Tuesday, June 30, 2015
the rich push N-1 fairy tales because they cost nothing...,
By CNu at June 30, 2015 33 comments
Labels: Livestock Management , N-1 , the wattles
darpa, synthetic biology, terraforming mars...,
By CNu at June 30, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Genetic Omni Determinism GOD , Possibilities
no sex and status-seeking at the root of ______________?
By CNu at June 30, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Collapse Casualties , contraction , doesn't end well
Monday, June 29, 2015
bad sex and ego at the root of austerity?
By CNu at June 29, 2015 0 comments
Labels: austerity , contraction , reality casualties , What Now?
time to repo puerto rico....,
By CNu at June 29, 2015 5 comments
Labels: debt slavery , doesn't end well , What Now?
Sunday, June 28, 2015
nice business you've got here, be a shame if something happened to it...,
By CNu at June 28, 2015 13 comments
Labels: Deep State , Livestock Management , Rule of Law
uber and airbnb are not the villains in this evolutionary struggle...,
By CNu at June 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: de-evolution , disintermediation , doesn't end well , Peak Capitalism
collaborative consumption
By CNu at June 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: culture of competence , disintermediation , People Centric Leadership
conspicuous consumption
By CNu at June 28, 2015 0 comments
Labels: as above-so below , not a good look , Peak Capitalism , status-seeking
Saturday, June 27, 2015
what electricity consumption tells us about the state of the u.s. economy...,
- An increase in efficiency means that the same output can be obtained with less inputs. Therefore, a small-ish reduction in electricity consumption versus a prior period may not necessarily be indicative of a sluggish economy over that time. And we know that this efficiency has been on the rise in recent years (just look at the power rating of your new appliances).
- Likewise, a warmer winter versus the prior year may also cause a drop in electricity consumption, simply due to home heaters not being used as hard, not necessarily because the economy is doing badly.
By CNu at June 27, 2015 17 comments
Labels: contraction , Hanson's Peak Capitalism , industrial ecosystems
what flavor tard will be first to squeal water rationing is communism?
By CNu at June 27, 2015 11 comments
Labels: global system of 1% supremacy , N-1
true evil is a social construction that inspires people to brutal acts in the name of moral order
By CNu at June 27, 2015 0 comments
Labels: theoconservatism , What IT DO Shawty
Friday, June 26, 2015
globe's most egregious gluttons attempt transition
By CNu at June 26, 2015 8 comments
Labels: Hanson's Peak Capitalism , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , musical chairs
super majors eager to get between the sheets with iran
After several decades, this is the first time that Western super-major oil and gas corporations are openly and publicly expressing their interest to access Iran which enjoys the world's second-largest natural-gas and fourth-biggest oil reserves.
Iranian leaders will attempt to use the short term nuclear deal as a platform to seal long term oil contracts, which will institutionalize the profits for many years to come. This will make it more difficult for sanctions to snap back in case Iran defied the terms of nuclear deal. Iran's oil ministry is looking for roughly $200 billion investment in order to revive and rehabilitate its oil industry. Iran has been publicizing and circulating its oil and business contracts. As Zanganeh stated, the new contracts are "long-term, with better situations, rather than the previous framework that we have."
In closing, unprecedentedly, both Western oil and gas companies and Iran hardliners are openly expressing interest in cooperating with each other, as Iran will gain legitimacy from the final nuclear deal.
This suggests two crucial issues. First of all, OPEC members ought to be prepared and chart ways for Iran's full return to the oil market. As an Iranian delegate pointed out "Iran is telling other OPEC members to get ready for its return". Iran is planning to boost exports by one million barrels a day after sanction are lifted. Currently, Iran's oil production is roughly 2.7 million barrels a day and it oil exports is approximately 1 million barrels a day. Secondly, the international community. and particularly the US, needs to have a strategy pre-planned for Iran's economic return, which will boost Tehran's geopolitics and the IRGC's influence in the region. So far, the Obama administration does not appear to have any particular strategy to rein Iran's economic return.
By CNu at June 26, 2015 0 comments
Labels: chess-not checkers , Obamamandian Imperative , tactical evolution , The Great Game
transition, conversion, musical chairs among hegemons...,
By CNu at June 26, 2015 0 comments
Labels: chess-not checkers , Hanson's Peak Capitalism , hegemony , Irreplaceable Natural Material Resources , musical chairs
Thursday, June 25, 2015
the mantra, white genocide and N-1 racetard terrorism as self-defense
By CNu at June 25, 2015 19 comments
Labels: big don special , domestic terrorism , N-1 , racetardism
exploring the N-1 racetardism in which BD (and other lastrhodesians) center their life and thoughts...,
By the use of this material we propose to follow the history of the white race from its Pleistocene1 beginnings to the present, and to provide a classification of sub-races which will be fully in accord with the facts as we now know them. We submit the thesis that man, as a domestic animal, is extremely variable; and that he has subjected himself, in his wanderings, to all of the environments of the earth, and hence is subject to environmental modification in a way unequalled by any other species. We further suggest that man, through his development of human cultures, has modi-fled his bodily form by his own devices.
During the Pleistocene period there were several species of primates which had attained some degree of human culture, by the acquisition of stone implements, of fire, and of speech. In the present post-glacial or interglacial period, in conformity with the general reduction in faunal varieties, man has been reduced to a single species, unique in a single genus. During the Pleistocene one species, at least, had developed in the manner of a foetalized terrestrial ape, and it is that species which carries today the main stem of Homo sapiens. Other species, including the fossil men of Java, of Peking, and Homo neanderthalensis, had developed at the same time into a heavier, hypermasculine endocrine form, with a luxuriance of jaws, teeth, and bony crests.
We propose to demonstrate that these non-foetalized species did not wholly die out, but that at least one of them was absorbed into the main human stem, at some time during the Middle, or the initial part of the Late, Pleistocene. From this amalgamation was produced the large, rugged, and relatively un-foetalized group of Upper Palaeolithic men in Europe, North Africa, and northern Asia. This type of man passed over Bering Straits in early post-glacial times, if not earlier, to provide the basic ge-netic stock from which the American Indian developed, in combination with later arrivals. From a branch of this hyperborean group there evolved, in northern Asia, the ancestral strain of the entire specialized mongoloid family.
We suggest that the ancestors of the whites in their major form developed during pluvial periods of the Pleistocene in parts of what is now the arid zone reaching from the Sahara to northern India; that in post-glacial times many were forced out of these homes by desiccation, and that some of them originated agriculture and animal husbandry in northeastern Africa and southwestern Asia. From these centers agricultural pioneers followed post-glacial zones of climate into Europe, gradually encroaching upon the lands formerly glaciated. In most of the regions which they occupied they greatly outnumbered the descendants of the hunters and fishers whose ancestors had clung on since glacial times, and many of whom had followed the retreating ice toward its last melting nuclei.
The occupation of all arable lands, and those suitable for grazing, was not completed in a century. or in a millennium; the process was a gradual one, and the withdrawal of the earlier inhabitants into environmentally protected fastnesses equally gradual. The entry of food-producers from Asia and Africa did not take a single route or involve a single people; it was a complex sequence of migrations through several ports of entry. The various strains of food-producers mixed with the food-gatherers whom they encountered, and with each other, until, in our own time, not a single group of complete food-gatherers has remained in white man's territory.
The food-producers seem to have been variants on one central racial theme, the basic Mediterranean. This basic Mediterranean stock varied in many respects, especially in stature and in pigmentation, but in its essential qualities, which segregated it from non-whites, it was remarkably uniform. We do not know that the survivors of the food-gatherers whom the Mediterranean food-producers absorbed were white in soft-part morphology, and there is some evidence that some had begun to evolve in a mongoloid, others perhaps in a negroid, direction. Such variations may be seen within the present composite white racial amalgam.
At any rate, the main conclusion of this study will be that the present races of Europe are derived from a blend of (A), food-producing peoples from Asia and Africa, of basically Mediterranean racial form, with (B), the descendants of interglacial and glacial food-gatherers, produced in turn by a blending of basic Homo sapiens, related to the remote ancestor of the Mediterraneans, with some non-sapiens species of general Neanderthaloid form. The actions and interactions of environment, selection, migration, and human culture upon the various entities within this amalgam, have produced the white race in its present complexity.
In view of these circumstances, the exact classification of living whites into sub-races, such as Nordics, Alpines, Dinaric, and so on, need not be made at this point, but can await (A) the historical study of the white race which will follow in Chapters II to VII; and (B) the survey of the living as a whole which will be made in Chapter VIII. In Chapters IX m XII, inclusive, we will make a more detailed regional survey of the living peoples of Europe to supplement the preceding sections.
By CNu at June 25, 2015 3 comments
Labels: big don special , racetardism
fact-resistant canonical BD'ism the root of most domestic terrorism
By CNu at June 25, 2015 0 comments
Labels: big don special , normotic illness , Race and Ethnicity , What IT DO Shawty
fact-resistant deuterostems face some facts...,
By CNu at June 25, 2015 0 comments
Labels: change , common sense , Possibilities , Rule of Law
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
the worship of markets and the acceptance of greed are moral problems..,
By CNu at June 24, 2015 21 comments
Labels: Strict Father , The Straight and Narrow , What IT DO Shawty
the crash of 2015 - on track, behind schedule...,
By CNu at June 24, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Collapse Crime , doesn't end well , FAIL , Hanson's Peak Capitalism
why have the fact-resistant deuterostems taken aim at poor women?
By CNu at June 24, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Bibtardism , theoconservatism
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
oily pharisees and saducees continue their assault on laudato si
By CNu at June 23, 2015 22 comments
Labels: cognitive infiltration , disinformation , not a good look
mccain promises to supply oil and gas to ukraine while shale industry gets swallowed by its own debt...,
Mccain promising things the U.S. flatly doesn't have....,
By CNu at June 23, 2015 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , Hanson's Peak Capitalism , helplessness
Monday, June 22, 2015
charleston attack was terrorism, straight up simple and plain...,
By CNu at June 22, 2015 14 comments
Labels: The Hardline , truth
priests hold pope infallible on reproductive rights, on the environment - not so much....,
By CNu at June 22, 2015 0 comments
Labels: disinformation , Livestock Management , theoconservatism
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