WaPo | The cost of WikiLeaks’s disclosures to our national security is
unfathomable. As former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden has put it,
“We will never know who will now not come forward, who will not provide
us with life-saving information” because of WikiLeaks, “but we can be
certain that the cost will be great. And foreign intelligence services,
with whom we have established productive and legitimate partnerships,
will ask, ‘Can I trust the Americans to keep anything secret?’ ”
these and other crimes, Assange should be in jail. But instead, he is
being given sanctuary by the left-wing, anti-American government of
Ecuador. Moreover, let’s not forget that Assange is attacking Hillary
Clinton not because he thinks she is a corrupt liberal, but because he
believes that she is too interventionist. “She’s palled up with the
neocons responsible for the Iraq War,” Assange recently told Megyn
Kelly, “and she’s grabbed on to this kind of neo-McCarthyist hysteria
about Russia.” Assange wants the United States to pull back from Iraq
and Afghanistan and stop criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin —
not exactly conservative priorities.
While the conservative
embrace of Assange is troubling, the hypocrisy displayed by some in the
media in not fully covering WikiLeaks’s Clinton revelations are equally
galling. They had no problem reporting on WikiLeaks’s revelations of
highly classified national security information, falling over themselves
to publish what amounts to espionage porn. But according to
the Media Research Center, between Oct. 7 and Oct. 13, “the morning and
evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC dedicated 4 hours and 13 minutes
to discussing the recent allegations of sexual misconduct surrounding
Donald Trump’s campaign,” while “the continual release of the WikiLeaks
emails from top Hillary staff [got] a comparatively puny 36 minutes of
coverage .” That is a ratio of 7 to 1. And much of that meager coverage
has been focused not on the revelations themselves, but on how the
emails were hacked and leaked.
The Clinton campaign has a clear
strategy for tamping down coverage of WikiLeaks — to paint the
revelations as an assault on American democracy. As Clinton put it
during the final debate, “What’s really important about WikiLeaks is
that the Russian government has engaged in espionage against Americans.
. . . Then they have given that information to WikiLeaks for the purpose
of putting it on the Internet . . . in an effort . . . to influence our
The Clinton machine’s message to the media: If you play down the
WikiLeaks revelations, you are not playing down bad news for Hillary
Clinton. No, you are defending democracy! You are refusing to help
Russia influence a U.S. election! You are morally free to ignore these
If members of the media were willing to use WikiLeaks’s
material when it was releasing top-secret intelligence, then they should
devote the same attention to WikiLeaks’s revelations about Clinton. And
while conservatives are understandably appalled by what we have learned
about Clinton from those emails, we should not forget the source.
Julian Assange is no friend of the United States. He is a left-wing
activist who heads a criminal enterprise operating out of the embassy of
an anti-American government.
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