Tuesday, June 16, 2015

raised by christian cultists, touched by "Jesus", and sheltered in immaculate complexion

denverpost |  Joshua Dolezal is accused of assaulting a child who was about 6 years old in 2000 or 2001 in Clear Creek County where the Dolezals lived at the time, according to an arrest affidavit. The alleged victim told investigators Joshua Dolezal also abused another person. 

The affidavit shows that after the allegations were reported in July 2013, a detective interviewed someone in Spokane as part of the investigation. The person's name is redacted in the report.

The alleged victim told investigators Joshua Dolezal warned, "Don't tell anyone or I'll hurt you," according to the affidavit. It also says the person decided to come forward after the birth of Joshua Dolezal's daughter because of concerns about the child's well-being.

He was charged in March 2014 and is free on $15,000 bail, according to court records.
Joshua Dolezal is scheduled to face trial in August. Neither Dolezal nor his Denver-based lawyers responded to messages seeking comment. Fifth Judicial District Attorney Bruce Brown also declined to comment.

Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal, in an interview about their daughter with Spokane television station KHQ last week, avoided questions about any family legal matters in Colorado.

"It's better if we don't (comment)," Larry Dolezal told the station. "It's a separate matter."
On NBC's Today, Dolezal's parents said Monday they disclosed their daughter's true race because they didn't want to lie to an inquiring reporter.

"I think Rachel has tried to damage her biological family," Ruthanne Dolezal said. She said Rachel began to "disguise herself" after her parents adopted four African-American children more than a decade ago.


ken said...

It seems the motivation for the outing may have not come from the parents...

"She may have felt that she had some advantage in her activism by being portrayed as a black woman,” her mother, Ruthanne Dolezal, said on NBC's “Today” show Monday. “We hope that Rachel will get the help she needs to deal with her identity issues. Of course we love her, and we hope that she will come to a place where she knows and believes and speaks the truth.”

Rachel Dolezal’s father said they had not spoken about their daughter’s race before because they had never been asked. “We had never been asked to be involved, we had never been questioned before, but just short of a week ago, we were contacted by the Coeur d’Alene Press,” Lawrence Dolezal said on the “Today” show.

“I guess it was part of some investigative reporting that was being done and somehow they got wind of us as her parents as a possibility, so they contacted us to see if we were, in fact, her parents,” Lawrence Dolezal said. “We taught our children, as we raised all six of them, to tell the truth, always be honest. So we weren’t going to lie; we told the truth: Rachel is our birth daughter.”

Guess I need to find out what was triggering the investigative report.

ken said...


CNu said...

Sorry, couldn't keep that link Ken. I read the article and it adds nothing to the discussion. In fact, the throwaway characterization "crazier and crazier" from Baz Dreisinger quoted in the title, is as worthless as the article anchored by Dreisinger's chindribble at the Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/rachel-dolezal-and-the-history-of-passing-for-black/395882/

Jelani Cobb's piece at the New Yorker, on the other hand, typifies the solidifying position of thoughtful and well-informed folk who will ultimately define the meta-narrative in which Ms. Dolezal's fate will be historically judged. http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/rachel-dolezal-black-like-her

Constructive_Feedback said...


Brother CNu: There appears to be a pattern here - that you are driving - about "Christian Fundamentalists" and sexual abuse of their children. I can only imagine what would happen if the Black kid on "Duck Dynasty" were to make similar allegations.

Joshua Dolezal - If he is found guilty - let him rot.

Yet you appear to be on to something greater than this one particular situation (and the Duggars)

Why is it that you appear to posit that these "Out Of The Ordinary Christian Domiciles" (as I accept your characterization of the Dolezal's as true) point to a PATTERN that must be redressed BY LAW, yet of the many many thousands of child sexual abuse cases associated with those who don't claim this "Christian Fundamentalist Conviction" - I see no particular interest in advocacy on your part.

What am I missing about your agenda, Sir?

Vic78 said...

He loves his Jesus. Don't ever offend the faith. If it looks like you're attacking the faith, Feed's coming down with god's wrath and he's gonna tell you about yourself. Don't attack conservatives either. He comes across as if you're attacking his buddies. You post evidence of your target being a 100% scumbag and he'll take issue and go on his tangent like you're the bad guy. He's unique.

ken said...

Seeing them pay lip service to morality and focus on the family, while simultaneously perpetrating a disproportionate percentage of child sexual abuse is analogous....

I challenge you to prove that statement. Compared to what? Please show me the stats that have Focus on the Family type Christians sexually abusing their children in disproportionate numbers in comparison to the other other sectors of the population. I suppose you could say disproportionate could mean a higher or lower share of the cases, but I think we can assume it meant higher.

Constructive_Feedback said...

My Good Man Vic78:

You are confused.
I suffer no "Christian Fools" either.
It is when people make broadsides, attempting to use a FOOL to infer a GENERALIZATION.

I have NOTHING in common with a White Right-Wing Republican Conservative". I reject "Right-Wing Nationalists" and "Progressive-Fundamentalist Nationalists".

As much as it is hard for you to take some times, I am a "FUNCTIONAL CULTURALIST", mandating that those who are serious in achieving a certain end within their people MUST stand up a CULTURE that systematically guides them toward this end - OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES in this game of attrition.

You can't accept that this Progressive Secularist CULTURAL BRINKSMANSHIP, which believes that it will defeat "White Supremacy" by tricking everyone into adopting a grand secular and powerful state IS GOING TO BITE THE NEGRO WHO GOES ALONG WITH THIS SCHEME IN HIS ASS.

When he is left all alone and needing to rely upon the foraging skills that he has built up over time - people like YOU will then realize that you have none to speak of. Your body become the "Soylent Green" that a future people utilize for a hydrocarbon based fuel source.

Constructive_Feedback said...

My dear friend CNu:

Of these "Conservative White Nationalists" - OTHER THAN being a threat to you because in their THINKING they don't "Like Your Kind" - what places them as so superior?

If they are training in the wilderness for a "Race War" - how does this square with you when compared to the "Missouri Street Gang Militia" who are making your home state one of the most deadly for Black people?

Their piety about "morality" and "family" causes you to seeth because when they say "Welfare Or Brood Mare - you likely that they have a Black face in mind. I am struggling, however, to understand how this SUPERIOR THOUGHT INJURY impacts Black people, other than those who affix their social being to be interdependent upon these people?

"Overpolice a target minority group"?
If you look at the places with the highest concentrations of Black people today - this same population have promoted into power the people of their own choosing.
What makes you want to stick with an image of Sheriff Joe Clarke and Bull Conner?

CNu said...

Do me a favor Bro. Feed, when you come here, please take off your standard Internet costume and act like time is short, and you're at a meeting where you're a loooooong ways from being the smartest cat in the room. um-kay....,

CNu said...

lol, Ken, do you imagine that you've spent more or less time associating with and observing these people than I have?

What psychophysiological energy/impulse is being harnessed/sublimated to drive and sustain their antics? If you answer truthfully, then you already have all the "proof" you could ever need.

Vic78 said...

Wow, don't you ever change.

ken said...

That wasn't the info I was interested in, the group you cited, you say proportionally commit more child sexual abuse than other groups. That seemed counter-intuitive to me and I wanted you to supply some sort of stats to back up the claim. It had nothing to do with anecdotal personal observations from you or me.

CNu said...

I didn't cite a group - that was all you reading into my words what you chose to read. I'm not making anecdotal observations either. I'm stating as a general rule that buybull hysteria and stupidity coincide directly and specifically with the improper sublimation and subjugation of very specific psychophysical energies.

I'm stating that because of that specific fact, because of the specific nature of group interactions predicated on the misuse of this energy (as opposed to direct revelatory experience acquired through entheogen use) the victims of what passes for Christianity are mentally ill and predisposed to sexual deviance and impropriety.

In precisely the same way that someone incompetently manufacturing methamphetamine is liable to blow or burn themselves up and create a toxic mess due to their bumbling misuse of energies and substances they don't fully understand, evangelical pentacostal and "charismatic" protestantianity is prone to such "accidents" of a sexually deviant and malfeasant nature. Pun intended, it comes with the territory!

ken said...

Can't figure out why the response here was deleted. No links, no words, no names, nothing.

ken said...

Let's try again, I think I get you didn't cite a group, however this comes dangerously close..."because of the specific nature of group interactions predicated on the misuse of this energy (as opposed to direct revelatory experience acquired through entheogen use) the victims of what passes for Christianity are mentally ill and predisposed to sexual deviance and impropriety."

Now with words like predisposed or "specific fact" or "general rule" talking about the nature of specific group, we should be able to see numbers that correlate with the predisposed actions of the behavior of the group, which in this case is sexual deviance and impropriety. That's all were asking for here is the statistics you must be familiar with that have made your claims "specific facts" and "general rules" for the group you call fundamentalist bibtards.

CNu said...

Google christian child molestation statistics

ken said...

Sorry, this search is not giving me any good numbers that I can say I get why you have these "general rules" or "specific facts" or obvious predispositions when talking about fundamentalist Christians and child sexual abuse. In fact when I think of the demographic of Fundamentalist Christians I consider them to be in traditional family settings where most sexual child abuse statistics claim the least amount of sexual abuses occur.

FACT: While no child is immune, there are child and family characteristics that significantly heighten or lower risk of sexual abuse.

The following risk factors are based on reported and identified cases of abuse:

Family structure is the most important risk factor in child sexual abuse. Children who live with two married biological parents are at low risk for abuse. The risk increases when children live with step-parents or a single parent.3

Children living without either parent (foster children) are 10 times more likely to be sexually abused than children that live with both biological parents. Children who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are at the highest risk: they are 20 times more likely to be victims of child sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents.3

Gender is also a major factor in sexual abuse. Females are five times more likely to be abused than males.30 The age of the male being abused also plays a part. 8% of victims aged 12 to 17 are male. 26% of victims under the age of 12 are male.9

Age is a significant factor in sexual abuse. While there is risk for children of all ages, children are most vulnerable to abuse between the ages of seven and 13.30The median age for reported abuse is nine years old.31 However, more than 20% of children are sexually abused before the age of eight.9

Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children.3

The risk for sexual abuse is tripled for children whose parent(s) are not in the labor force.3

Children in low socioeconomic status households are three times as likely to be identified as a victim of child abuse.3

Children who live in rural areas are almost two times more likely to be identified as victims of child sexual abuse.3

Children who witness or are the victim of other crimes are significantly more likely to be sexually abused.32


CNu said...

lol, then your search skills are seriously deficient. I'm not interested in what you think about this topic, I'm not interested in further educating you on this topic, and I'm not going to participate in yet another one of your bad-faith, off-topic digressions. 93% of American child molesters self-report as religious(christian). That's one of the very first things you would have seen in that search.

Willie Sutton knew why child molesters can be found in either churches or schools. Everything else is pointless and disingenuous conversation pursuant to a futile political agenda (at least hereabouts)....,

ken said...

That isn't a helpful number, you started out saying fundamentalist, charismatic Christians, and have turned this into "self report as religious (christian). Over 85% percent of the population says they are religious or spiritual. Looks like from your reasoning atheism is the best form of crime reduction.


And from this study, Catholic beliefs cause the most crime.

CNu said...

Here you go Bro. Feed. Better get you a Bob Williams program in place in these churches, quick, fast and in a hurry. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/charleston-church-shooting/charleston-church-shooting-police-call-help-catch-gunman-loose-n377546

CNu said...

It almost goes without saying that those capable of deepest critical and analytical thought would be least prone to crime and criminality, and anyone capable of deep critical and analytical thought is not going to be found anywhere near an evangelical protestant church or group, unless they're intent on fleecing them like sheep or performing various and sundry other experiments.

My current inclination is to consider pedophilia a psychophysiological condition unrelated to but similar in certain regards to homosexuality or transexuality. http://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1658-5-ways-were-making-pedophilia-worse.html

The Willie Sutton crack comprises the rest of that thought. "you rob banks because that's where the money is kept"

You fleece or otherwise abuse buybull buddies because their suggestible, ignorant, sexually repressed and susceptible to it on more levels than mentally robust and intellectually astute groups of people.

Along with orphanages and schools, this is precisely why the problem was so big within the Catholic church. Now that the church has dealt with its institutional problem in this area, the final great frontier remains the unconsolidated and unsupervised wilderness of buybull buddy collective security clubs where the stupid congregate in response to the evolutionarily stable strategy of congregating, but in response to the most backward and ignorant theology and "instruction" given anywhere outside Islam.

CNu said...

A few years ago, I gave you a text in which you can easily find the basis for my certain conviction(s) on these points - beyond this morning's coerced futher elaborations. http://subrealism.blogspot.com/2013/10/thinking-in-ordinary-way-is-trapped.html

ken said...

Along with orphanages and schools, this is precisely why the problem was so big within the Catholic church. Now that the church has dealt with its institutional problem in this area, the final great frontier remains the unconsolidated and unsupervised wilderness of buybull buddy collective security clubs where the stupid congregate in response to the evolutionarily stable strategy of congregating,

Well true churches are little behind on this, we just recently made sure to backround checks on anyone helping out with the children in our church. I know your gig is to pound on those who center their lives on a belief in God. Even with that type of unfair critical eye churches should look for anything they can do to improve in this area as they are criticized. As the Bible commands Christians should do everything they can to be blameless in front of the world.

However your ideas of the last final great frontier is so out of touch with the last known stat for public schools showing that 10% of children in our public schools will be sexually abused before they graduate. And that stat was 2004, I can imagine it hasn't improved since then seeing as was the last time we dared do a study of this. Of course 10% sexual abuse of children at public school is 2, 3, or 4 times the rate of the Catholic church before it addressed its sexual abuse problem.


CNu said...

I know your gig is to pound on those who center their lives on a belief in God.It's not even possible for you to be more mistaken. I aspire to acceptable service to the absolute and clearly recognize my own apostasy. That said, I have an utter lack of compassion or patience for primitive literalists pretending to "center their lives" but who are in fact in the deepest, soundest, and most wasteful sleep imaginable.

As I've gotten older, I've come to accept that consciousness is indeed like a switch that flips on during the psychological evolutionary process, and that very probably no amount of study, effort, or conversation is capable of moving that switch. Even with that type of unfair critical eye It's not a question of fairness. "them what's got shall get, them what's not shall lose" makes fairly clear the blunt objectivity of gospel teaching.However your ideas of the last final great frontier is so out of touch
with the last known stat for public schools showing that 10% of children
in our public schools will be sexually abused before they graduate. And
that stat was 2004You going to supply a link to that "stat"? Cause I didn't see it in the 2013 GAO report you linked to. Further, if all you're onto in 2015 is starting to do background checks for your daycare or your church, then you're waaaaaay behind the curve of what public education does, so I'll stand by my assertion that buybull buddy child molestation dwarfs anything going on in any other demographic of society.

Vic78 said...

Since Focus on the Family was brought up Google James Dobson shower. Then Google Paul Crouch sex scandal. After that you can look up Benny Hinn affair. Those characters are different.

ken said...

The letter right at the beginning states it, I could look for the link later, but I'll be traveling today and won't have time, I have seen stats similar to this so I took the letter to be accurate:

Dear Mr. Miller:

Over the last decade, a number of media reports were made across the
country about sexual abuse1 of students by public K-12 school personnel.
A report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education in 2004 stated
that nearly 9.6 percent of students are victims of sexual abuse by school
personnel2—such as teachers, principals, coaches, and school bus
drivers—sometime during their school career.3Definitions of sexual abuse may vary from state to state. For example, sexual abuse may be defined in general terms or by specifying various acts as sexual abuse, such as rape, molestation, or sexual assault. For purposes of this report, we consider sexual abuse to include any sexual activity involving a child that is a crime under applicable state law.
However, the prevalence of sexual abuse by school personnel remains unknown, in part, because
some cases go unreported.....

Further, if all you're onto in 2015 is starting to do background checks for your daycare or your church, then you're waaaaaay behind the curve of what public education does"

Maybe so if, you were hiring someone without having any acquaintance of them first. However, at least in my church there is a history of relationship with the person and the church for likely a year or 2 before the individual becomes involved in being part of the services of the church, that might be a different element than public schools. Standing by your assertion about buybull buddies, as you call them, isn't making the assertion true.

CNu said...

Or scan the archives of the Church Folk Revolution I've linked for the past 18 months http://pimppreacher.com/ which details newsmaking instances of egregious buybull buddy phukkery that Ken has been working overtime in this thread to redirect or suppress....,

CNu said...

lol, the assertion is true - there's simply no bureaucratic apparatus in place to document, report, and quantify it. So all we have is self-reporting by perpetrators and whistle-blowing by apostates who woke, up realized they were surrounded by deviant twits, estranged themselves from said twits and set about the business of calling them out for their dysfunctional and deviant ways.

(oddly reminiscent of the failure to report overseer killings of civilians, except that in that case there's intentional malfeasance and conspiracy because all the bureaucratic apparatus is in place to document, report, and quantify, but the apparatus has been turned off and doesn't perform this institutionally damning function)

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?