chomsky | The Trilateral Commission has issued one major book-length report,
namely, The Crisis of Democracy (Michel Crozier, Samuel Huntington, and
Joji Watanuki, 1975). Given the intimate connections between the
Commission and the Carter Administration, the study is worth careful
attention, as an indication of the thinking that may well lie behind its
domestic policies, as well as the policies undertaken in other
industrial democracies in the coming years.
The Commission’s report is concerned with the “governability of the
democracies.” Its American author, Samuel Huntington, was former
chairman of the Department of Government at Harvard, and a government
adviser. He is well-known for his ideas on how to destroy the rural
revolution in Vietnam. He wrote in Foreign Affairs (1968) that
“In an absent-minded way the United States in Vietnam may well have
stumbled upon the answer to ‘wars of national liberation.'” The answer
is “forced-draft urbanization and modernization.” Explaining this
concept, he observes that if direct application of military force in the
countryside “takes place on such a massive scale as to produce a
massive migration from countryside to city” then the “Maoist-inspired
rural revolution may be “undercut by the American-sponsored urban
revolution.” The Viet Cong, he wrote, is “a powerful force which cannot
be dislodged from its constituency so long as the constituency continues
to exist.”
Thus “in the immediate future” peace must “be based on
accommodation” particularly since the US is unwilling to undertake the
“expensive, time consuming and frustrating task” of ensuring that the
constituency of the Viet Cong no longer exists (he was wrong about that,
as the Nixon-Kissinger programs of rural massacre were to show).
“Accommodation” as conceived by Huntington is a process whereby the Viet
Cong “degenerate into the protest of a declining rural minority” while
the regime imposed by US force maintains power. A year later, when it
appeared that “urbanization” by military force was not succeeding and it
seemed that the United States might be compelled to enter into
negotiations with the NLF [National Liberation Front] (which he
recognized to be “the most powerful purely political national
organization”), Huntington, in a paper delivered before the
AID-supported Council on Vietnamese Studies which he had headed,
proposed various measures of political trickery and manipulation that
might be used to achieve the domination of the U.S.-imposed government,
though the discussants felt rather pessimistic about the prospects….
In short, Huntington is well-qualified to discourse on the problems of democracy.
The report argues that what is needed in the industrial democracies
“is a greater degree of moderation in democracy” to overcome the “excess
of democracy” of the past decade. “The effective operation of a
democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and
noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups.” This
recommendation recalls the analysis of Third World problems put forth by
other political thinkers of the same persuasion, for example, Ithiel
Pool (then chairman of the Department of Political Science at MIT), who
explained some years ago that in Vietnam, the Congo, and the Dominican
Republic, “order depends on somehow compelling newly mobilized strata to
return to a measure of passivity and defeatism… At least temporarily
the maintenance of order requires a lowering of newly acquired
aspirations and levels of political activity.” The Trilateral
recommendations for the capitalist democracies are an application at
home of the theories of “order” developed for subject societies of the
Third World.
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