Friday, January 31, 2020
Why Doesn't America Protect Its Children From Predators?
By CNu at January 31, 2020 0 comments
Labels: cultural darwinism , FAIL , Strict Father , sum'n not right
Taking a Page Out of Project Blue Book "Move Along Folks, Nothing to See Over Here!"
On the night of December 30, Sergeant Vince Iovinella of the Morgan County Sheriff's Department in rural Colorado was on patrol when the calls started coming in about drones.
“Residents began calling in reports of drones of unknown origin moving above houses and farms,” Iovinella wrote in a statement obtained by Motherboard via a public records request. “The numbers would range from 4 to 10 drones in an area at a time. Some were reported to be low and at least 6 ft. long.”
Iovinella further reported the drones had white and red flashing lights as he and other deputies made “several attempts” to follow the drones. The drones were moving “very fast at times” but could also “sustain a hover over an area for long periods of time.”
“There were many sighting’s [sic] coming in and at the same time,” Iovinella continued. “It is believed that there could have been up to 30 drones moving around the county if not more and appeared to be working in a search pattern across the county.”
This was yet another night on eastern Colorado’s new drone patrol, following a slate of reports on mysterious fixed-wing drones in the area. They’d come out at night between approximately 7 to 10 p.m. The story, which was first reported by the Denver Post, got international press attention.
Matters kicked into high gear after a medical helicopter reported on January 8 to have flown dangerously close to a drone in the same general area. More than 70 local, state, federal, and military officials jumped into action, convened in a small town called Brush, Colorado, and formed a joint drone task force of 10 to 15 different government agencies to solve the mystery.
“In all of these cases,” Iovinella wrote in this statement, “it is unknown who owns the drone or what their purpose is.”
That’s because the drones never existed.
By CNu at January 31, 2020 0 comments
Labels: clampdown , disinformation , Dystopian Now , human experimentation , Intimate Droning , peasants
Is the "Asian" Male an Endangered Species?
By CNu at January 31, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Apokolips , killer-ape , Race and Ethnicity , WW-III
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Why Are the Globalists Staging This SARS 2.0 Pandemic?
By CNu at January 30, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Apokolips , disinformation , doesn't end well , governance , information anarchy , What Now?
What Will Happen If the Senate Votes Trump Guilty?
By CNu at January 30, 2020 0 comments
Labels: .45 , civil war , The Hardline , What Now?
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
This Transbiological Attack is Stressing the PHUG Out of Xi Jinping
The government has activated a response plan to the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan city and raised the response level from “alert” to “serious” this morning as three more people have fallen ill after visiting Wuhan, adding up to a total of 8 suspected cases reported.
It was confirmed that the first 7 cases reported were not related to the unidentified pneumonia outbreak in wet markets in Wuhan.
The response mechanism, namely the Preparedness and Response Plan for Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance, was classified as level two of a three-tier scale.
Speaking on a radio program, the Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan Siu-chee said the Hospital Authority has received 2 more reported cases with respiratory and fever after visiting Wuhan yesterday, increasing the total number of suspected cases to 7.
The 3 new cases have either passed by or stayed in Wuhan in the past 14 days, one of which involved a 4-year-old female patient infected with confirmed Rhinovirus, and the other 50-year-old male patient has been confirmed with H1N1 influenza.
Five of the cases have been discharged from hospital, while the remaining three were in Princess Margaret Hospital, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, and Tuen Mun Hospital.
Chan said the Hospital Authority would act on infection control procedures, such as reviewing crowd control measures and regulating visiting hours to minimize the flow of people in hospitals.
A spokesperson of the Hospital Authority announced they have taken new measures in accordance with the government's response mechanism.
By CNu at January 29, 2020 0 comments
Labels: disinformation , governance , Noo/Nano/Geno/Thermo , The Great Game , transbiological , WW-III
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A True Revolution of Values
- The nation’s founders fought for political independence from the British monarchy. The colonists wanted to govern themselves and not have their lives or property (including enslaved Africans) directed by some foreign parliament or the capricious desires of King George.
- Freedom is a matter of making and enacting your own plans. If an alien power effectively makes demands on your actions, you can’t make and enact your own plans. In general, your actions should confirm who you are, not alienate you from who you think you are. If you are always enacting plans you don’t recognize as your own, you aren’t living a self-determining life; you are a living tool of someone else’s will.
- To be free, any power that controls your actions has to be sanctioned by your own judgment or your fair participation in the process out of which you are acting.
- Acting out into the world entails interacting with other people. One way we do this is through our recognized roles in civil society. Civil society is the system of mutually enforcing market-based interactions through which have our needs met while meeting other people’s needs. Without this organized system of need satisfaction, we’d all be at the complete mercy of nature and other people’s capricious expressions of power.
By CNu at January 28, 2020 0 comments
Labels: A Kneegrow Said It , People Centric Leadership
Monday, January 27, 2020
Still Expelling Han-Man Like Hot Cakes - But Not Because of the SARS 2.0 Hoax...,
By CNu at January 27, 2020 0 comments
Labels: disinformation , WW-III
Of Course My Man Duterte Don't Play....,
By CNu at January 27, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Dutertism , GTFOH , Strict Father
If No Travel Ban and No Compulsory Expulsions - We've Been Targetted for Die-Off
Confirmed 2019-nCoV Cases Globally
Risk Assessment
What to Expect
By CNu at January 27, 2020 0 comments
Labels: A Kneegrow Said It , Apokolips , clampdown , doesn't end well
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Han Ruling Elite Stuck Between N-1 and N+1 Hardplace - WEE PHUK YU!!!
By CNu at January 26, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Ass Clownery , cowardice , cultural darwinism , doesn't end well , horror , information anarchy , unintended consequences
What Does the Coronavirus Do?
- Coronavirus: How worried should we be?
- How can China build a hospital so quickly?
- Coronavirus sparks anxiety among Chinese overseas
By CNu at January 26, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Apokolips , unintended consequences
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Precarity - Neofeudal Slave Nouveau
This negative form of power contrasts sharply with with that of the privileged elites in precapitalist social formations. In these imperial kingdoms or feudal holdings, disciplinary power is exercised by the direct use or display of coercive power. The social power of capital is of a different kind….The capitalist may deny others access to his resources, but he may not force them to work with him. Clearly, such power requires circumstances that make the withholding of access of critical consequence. These circumstances can only arise if the general populace is unable to secure a living unless it can gain access to privately owned resources or wealth…
The organization of production is generally regarded as a wholly “economic” activity, ignoring the political function served by the wage-labor relationships in lieu of bailiffs and senechals. In a like fashion, the discharge of political authority is regarded as essentially separable from the operation of the economic realm, ignoring the provision of the legal, military, and material contributions without which the private sphere could not function properly or even exist. In this way, the presence of the two realms, each responsible for part of the activities necessary for the maintenance of the social formation, not only gives capitalism a structure entirely different from that of any precapitalist society, but also establishes the basis for a problem that uniquely preoccupies capitalism, namely, the appropriate role of the state vis-a-vis the sphere of production and distribution.
By CNu at January 25, 2020 0 comments
Labels: as above-so below , Collapse Crime , global system of 1% supremacy , neofeudalism
Citizen My Ass - You are an Indebted Tenant of the Sovereign
By CNu at January 25, 2020 0 comments
Labels: Livestock Management , neofeudalism , peasants , play-at-your-level , stay-in-your-lane , TIA
Friday, January 24, 2020
U.S. Foreign Policy: Weaponizing Fascism for "Democracy"
By CNu at January 24, 2020 0 comments
Labels: killer-ape , Living Memory , political economy , Race and Ethnicity , Replacement Negroes , Tactics , The Great Game , What IT DO Shawty...
Uh.., Vote Counting Isn't Exactly Rocket Science
By CNu at January 24, 2020 0 comments
Labels: .45 , Deepening Contradictions , History's Mysteries , identity politics , Mr. Miracle
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Hegemonic Han N+1 and N-1 Equals PHUK EVERYONE and Must Not be Tolerated...,
By CNu at January 23, 2020 0 comments
Labels: A Kneegrow Said It , killer-ape , N-1 , N+1 , Noo/Nano/Geno/Thermo , reality casualties , ShitShow , WW-III
What Dirty MF's DO DO With Today's Surveillance Technology
By CNu at January 23, 2020 0 comments
Labels: .45 , Dystopian Now , TIA , What Now?
Imagine if These Dirty MF's Had Had Today's Surveillance Technology at Their Disposal
By CNu at January 23, 2020 0 comments
Labels: FAIL , Living Memory , shameless , ShitShow
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Only the Hard and Strong May Call Themselves Spartans, Only the Hard, Only the Strong...,
By CNu at January 22, 2020 0 comments
Labels: common sense , de-evolution , Degenerate , Dystopian Now , FAIL , fixyt , Strict Father , What Now? , WTF?
Calling Things By Their Real Names
By CNu at January 22, 2020 0 comments
Labels: deceiver , disinformation , elite , hegemony , hypnosis , institutional deconstruction , narrative , Oy Vey , Small Minority , Vampire Squid
Trump Impeached for Interfering with A System of "Woke, Self-Serving, Lying and Looting"
By CNu at January 22, 2020 0 comments
Labels: deceiver , disinformation , elite , hegemony , hypnosis , institutional deconstruction , narrative , Oy Vey , Small Minority , Vampire Squid
Have You Ever Heard Of An Innocent Person Getting A Pre-emptive Pardon?
December, 2020. Joy Reid: Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person? Adam Schiff: No. Today Adam...
theatlantic | The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers...
Video - John Marco Allegro in an interview with Van Kooten & De Bie. TSMATC | Describing the growth of the mushroom ( boletos), P...
dailybeast | Of all the problems in America today, none is both as obvious and as overlooked as the colossal human catastrophe that is our...