Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Facebook "Privacy"...,

Sent it to the kids... 
Heard back from the 54yo Chemist Son
This was in the email he received:
What info is available?What is it?Where can I find it?
About MeInformation you added to the About section of your Timeline like relationships, work, education, where you live and more. It includes any updates or changes you made in the past and what is currently in the About section of your Timeline.Activity Log
Downloaded Info
Account Status HistoryThe dates when your account was reactivated, deactivated, disabled or deleted.Downloaded Info
Active SessionsAll stored active sessions, including date, time, device, IP address, machine cookie and browser information.Downloaded Info
Ads ClickedDates, times and titles of ads clicked (limited retention period).Downloaded Info
AddressYour current address or any past addresses you had on your account.Downloaded Info
Ad TopicsA list of topics that you may be targeted against based on your stated likes, interests and other data you put in your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Alternate NameAny alternate names you have on your account (ex: a maiden name or a nickname).Downloaded Info
AppsAll of the apps you have added.Downloaded Info
Birthday VisibilityHow your birthday appears on your Timeline.Downloaded Info
ChatA history of the conversations you’ve had on Facebook Chat (a complete history is available directly from your messages inbox).Downloaded Info
Check-insThe places you’ve checked into.Activity Log 
Downloaded Info 
ConnectionsThe people who have liked your Page or Place, RSVPed to your event, installed your app or checked in to your advertised place within 24 hours of viewing or clicking on an ad or Sponsored Story.Activity Log
Credit CardsIf you make purchases on Facebook (ex: in apps) and have given Facebook your credit card number.Account Settings
CurrencyYour preferred currency on Facebook. If you use Facebook Payments, this will be used to display prices and charge your credit cards.Downloaded Info
Current CityThe city you added to the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Date of BirthThe date you added to Birthday in the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Deleted FriendsPeople you’ve removed as friends.Downloaded Info
EducationAny information you added to Education field in the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
EmailsEmail addresses added to your account (even those you may have removed).Downloaded Info
EventsEvents you’ve joined or been invited to.Activity Log 
Downloaded Info
Facial Recognition DataA unique number based on a comparison of the photos you're tagged in. We use this data to help others tag you in photos.Downloaded Info
FamilyFriends you’ve indicated are family members.Downloaded Info
Favorite QuotesInformation you’ve added to the Favorite Quotes section of the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
FollowersA list of people who follow you.Downloaded Info
FollowingA list of people you follow.Activity Log
Friend RequestsPending sent and received friend requests.Downloaded Info
FriendsA list of your friends.Downloaded Info
GenderThe gender you added to the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
GroupsA list of groups you belong to on Facebook.Downloaded Info
Hidden from News FeedAny friends, apps or pages you’ve hidden from your News Feed.Downloaded Info
HometownThe place you added to hometown in the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
IP AddressesA list of IP addresses where you’ve logged into your Facebook account (won’t include all historical IP addresses as they are deleted according to a retention schedule).Downloaded Info
Last LocationThe last location associated with an update.Activity Log
Likes on Others' PostsPosts, photos or other content you’ve liked.Activity Log
Likes on Your Posts from othersLikes on your own posts, photos or other content.Activity Log
Likes on Other SitesLikes you’ve made on sites off of Facebook.Activity Log
Linked AccountsA list of the accounts you've linked to your Facebook accountAccount Settings
LocaleThe language you've selected to use Facebook in.Downloaded Info
LoginsIP address, date and time associated with logins to your Facebook account.Downloaded Info
LogoutsIP address, date and time associated with logouts from your Facebook account.Downloaded Info
MessagesMessages you’ve sent and received on Facebook. Note, if you've deleted a message it won't be included in your download as it has been deleted from your account.Downloaded Info
NameThe name on your Facebook account.Downloaded Info
Name ChangesAny changes you’ve made to the original name you used when you signed up for Facebook.Downloaded Info
NetworksNetworks (affiliations with schools or workplaces) that you belong to on Facebook.Downloaded Info
NotesAny notes you’ve written and published to your account.Activity Log
Notification SettingsA list of all your notification preferences and whether you have email and text enabled or disabled for each.Downloaded Info
Pages You AdminA list of pages you admin.Downloaded Info
Pending Friend RequestsPending sent and received friend requests.Downloaded Info
Phone NumbersMobile phone numbers you’ve added to your account, including verified mobile numbers you've added for security purposes.Downloaded Info
PhotosPhotos you’ve uploaded to your account.Downloaded Info
Photos MetadataAny metadata that is transmitted with your uploaded photos.Downloaded Info
Physical TokensBadges you’ve added to your account.Downloaded Info
PokesA list of who’s poked you and who you’ve poked. Poke content from our mobile poke app is not included because it's only available for a brief period of time. After the recipient has viewed the content it's permanently deleted from our systems.Downloaded Info
Political ViewsAny information you added to Political Views in the About section of Timeline.Downloaded Info
Posts by YouAnything you posted to your own Timeline, like photos, videos and status updates.Activity Log
Posts by OthersAnything posted to your Timeline by someone else, like wall posts or links shared on your Timeline by friends.Activity Log
Downloaded Info
Posts to OthersAnything you posted to someone else’s Timeline, like photos, videos and status updates.Activity Log
Privacy SettingsYour privacy settings.Privacy SettingsDownloaded Info
Recent ActivitiesActions you’ve taken and interactions you’ve recently had.Activity Log
Downloaded Info
Registration DateThe date you joined Facebook.Activity Log
Downloaded Info
Religious ViewsThe current information you added to Religious Views in the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Removed FriendsPeople you’ve removed as friends.Activity Log 
Downloaded Info
Screen NamesThe screen names you’ve added to your account, and the service they’re associated with. You can also see if they’re hidden or visible on your account.Downloaded Info
SearchesSearches you’ve made on Facebook.Activity Log
SharesContent (ex: a news article) you've shared with others on Facebook using the Share button or link.Activity Log
Spoken LanguagesThe languages you added to Spoken Languages in the Aboutsection of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Status UpdatesAny status updates you’ve posted.Activity Log 
Downloaded Info
WorkAny current information you’ve added to Work in the About section of your Timeline.Downloaded Info
Vanity URLYour Facebook URL (ex: username or vanity for your account).Visible in your Timeline URL
VideosVideos you’ve posted to your Timeline.Activity Log
Downloaded Info
After he had read some of the 305mb provided,he responded:
It's fucking horrifying!! I've looked at about 2% of it, and it makes me grateful that I have used discretion out there for the most part. Even the "private messages" are in the files....


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