Wednesday, September 30, 2015
BURN THE WITCH!!! she consorteth with the devil and slaughtereth the innocent....,
By CNu at September 30, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Bibtardism , not a good look , Tard Bidnis
watching the necropolitical manueverings of so-called western democracies...,
By CNu at September 30, 2015 0 comments
Labels: medieval , micro-insurgencies , necropolitics , wikileaks wednesday
the neverending necropolitical fruits of bitter lake...,
By CNu at September 30, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Living Memory , medieval , necropolitics , shameless , Tard Bidnis , wikileaks wednesday
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
when the music's over....,
By CNu at September 29, 2015 0 comments
Labels: musical chairs
neuroscience and technology have far outpaced the training and practice of psychiatry...,
By CNu at September 29, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , doesn't end well , fraud
'wiring diagrams' link lifestyle to brain function
By CNu at September 29, 2015 0 comments
Labels: gain of function , N+1 , neurotypes , What IT DO Shawty...
Monday, September 28, 2015
eigenvalues: influence of hyparchic folding via the backward arrow of time...,
By CNu at September 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: synthesis , the fourth , visitors?
By Dale Asberry at September 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: computationalism , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , What IT DO Shawty...
some folding bits - just because...,
The new findings appear in the journal Science Advances.
Until now, viruses have been difficult to classify, said University of Illinois crop sciences and Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology professor Gustavo Caetano-Anollés, who led the new analysis with graduate student Arshan Nasir. In its latest report, the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses recognized seven orders of viruses, based on their shapes and sizes, genetic structure and means of reproducing.
"Under this classification, viral families belonging to the same order have likely diverged from a common ancestral virus," the authors wrote. "However, only 26 (of 104) viral families have been assigned to an order, and the evolutionary relationships of most of them remain unclear."
Part of the confusion stems from the abundance and diversity of viruses. Less than 4,900 viruses have been identified and sequenced so far, even though scientists estimate there are more than a million viral species. Many viruses are tiny -- significantly smaller than bacteria or other microbes -- and contain only a handful of genes. Others, like the recently discovered mimiviruses, are huge, with genomes bigger than those of some bacteria.
The new study focused on the vast repertoire of protein structures, called "folds," that are encoded in the genomes of all cells and viruses. Folds are the structural building blocks of proteins, giving them their complex, three-dimensional shapes. By comparing fold structures across different branches of the tree of life, researchers can reconstruct the evolutionary histories of the folds and of the organisms whose genomes code for them.
By CNu at September 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: computationalism , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , What IT DO Shawty...
Sunday, September 27, 2015
fractally uncompressing terraforming machinery - some bits doing the unfolding, other bits waiting to be unfolded
Wiley | The nature of the role played by mobile elements in host genome evolution is reassessed considering numerous recent developments in many areas of biology. It is argued that easy popular appellations such as “selfish DNA” and “junk DNA” may be either inaccurate or misleading and that a more enlightened view of the transposable element-host relationship encompasses a continuum from extreme parasitism to mutualism. Transposable elements are potent, broad spectrum, endogenous mutators that are subject to the influence of chance as well as selection at several levels of biological organization. Of particular interest are transposable element traits that early evolve neutrally at the host level but at a later stage of evolution are co-opted for new host functions [Emphasis mine, Ed.].
By Dale Asberry at September 27, 2015 0 comments
Labels: computationalism , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , What IT DO Shawty , What IT DO Shawty...
where there is water, there will be a deduplicated and compressed backup fractal terraforming system...,
By CNu at September 27, 2015 0 comments
Labels: computationalism , Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , What Now?
Saturday, September 26, 2015
water like oil for money....,
Yes, Mr. Slater admits, his company, Cadiz, has never earned a dime from water. And he freely concedes it will take at least another $200 million to dig dozens of wells, filter the water and then move it 43 miles across the desert through a new pipeline before thirsty Southern Californians can drink a drop.
But tapping cash, as opposed to actual water, has never been a problem for Cadiz. “I think there’s plenty of money out there,” Mr. Slater said.
Real profits may be nearly as scarce as snow in the High Sierra, but Wall Street, as it is wont to do, smells profit as California endures its worst drought in decades.
“Investing in the water industry is one of the great opportunities for the coming decades,” said Matthew J. Diserio of Water Asset Management, a New York firm that is a major backer of Cadiz. “Water is the scarce resource that will define the 21st century, much like plentiful oil defined the last century.”
By CNu at September 26, 2015 0 comments
this water gotta go!
By CNu at September 26, 2015 0 comments
where the water go?
By CNu at September 26, 2015 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2015
sounds like sympathy, feels like fear, will act like self interest...
By CNu at September 25, 2015 0 comments
Labels: killer-ape , musical chairs , quorum sensing?
when this caterpillar sneezes, y'all fitna catch pneumonia...,
By CNu at September 25, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Collapse Casualties , industrial ecosystems , What Now?
kansas city becomes 6th regional fed survey flashing red
regional Fed survey collapse goes on... Dallas, Richmond, New York, Philly, Chicago, and now Kansas City... |
By CNu at September 25, 2015 0 comments
Labels: contraction , quorum sensing? , weather report
Thursday, September 24, 2015
all-volunteer warsocialism a recipe for military, government, and societal failure...,
PERIES: Larry, you've been reading a very important book, Skin In the Game: Poor Kids and Patriots by Gen. Dennis Laich, where he makes a compelling case that the all-volunteer military force no longer works in a world defined by terrorism and high debt and widening class differences. Tell us more about the book and the case he makes in it.
WILKERSON: Gen. Laich, Dennis Laich, is a 30-plus year member of the United States Army Reserves. Obviously became a general officer, and now he's written this book. And this book very vividly and very dramatically illustrates how what the Gates Commission created for Richard Nixon in 1972-73, the all-volunteer force, is no longer sustainable. It demonstrates it's not sustainable physically, that is to say it's not sustainable in dollar terms, and it probably is not sustainable in terms of the moral impact on the nation.
As we've seen throughout these last 14 years of war, we've had poor people, essentially, less than 1 percent of the nation, bleeding and dying and defending the other 99 percent. This is an ethical and moral position I think that's unsustainable. The fiscal position, though, is such that if you just do a linear progression of the defense budget and the cost of people out to about 2025, 2030, you wind up spending almost the entire Army and Marine Corps budget on people. So it's impossible to sustain this force. Another indicator is how we've gone from 2.7 percent women in the ranks to over 15 percent women in the ranks because we can't find enough men. This is not the way to fill out your military. However equitable and egalitarian you may think it is, it's not the way to fill out your military. And it's not the way to build a military that is sustainable over the next few years.
We've come up with a solution, I think, and the solution's rather unique. It's drafting by lottery into the reserve components. Not into the active components. Therefore I think deflecting some of the political criticism and political opposition we'd get, though we don't hesitate to say this is going to be a difficult task to achieve.
PERIES: And one of the other issues surrounding this question is the fact that the United States used to have a military, and military that is equipped to respond in a situation of war if needed. But now we seem to be in a perpetual state of war where we are constantly financing the military and arms and the military forces to be able to respond to all the time. What do you make of that?
WILKERSON: I think you're onto a point that we see as part of this ethical, moral dimension of this all-volunteer force. It is clear to us after lots of conversations with military leaders, with civilian leaders and actual security experts and others, that part of the reason that the president of the United States feels no real strain or pressure about going to war and staying at war is the fact that no one has any skin in the game. When you've got people who are not capable, really, because of their intellectual capacity or more often their ability to pay, to be in college or to be in some other more productive employment than being in the military, then they have to be in the military.
And that's how we're creating our military these days. We're taking the 1 percent that can't get it anywhere else, by and large, and we're putting them in the military. And we're putting upon them the burden of defending this nation. Defending the other 320-some odd million people in this country who don't have any skin in the game at all. When you have congressmen with no skin in the game, when you have business leaders, corporate leaders, others, religious leaders, no skin in the game, then you have the ability to go to war without any real restraint on you. And this is in addition to other problems we have, the military-industrial complex, other forces that are constantly agitating agitating for conflict, for war. And it makes it just too simple for the President of the United States to go to war.
PERIES: Larry, if you replace the current volunteer system to address the class nature of our military with a draft system, how would it change the nature of the force?
WILKERSON: We put it this way. You don't find the Ivy Leagues in the Army. You don't find the Ivy Leagues in the Marine Corps. If you do it's the exception that proves the rule, like Seth Moulton from Harvard, for example, now a congressman. But there are not many Ivy Leaguers in the Army or the Marine Corps.
And what's happening in order to recruit those people who are in the services, especially in the infantry, the Marine Corps and the Army, is really unconscionable. Let me just point out a few factors here. First of all, of the 2-2.5 million 18-year-olds that come into the Selective Service system every year, roughly one-third of them are not recruitable because they're too fat. They're too obese. Another third can't pass the ASVAB, which is the basic entrance exam for the armed forces. So that cuts the pool to a third of that 2-2.5 million every year.
By CNu at September 24, 2015 0 comments
Labels: FAIL , food-powered , make-work , warsocialism
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
unacknowledged special access programs
In fact, such companies do exist. They service the American nuclear weapons industry and the Pentagon’s vast arsenal of potentially world-destroying weaponry. They make massive profits doing so, live comfortable lives in our neighborhoods, and play an active role in Washington politics. Most Americans know little or nothing about their activities and the media seldom bother to report on them or their profits, even though the work they do is in the service of an apocalyptic future almost beyond imagining.
Add to the strangeness of all that another improbability. Nuclear weapons have been in the headlines for years now and yet all attention in this period has been focused like a spotlight on a country that does not possess a single nuclear weapon and, as far as the American intelligence community can tell, has shown no signs of actually trying to build one. We’re speaking, of course, of Iran. Almost never in the news, on the other hand, are the perfectly real arsenals that could actually wreak havoc on the planet, especially our own vast arsenal and that of our former superpower enemy, Russia.
In the recent debate over whether President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran will prevent that country from ever developing such weaponry, you could search high and low for any real discussion of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, even though the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates that it contains about 4,700 active warheads. That includes a range of bombs and land-based and submarine-based missiles. If, for instance, a single Ohio Class nuclear submarine -- and the Navy has 14 of them equipped with nuclear missiles -- were to launch its 24 Trident missiles, each with 12 independently targetable megaton warheads, the major cities of any targeted country in the world could be obliterated and millions of people would die.
Indeed, the detonations and ensuing fires would send up so much smoke and particulates into the atmosphere that the result would be a nuclear winter, leading to worldwide famine and the possible deaths of hundreds of millions, including Americans (no matter where the missiles went off). Yet, as if in a classic Dr. Seuss book, one would have to add: that is not all, oh, no, that is not all. At the moment, the Obama administration is planning for the spending of up to a trillion dollars over the next 30 years to modernize and upgrade America’s nuclear forces.
By CNu at September 23, 2015 0 comments
Labels: unspeakable , wikileaks wednesday
simple, conventional terrarism
“With all three industries, the negative results conveniently arrived years, sometimes decades, after exposure and so were hard to connect to it. Each of these industries knew that the relationship existed. Each used that time-disconnect as protection. One difference: if you were a tobacco, lead, or asbestos exec, you might be able to ensure that your children and grandchildren weren’t exposed to your product. In the long run, that’s not a choice when it comes to fossil fuels and CO2, as we all live on the same planet (though it's also true that the well-off in the temperate zones are unlikely to be the first to suffer).”Remarkably enough, as Richard Krushnic and Jonathan King make clear today, the profits pursued by a second set of CEOs are similarly linked in the most intimate ways to the potential destruction of the planet (at least as a habitable environment for humanity and many other species) and the potential deaths of tens of millions of people. These are the executives who run the companies that develop, maintain, and modernize our nuclear arsenal and, as with the energy companies, use their lobbyists and their cash to push constantly in Washington for more of the same. Someday, looking back, historians (if they still exist) will undoubtedly consider the activities of both groups as examples of the ultimate in criminality.
By CNu at September 23, 2015 0 comments
Labels: corporatism , externalities , Great Filters , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , What IT DO Shawty...
we can't even understand the non-human intelligences right beside us..., (cetaceans, pachyderms, cephalopod molluscans)
By CNu at September 23, 2015 0 comments
Labels: scientific mystery , wikileaks wednesday
chromatophoric panoptopus
By CNu at September 23, 2015 0 comments
Labels: cephalopod mollusc
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
meanwhile, outside Irving, u.s. appoints saudis to behead u.n. human rights council...,
By CNu at September 22, 2015 0 comments
Labels: global system of 1% supremacy , psychopathocracy , What IT DO Shawty...
who is ahmed mohammed's PR person?
By CNu at September 22, 2015 0 comments
Labels: agenda , elite , establishment , political theatre , status-seeking
clock in a box unleashed fifty megatons of stoopid...,
By CNu at September 22, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , fraud , marketing , status-seeking
ahmed mohammed's clock in a box
By CNu at September 22, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , identity politics , propaganda
Monday, September 21, 2015
pope enacts confession/repentence/forgiveness jubiliee, and still can't catch a break......,
By CNu at September 21, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Cathedral , information anarchy , Strict Father
bedroom issues far more crucial than christianity to conservative catholics
By CNu at September 21, 2015 0 comments
Labels: individual sovereignty , Tard Bidnis , What IT DO Shawty...
Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?
December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...