Monday, June 15, 2015

insatiable rachel discrimination by hot, itchy, hair-hats finally takes its toll....,

facebook |  Dear Executive Committee and NAACP Members, 

It is a true honor to serve in the racial and social justice movement here in Spokane and across the nation. Many issues face us now that drive at the theme of urgency. Police brutality, biased curriculum in schools, economic disenfranchisement, health inequities, and a lack of pro-justice political representation are among the concerns at the forefront of the current administration of the Spokane NAACP. And yet, the dialogue has unexpectedly shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity.

I have waited in deference while others expressed their feelings, beliefs, confusions and even conclusions - absent the full story. I am consistently committed to empowering marginalized voices and believe that many individuals have been heard in the last hours and days that would not otherwise have had a platform to weigh in on this important discussion. Additionally, I have always deferred to the state and national NAACP leadership and offer my sincere gratitude for their unwavering support of my leadership through this unexpected firestorm.

While challenging the construct of race is at the core of evolving human consciousness, we can NOT afford to lose sight of the five Game Changers (Criminal Justice & Public Safety, Health & Healthcare, Education, Economic Sustainability, and Voting Rights & Political Representation) that affect millions, often with a life or death outcome. The movement is larger than a moment in time or a single person's story, and I hope that everyone offers their robust support of the Journey for Justice campaign that the NAACP launches today!

I am delighted that so many organizations and individuals have supported and collaborated with the Spokane NAACP under my leadership to grow this branch into one of the healthiest in the nation in 5 short months. In the eye of this current storm, I can see that a separation of family and organizational outcomes is in the best interest of the NAACP.

It is with complete allegiance to the cause of racial and social justice and the NAACP that I step aside from the Presidency and pass the baton to my Vice President, Naima Quarles-Burnley. It is my hope that by securing a beautiful office for the organization in the heart of downtown, bringing the local branch into financial compliance, catalyzing committees to do strategic work in the five Game Changer issues, launching community forums, putting the membership on a fast climb, and helping many individuals find the legal, financial and practical support needed to fight race-based discrimination, I have positioned the Spokane NAACP to buttress this transition.

Please know I will never stop fighting for human rights and will do everything in my power to help and assist, whether it means stepping up or stepping down, because this is not about me. It's about justice. This is not me quitting; this is a continuum. It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment.

With much love and a commitment to always fight for what is right and good in this world,
Rachel Dolezal


BigDonOne said...

You have a Fuzzy takeover of American progressing nicely and all folks seem to care about are Caitlyn and Rachel, who, in the grand scheme of things have about *ZERO* significance.

Has Subrealism really stooped that low...??

1. Obama still refuses to use the word Islam when speaking about Islamic terrorists
Obama has had "secret" meetings (only recently disclosed) at the White House with the Muslim Brotherhood members in the last month

2. Obama is working with radical Islamic ICNA in its just concluded 3-day "summit" on terrorism

3. The Center for Immigration Studies advised that Obama imported 300,000 Muslims into the USA in 2013 and at least 70,000 Muslims in 2014

4. In 2015, Obama ordered the US State Department to overload the immigration system in order to bring thousands of Jihadis into the USA as well as tens of thousands of more Muslims. One way or the other, Obama is determined to turn what was once the USA into an Islamic country

5. Every time ISIS or another Islamic terrorist group commits another beheading, live human burning, disembowelment of organs for sale (this is one of the new practices), Obama makes excuses for them.

CNu said...

Assuming I considered any of this to be true, it would be a cause for concern to me because?

Ed Dunn said...

You know the best part of this whole episode? The assertion that no black person in Spokane realized she was not black..that is the narrative that went unchecked. Like her black husband dropped his drink and the black women at the Spokane NAACP soiree clutched their pearls and the fellow Howard alumni is saying they didn't know she was not black.

BigDonOne said...

Oh, for example, forcible marriage and rape of your grandaughters, murder of grandaughters for disrespecting spouse, not to mention the massive time wasted in daily N-1 activity when something productive could be getting done, like education of the kids.....for openers.

CNu said...

America is an Afro-European culture, a Creole culture. The unspoken truth of the matter (actually, that husky buster with a hot hair-hat on his head pretending to be a woman on MHP spoke it before he got lost in his jealous woman feelings) Everybody wants to be Black until the police show up

What white woman joyously matriculates at Howard University and then returns to the arid desolation of Beckydom? Seriously.

She may have left chocolate city but by that time chocolate city was all up in her and jes grew.

CNu said...

lol, stop sitting on your lazy boy in front of the teevee eating so gottdayyum much boiled cabbage and GTFOH with all that gas..., go outside in the fresh air and sunlight, get you some edibles and go see Mad Max Fury Road

Constructive_Feedback said...

It is a true honor to serve in the racial and social justice movement here in Spokane and across the nation.


Ed Dunn said...

I guess we should pretend that one black panther woman "elridge cleaver?" did not exist. Or the story of the one guy who was jewish who was part of the aryan nation (he claim he didn't know) or the many koreans trying to pass as japanese in japan through surgery.

This case is interesting because of who is responding - at the end of the day, she didn't become black to cook neckbones and collard greens and watch reality TV shows of skanks fighting - she became black and did all the things you expect a smart social-conscious black woman to do. Who is doing the complaining here? From my view, it's the skanks I see on my social media complaining.

I'm wondering is this is just pretext to argue identity can be psuedo which I believe is the true underlying agenda here by the media.

CNu said...

Identity is pseudo, a contrived framework for the assimilation and aggregation of political power. At this moment, I'm hard-pressed to think of an exception to this rule.

BigDonOne said...

Right. It would not be politically useful to acknoledge that infusion of SlaveOwner160.....

rohan said...

Dawn, does anybody ever take you up on your constant offer?

BigDonOne said...

Sorry Dude, the racial identity question cuts both ways.

You really need to read this NYTimes report all the way to the bottom:-
Lot of interesting content on racial identity.

"On average, the scientists found, people who identified as African-American had genes that were only 73.2 percent African..."

rohan said...

Why you dipping in grown folks discussion with childish mess? Get back to the den and the folding table with the other children!

Constructive_Feedback said...

[quote]she became black and did all the things you expect a smart social-conscious black woman to do.[/quote]

From Rachel Dolezal to Tim Wise to Michael Eric Dyson and Melissa Harris-Perry - I challenge you to identify ONE STANCE that they took that was "PRO-BLACK" and not just "PRO-PROGRESSIVE"?

To be clear - name any issue in which any of this motley crew have said: "You know that I am 100% died in the wool PROGRESSIVE, but on one issue where I believe that such a progressive stance is DETRIMENTAL TO THE BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS..............I plan to fight against you as if you were a White Republican attempting to steal my Black vote".

CNu said...

Time Wise, Michael Eric Dyson, and Melissa Harris Perry have nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this post. I'm not entertaining intentionally distracting sidetracks and digressions into stupid irrelevance.

Ms. Dolezal did more by 7:00am this morning for Black folks than you've done your entire adult life.

Tom said...

lol rachel discrimination

BigDonOne said...

OK. Here's the New Ten.......

CNu said...

lol, my man...,

CNu said...

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?