a different tune if she had to “pay her own way” (with or without subsidies) via the Obamacare exchange.

First, Chadwick can go to the Obamacare exchange to sign up, but of course, only if it is either A) the “open enrollment” period, or B) she incurs a “qualifying life event” that would make her eligible to purchase insurance.  If she’s merely switching carriers… no cigar, you have to wait till the open enrollment period!

