Thursday, June 25, 2015

the mantra, white genocide and N-1 racetard terrorism as self-defense

theatlantic |  “It’s no longer OK to be an open racist and an anti-Semite,” she said. Instead, many members of these groups have adopted a claim first popularized by Robert Whitaker, an elderly segregationist from South Carolina, who in 2006 posted on his website a warning about “the third world pour[ing] into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.” The tract, known as The Mantra, helped promote the term “White Genocide,” which has since become a watchword among white supremacists for immigration and fertility trends that could lead to whites losing their majority status in U.S. and European populations in the coming decades. Beirich said it’s less that there is a coordinated global white-supremacist movement than that the rhetoric its adherents use has congealed around an issue that many “white countries” are perceived to be facing.

And that rhetoric is distinctly international in scope. Whitaker’s mantra suggests the existence of a double standard, in which whites are denied privileges that others enjoy—“ASIA FOR THE ASIANS, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY.” It claims that only whites are being forced to accept “multiculturalism.” A petition to the White House posted last month, calling on the Obama administration to “stop White Genocide in our country!”, encourages the president to turn to Liberia, of all places, for lessons on racial purity. It quotes approvingly from the Liberian constitution of 1986, which says that “in order to preserve, foster and maintain the positive Liberian culture, values and character, only persons who are Negro or of Negro descent shall qualify by birth or by naturalization to be citizens of Liberia.”

A group called the White Genocide Project, which drew notice earlier this year for posting billboards in Alabama displaying Mantra quotes such as “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White,” cites international law to establish the existence of white genocide, specifically Article II, subsection (c) of the United Nations Genocide Convention. The definition of genocide offered there includes “deliberately inflicting on the group”—which can be a “national, ethnical, racial or religious group”—“conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Under that definition, the White Genocide Project’s website states that a “combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide.” The authors compare the trend to Han Chinese migration into Tibet—which Tibetans have complained dilutes their culture—with the only difference being that “White Genocide is taking place across many countries, and it is being done to the majority, rather than a minority.”


BigDonOne said...

It's not rocket science and it doesn't take an anthropologist to figure it out. Superiority is easily determined just looking at the immigration patterns: what countries are being entered and fled-from. Refugees, legal and otherwise, fighting to get in. America and once-nice European countries are being destroyed by Africans and Fuzzies. You can't even walk down some streets in Paris and London, and Scandinavia is well on the way. Superior first-world Asian countries (e.g., Japan, Korea, Singapore) won't even let them in.

Here is a revealing classic for your race-differences folder ---> Africans couldn't even invent The Ball (or The Wheel) with a 100,000-year head start. Apparent first use of The Ball as an element of sport is credited to the Aztecs.....

Vic78 said...

Bigots are so easily outwitted. Unfortunately, the only scam worth running on you is some whites only shit. All that's worth taking from you is your worthless psychic space. What's it like to know you ain't shit and the only thing to look forward to is ridicule in the only place that accepts you?

CNu said...

lol@mess with you....,

This is school for you.

SeeNew sees through all N-1 viruses of the mind and treats them all accordingly. What's most fascinating to me to watch is the fact that your responses to these probes are qualitatively identical to Ken's around probes of evangelical protestantianity. Main difference between you and Ken being that Ken has developed an extensive rhetorical arsenal with which to attempt to debate, deflect and distract, whereas all you've got is some jingoism and minimal technique.

Your rhetorical arsenal in defense of the indefensible pretty much boils down to nah, nah, nabooboo..., (Ken's got to be about that quality after hard facts were introduced about Cuban sustainability, something that his worship of greed, fiat money, and prosperity couldn't actually answer on a fact-to-fact basis)

ken said...

I am almost was ready to used your overused worn out LOL when you are talking about the "hard facts" you presented. You know your facts won't sound as good when you play them back on a recording as you thought they sounded when you were hearing them being presented the first time.

BigDonOne said...

The Santa Claus meme is more than adequate, a rhetorical aarsenal is overkill...

CNu said...

lol, dood - don't be salty because I peeped your hole card a looooong time ago. I was batting it around with your ilk as a teenager. Matter fact, a couple of my main cronies were hardcores who kept a KJV with them at all times the way most cats keep a wristwatch or a wallet.

If you've got a response to the footprintnetwork data or methods(which we've drawn upon here for years) - there's nothing but air and opportunity keeping you from dropping knowledge and spitting fire. If, OTOH, all you've got is hearsay, just so stories, and jingoism about what little remains of the precipitously contracting "American way of life", then you're going to get handed your ass on a more frequently recurring basis.

Since we know you cant rebut the pope's theological argument, that pretty much leaves you with a whole lot of nothing left to say.

rohan said...

If a group wants to be liked and respected, it needs to present the requisite qualities and behaviors.

Man, I'm stunned that you let him slide on this comment.

CNu said...

What is there to say that didn't already say itself?

rohan said...

Point taken.

rohan said...

domo arigato gozaimashita motherfucker....,

BigDonOne said...

@Rohan-san...Let BD spell it out for you. We been arguing these issues online for 25 years since back when dialing-up at 300 baud was the fast lane.

It was years before BD was able to get any solid data for unmarried Ja child-bearing rates. Any Ja that did that was severely humiliated by their peers/superiors. 極端な恥がありますThe number is like 20% today up from single digits back in the day. They tend not to miscegenate to any extent either, same deal.

The SeventyFiveZZ just don't get it, can only complain about how they treated with no respect while lacking genetic hard-wiring to comprehend the reasons. so desu ne....

ken said...

Repeating you accomplished or informed anybody of anything isn't going to change the reality sir. Cuba is going to increase their food production, and their conveniences in life like: electricity, newer cars, running water everywhere on the island and sewers. They will end up eating more meat and living more like us because they want to. Their footprint data will rise, yet their living conditions will be better and cleaner, and nothing different will happen to the planet because they make their lives better.

As for the Priest I have nothing against considering the earth in any undertakings we do, its called being a good steward, however he doesn't have any insights as to what causes the climate to get warmer or colder.

As for your partisan footprint methods I noticed the greatest success stories for footprints were countries no other country wishes to become or emulate:

Which make it a very poor and useless measurement, not to mention the great guys at "whatsupwiththat, have managed to break down how poor the data system truly is:

CNu said...

They will end up eating more meat and living more like us because they want to.

The peacock/peahen spectacle and path of conspicuous consumption is indeed a turrible virus of the mind. The reality, however, is that 6 Billion of you are going to die during my lifetime.

As for your partisan footprint methods


Oh No!!!!!!

Debunked by a professional denialist, and there you pretended you'd lost interest..,

makheru bradley said...

The White Genocide Project. The Cress Theory at work.

BigDonOne said...

This whole Confederate Flag deletion thing is right out of the book "1984" where protagonist Winston Smith's job at the Ministry of Truth was to delete anything historic that didn't fit with current government thinking, flush it down the Memory Hole, and replace it with soimething fake, i.e., a blank roof on the General Lee....Yee-haw....!!!

Transcript of 1984: Memory Hole A small chute in the wall used to carry documents to a large incinerator, in order to censor information and or remnants of the past...
The Ministry of Truth, where Winston works and has the job to rewrite the history and documentation of the state in order to satisfy current Party policy and interpretation.

ken said...

It doesn't matter who brings the facts, as long as they can be confirmed to be accurate. In my little school studies here, I came across an interesting stat. Using the footprint measurement, behind the US and China, the next biggest action making the big footprint impression on the planet is food waste.

Here to think, we are trying to make children eat healthy so they can live longer making ecological footsteps all over the earth for longer than they normally would if they would have eaten the junk they wished for. And to do this we waste all these good vegetables and whatever else they won't eat sucking away the earth's resources to accelerate our demise here on mother earth. Of course the correct plan of action to save the earth would be to let them eat the junk and die.

We used to say live and let live (you know you did) But in this ever changing world in which we live in...Live and let die... That's truly the new morality we need to save the earth.

CNu said...

Actually, it does matter inasmuch as it goes to the factual validity of what they bring. In this case, I dismiss out of hand anything emanating from that source as counterfactual and the product of "thought" and "belief" centered on climate change denial.

Since we know the Cubans aren't wasting any food, and the U.S. wastes 50% or more of the food it aggregates and presents - once again - the "moral" imperative resides with the U.S. and it's immorally profligate ways to do better.

The correct plan of action is to preserve a clear and dominant majority of people whose thoughts and beliefs are grounded in science and psychologically evolving reflection and dispense with (convert to biologically useful nutrient material) as many useless eaters given the suffix "tard" as possible.

ken said...

I see you have stated that before you die 6 billion will die, I assume that to mean by means of the resource of oil being depleted or great wars fighting for resources. One should consider there will be greater obvious signs that these events are about to happen, i.e. a great shortage of oil and a major increase in price and demand way beyond what can be provided. Or another, the earth warming so extensively that the ice caps are melted and many coastal cities are in ruin under water. However with the growing seasons increasing in the north, the warming would likely not cause 6 billion deaths, in the way lack oil will.

So what I am getting at is, let's say we are getting closer to the end of our lives, and the oil reserves are still remaining consistent and maybe the earth has warmed a little because it has been coming out of an ice age from a while ago, or maybe the sun spot activity has caused us to go into a cooling trend. When would you abandon your circle of validity and consider the points you are now calling counterfactual? Or will the timeframe just change and the same calls for communism as the way to save the world still be proclaimed.

CNu said...

One should consider there will be greater obvious signs

No. Don't think about warmaking like a peasant. War is the ultimate economic tool of elites at loggerheads over their inter/intranecine power sharing arrangements. We have reached the point of open insurrection in the U.S., China is losing its indispensable growth momentum, and there are countries about to quit the EU. From an elite governance perspective, things are about as chaotic as they're allowed to become without recourse to deep, across-the-board economic reconfiguration (war)

Leaving aside the acutely looming problem of debt bubble collapse, (which is what will trigger the real governance challenges and the hardcore elite scramble to stay in control) there are a great many places right now where small proxy or accidental "misunderstandings" could easily escalate into vastly more serious conflicts. Crimea/Ukraine, MENA, South China Sea, India/Pakistan, etc..., Somebody's going to detonate a tactical nuclear weapon and then we're off to the races. One hopes it's regional and confined to no more than 1000 such weapons, but that it's going to happen is beyond any doubt.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?