Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Mrs Surovikin: Well Honey. How Was Your First Day At Work?

Gen Surovikin: I oversaw the crippling of the Ukrainian electrical distribution and overran three cities.

Mrs Surovikin: that's nice honey.

Why don't you grab a cold one out of the fridge-dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.

The appointment of Commander of Aerospace Forces General Sergei Surovikin (aka “Severoviy”) as commander of the united group of troops has already borne serious fruit. Good management requires neither a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ (a military man, who emerged from civilian ranks) nor a ‘stormtrooper’ in the vanguard of an offensive – everyone has his tasks, and there is no need to put them in the wrong places. What is needed is a combat general who knows the specifics of combined arms combat as well as working with the various branches of troops to establish quality interaction.

As a result, on the first day of the new commander-in-chief:

Today's targeting depended upon precise latitude/longitude measurements, from orbit. Much cheaper to take measurements from imagery at 500 miles altitude than to send covert people with Garmin handhelds, waiting to be discovered, searched, and arrested.

Spacecraft imaging decides wars.

Over 200 cruise missile hits in Ukraine, which is quite a record. (By the way, the sorties are the same Kalibres that by all laws of military propaganda Russia should have run out of.)
️Massive power cuts in almost all of Ukraine
️Serious water supply outages
️Damage to critical wartime infrastructure – primarily repair factories where Ukrainian equipment was being   repaired
️Fuel and supply disruptions in virtually every region

Transport collapse at Ukrzaliznytsia: trains are stopped, and some routes are switched to diesel – which naturally leads to the aggravation of the fuel situation
️Ukrainian Security Service building struck, head of Cyber Police of Ukraine department Yuriy Zaskoka, who was responsible for coordinated telegram bot attacks, eliminated

It’s coming down hard. It’s going to continue to rain.

By evening, Ukraine is once again covered in air-raid alarms. The city goes to sleep – the Kalibres wake up.

Taken down the Starlink system (so Ukrainians can no longer communicate at the front lines properly), The vast majority of trains that are electric won't run, and the remainder will help use up the diesel supplies and therefore the troop and equipment transportation abilities, and display to the Ukrainian population how their leaders are completely useless in the face of serious attack.

This needs to be not just a "retaliatory warning" but a continuing process for the next days and weeks, grinding down the Ukrainians as the cold weather and rain set in. Together with the continued military grinding in Bakhmut etc. to make Ukrainian soldiers lives really awful (plus propaganda wins as Bakhmut etc. taken). Then major attacks in late November as the ground freezes, the leaves are gone and the skies clear. The job needs to get finished (the south and east taken, including Odessa) before the Spring arrives and while Europe sits freezing with power blackouts.

Then Europe can look forward to the next year of horrendous energy prices, a following winter with much lower levels of gas reserves, a deep recession and an extremely unruly population, plus a hopeless position in Ukraine. Ukraine without the Black Sea coast and Odessa is a greatly degraded position for the US and NATO, plus there will be many, many more millions of Ukrainians flowing across the Polish border into Europe.

P.S. The taking out of the electricity supply to the manufacturer of the parts required for the French nuclear power station maintenance was pure genius. So now many of those power stations won't be running at full tilt to keep French electricity prices down during the winter. 
And the most important thing in this whole story is that the Ukrainian authorities have warned of the consequences, of not playing with fire and poking a stick in the den. Back in the summer, Dmitriy Medvedev promised that in the event of a strike on Crimea, the Ukrainians would face “Judgment Day”. Well, 10.10.2022 was that day for the Ukrainians.



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