Friday, June 19, 2015

evangelicals centered in belief reject authentic christians and everyone else on global warming....,

WaPo |  Black Protestants were more than twice as likely to describe climate change as a serious problem, at 55 percent, than the 24 percent of their white evangelical peers who agreed. White, mainline Protestants fell somewhere between the two other groups on the question of how serious a threat global warming represents. A full 41 percent agreed that it is a "very serious problem."

The Pew poll also revealed signs that while Catholics as a group are more likely than Protestants to describe global warming as a real, man-made and very serious problem, Latino Catholics might be driving that difference. A full 82 percent of Latinos told pollsters that global warming is real, 60 percent said the problem was caused by human beings and 63 percent agreed that climate change represents a serious threat. By comparison,  just 64 percent of whites agreed that global warming is real, and 39 percent told pollsters that it is both man-made and a serious problem.

Another divide: Protestants who attended church least often were the most likely to view global warming as a real and serious problem of human origins, while the Catholics who attended Mass most frequently were most likely to agree.

In fact, environmental concerns do not begin to even out across the Protestant-Catholic split until pollsters also gathered data on just how people identify themselves politically. The results are clear. In fact, they have been clear for some time. Politics override everything.

Catholic Republicans were only slightly more likely, at 51 percent, to describe global warming as real and happening, than were the 45 percent of Republican Protestants who agreed. And the opinions of Democrats and independents nearly aligned across the Protestant, Catholic break.

That pattern suggests that faith might not influence the way that Americans view environmental matters nearly as deeply as do the long-standing partisan differences and allegiances that have become a defining part of membership in some groups.

An overwhelming number of white Protestant evangelicals, for instance, are Republicans. And the party's platform appears to have maintained deep influence in the way that white evangelicals respond to political questions about the environment. Of course, the relationship between the pope and the Catholic faithful is, by definition, considerably different from that of Protestant leadership organizations to the nation's many Protestant churches. But, guidance on environmental matters has been issued by many of the evangelical world's biggest voices and it's been out there for some time. That so few Protestants -- and particularly white evangelicals -- seem to describe climate change as a concern, much less as a problem to which they contribute, seems worth noting.


BigDonOne said...

Charleston wasn't rascism, it was Workplace Violence...Just like the Fuzzy Fort.Hood shootiing wasn't Islamic Jihad.

CNu said...

Wrong!!! It was yet another instance of Rachel discrimination, straight-up, simple, and plain. This nutty boy flatly stated that this was because we're taking over all the whyte wymyn..., what did the voices in yur haid from infowars, WND, Faux News, and SBPDL tell you?

BigDonOne said...

BD knows that. We were simply complaining about inability of POTUS to acknowwledge Fuzziness for what it is....

CNu said...

"Fuzziness" as you're so fond of calling it, is nothing more than another post-hoc rationalizing coinage whispered to you by those voices in yur haid telling you you're under siege by poor, weak, and ultimately doomed black and brown folks who suffer the misfortune of living on top of land and resources that the dominant voice in your head tells you are rightfully yours and that you must go forth and take..

POTUS is a lot of things, many of them not good, but he hasn't totally surrendered himself to "the man's" soul-sucking necropolitical abyss, and THAT's precisely why you despise him so much.

Constructive_Feedback said...


In the world of BALANCE OF POWER................

* Those who HAVE IT seek to RETAIN IT, by keeping the Institutional Structures intact.
* Those who LUST AFTER IT have previously stated their intentions to trigger a shift of POWER.

Thus we must DISCIPLINE ourselves and move beyond POPULARITY.

THE "BRADLEY PHENOMENON" To Shake Out The GLOBAL WARMING Proselytizers Who PRETEND That They Are Above The ECONOMIC Choices That Are At Hand And They Are Merely "Altruistic Super Heroes", Attempting To Save The Plannet

USE CASE #1 - The California Drought Comes Face To Face With Environmental Water Protections
California is known for its "Environmental Progressivism", confident that as they LEAD, the nation will follow.
Yet as severe drought conditions TEST THEIR "RELIGION" Californians will soon come face to face with their "Jesus Of Environmental Justice".

ONLY the strong arm of the EPA can put this to the test.
As the Smelt Fish needs a certain quantity and quality of water to survive what would amount to be the first "Man Made Mass Extinction" - the EPA will likely find itself having to go against public demands for more water and STAND UP FOR THE FISH.

Typically it is the "crazed" right-wing voices that speak of placing "Stupid Fish" over human lives.
We will see that that as the lake levels that the "human fish" flap around in their theories GETS LOW - more of the vanguard PROGRESSIVES will sound suspiciously like the RIGHT WING.


Yes friends there is a PETROLEUM EXPLORATION BOOM off of the Atlantic coast of Africa and a Natural Gas exploration and distirbution boom that will link Kenya to its neighbors.

In the quest to REMOVE "Third World Nation" from the qualifier used to diminish their "humanity" - these African nations are expressing SELF DETERMINATION unseen since the grip of European colonization directed them.

BUT WAIT - these nations are looking to increase their CONTINENTAL CONSUMPTION of these hydrocarbons in order to lift their people out of the mud and NOT be the "Export Portal" to Europe or Asia as they have been in the past, having to RE-IMPORT the finished petroleum products because they lack refining technology and capacity.

The test will be made by which those who preach "MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING" will have to PLACE THEIR BODIES in front of the "African Locomotive" as it tries to pull its people into the 21st century, ensuring 24/7 access to electricity that its American and European peers take for granted.

WHO WILL LAY THEIR BODIES ON THE STANDARD GAUGE TRACKS Or Agree To SHARE Their Own Economic Prosperity With The Africans - WHERE THE AFRICANS Have A VETO POWER Over THE AMERICAN/EUROPEAN Policy Choices - Just As The UN Security Council Is Staked In Favor Of "The West"?


Constructive_Feedback said...


The FIRST REPORT that this was definitively a "Hate Crime" was when the one survivor that the "White Thug Killer" allowed to live in order to give his testimony released to the public that HE WAS THERE TO KILL BLACK PEOPLE.

Those "Racism Chaser" who woke up yesterday morning, looked at the race of the Thug Killer and then of the victims - indeed operated during that time window on the assumption that this was a hate crime.

9 people were murdered because of their race and todate there is no evidence of any larger conspiracy.

Yet as we watch each year where STREET PIRATE GANGS KILL THEIR ENEMIES AT A CHURCH FUNERAL - we don't hear this SCRUTINY about Race and the sanctity of the church.

CNu said...

Maximum sustainable planetary human population, at current U.S. levels of resource and material consumption and waste production is ~100 million.

CNu said...

It was Rachel discrimination, plain and simple.

Vic78 said...

What's with the simplicity that you approach every issue? Why does it seem as if you're immune to sound reasoning? It's like you haven't learned anything from the cats that post here. There are a bunch of PDFs, videos, and comments on various issues going back at least three years that anyone taking the time to sift through will come out better for the experience. This site even has people posting creative ways to deal with climate change.

So my guess is that you have some need to play games with people or you're satisfied with where you at mentally because you know the truth. Being satisfied with yourself is dangerous because it means you're not capable of growing and won't examine the investments you've made.

Vic78 said...

I'll never get over that video. That should've been viral.

BigDonOne said...

Hey! Did we tell you BD is on the cutting edge?? Today InfoWars has their lead article condemning leftists for failure to acknowledge Fuzzy responsibility for Islamic terrorism - while continuously condemning whites for occasional isolated violence of a few nut-cases. Even quotes yer buddy Chauncey DeVega....

As far as Charleston goes, more innocent black *children* are killed annually in the inner-city gang-banger crossfire. So prevalent it isn't even news. Do something about *THAT*.....

More liberal liars...

BigDonOne said...

Proof of global warming is quite simple. Sea level has been continuously rising, No credible science, even the outliers, disputes *that*.

The liquid water to accomplish sea rise has to come from somewhere. Melting of polar caps, mountain peak ice, and glaciers are the only possible source (water is not coming in from outer space). That can only happening if there is a net heating up of the planet....

Only question is how much of it is due to human activity.......

CNu said...

while continuously condemning whites for occasional isolated violence of a few nut-cases.


quoth the non-productive beneficiary of a warsocialist state that operates as the global purveyor of industrial-scale institutional violence against black and brown peoples worldwide! BD, if you didn't exist I'd be extremely hard-pressed to make you up.

BigDonOne said...

If you can't defend it, it ain't yours. World societies have always operated that way, grabbing whatever possible they covet. Defense is Number One and any nation that doesn't appreciate that is ultimately toast. Fuzz wants control of the world and they have unequivalently said that.

America has become so liberal it is being overtaken by default. Not even putting up a fight. Liberals electing a Fuzzy POTUS-75, Indiscriminately importing unscreened useless Fuzz by the thousands, pushing treaties that cancel or dilute American sovereignty. And defense budget currently under assault by the Demos. America is frogs in the slowly-boiled Fuzzy pot distracted by ridiculous gender-identity and orientation issues and attempts to equalize ooutcomes for fotr hard-wired DNA defectives.

CNu, you should be happy. BD is just glad he won't be around to witness the ultimate total collapse of the wonderful advanced world-leading free nation his European ancestors founded.....

CNu said...

lol, unselfconsciously gibbering "grab" and "defend" in the same sentence. ta loco BD?

Make sure that when you issue far-reaching claims, that you claim it all sonny boy, to wit, "the 6th global extinction your European ancestors founded" and stuck all the other inhabitants of the planet with...,

BigDonOne said...

Must be doing something right - you've got everybody trying to sneak in and virtually nobody voluntarily leaving....

ken said...

Clearly, BD its preposterous to think global warming isn't caused by humans. I mean come on now you have humans adding 29 gigatonnes of CO2 to the already 600 gigatonnes already being added naturally, you know the humans better stop and turn this thing around. With the high sunspot activity in the 1990's ending early in 2000's and the increase in temperatures Mars and Pluto, we better get on this as fast as possible. The amount of lives that will be sustained using fossil fuels is a mere drop in the bucket to what is going to be lost with the global warming.

There are some idiots that say the sun spots might have something to do with the warming and cooling of the planet, just because we had a max 10 years or so back

and as of late the temperatures have flattened for 15 or so years is no reason not to jump on this with both barrels. Those same people are saying the lack of sun spot activity might make a difference.

I for one don't think we should wait in stunting all world economies and slow the world's manmade 29 gigatonnes of contribution to the 650 or so gigatonnes of total CO2 produced. If we could reduce 10 gigatonnes imagine what difference that would make in the carbon picture. Its either a little bit of dying now, or a lot later.

Those stupid fundamentals even if there was a Creator, he would have never imagined an additional 29 gigatonnes of carbon being added to the mix, talk about blind faith it just makes you want to scream at their stupidity.

rohan said...

N-1 (+1) and IQ-110 (0)

BigDonOne said...

@Ken -- You did not read BD carefully. BD was responding to the question raised by the video of whether or not global warming EVEN EXISTS. It is denied by folks who say stuff like, "look how cold it got in New York last winter..." BD offered undeniable proof that it DOES exist. There is *NOBODY* with any credibility who denies that sea level is rising.

Yes, absolutely, BD believes humans are at least part of the cause. But there ARE well-credentialed folks who think not, arguing rather that it is a natural cycle. That is the question BD suggests remains to be conclusively answered to the satisfaction of *ALL* interested parties.

ken said...

Sorry BD my post was sarcasm, I don't believe our small contribution to the total world carbon has the ability to change the temperature significantly one way or another. besides the fact that our carbon contribution is small compared to the world's natural contribution, water vapor is 80 to 95% or greenhouse gas, so when you figure our contribution 1.5 to 3% excluding water vapor in the equation, 10 times smaller when water vapor is considered, the proposals of moving our contributions back to levels 15, 20, 50 or 100 years ago and expecting this to change the climate is silly talk.

As for your ideas of water levels rising, yes of course, everyone should be well aware climate changes. It always has, when we have an ice age the sea levels are low, and when the earth is in a warming period the sea levels are higher. I think this site here who has been doing excellent truthful research on global warming discussion has some very good historical background about sea levels.

BigDonOne said...

BD will see your historical data and raise you atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which have shot up to record never-before-seen levels in almost exact conjunction with ramping up of fossil fuel consumption by humans kicking off in the late 1800's with industrialization. (shocking graph below from's_atmosphere). Granted, correlation is not causatiion but in this case it is certainly suspicious. In proportion to it's concentration, atmoispheric carbon dioxide traps earth's radiant heat to space normally emitted as a function of earth's effective temperature (greenhouse effect). More CO2 equals more trapped heat, and as you can see from the graph, it is higfher tha ever....

The glacier fotos above absolutely document that the earth is steadily heating up. And as for sea level rising:-- plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity might have some influence, especially on the pre-historic level changes described in your link. Also related solar acivity. Haven't looked for any info, estimates, assessments of those effects if indeed it even possible to analyze such changes......

In BD's humble opinion, the jury is still out on impact of human activity on earth heating, was the reason for leaving that as a question in the original comment. In any case, the idea of taxing business for CO2 emissions is total BS. To have any effect on the human contribution, the total number of humans needs to be reduced substantially.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?