guardian | When
Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, his pledges of openness and transparency were not ancillary to his campaign but central to it. He
repeatedly denounced
the Bush administration as "one of the most secretive administrations
in our nation's history", saying that "it is no coincidence" that such a
secrecy-obsessed presidency "has favored special interests and pursued
policies that could not stand up to the sunlight." He vowed: "as
president, I'm going to change that." In a
widely heralded 2007 speech on transparency, he actually claimed that this value shaped his life purpose:
American people want to trust in our government again – we just need a
government that will trust in us. And making government accountable to
the people isn't just a cause of this campaign – it's been a cause of my
life for two decades."
His campaign
specifically vowed to protect whistleblowers,
hailing them as "the best source of information about waste, fraud, and
abuse in government" and saying that "such acts of courage and
patriotism. . . should be encouraged rather than stifled." Transparency
groups were completely mesmerized by these ringing commitments. "We have
a president-elect that really gets it,"
gushed Charles Davis,
executive director of the National Freedom of Information Coalition, in
late 2008; "the openness community will expect a complete repudiation
of the Ashcroft doctrine." Here's just one of countless representative
examples of Obama bashing Bush for excessive secrecy -
including in the realm of national security and intelligence - and vowing a fundamentally different course:
Literally moments after he was inaugurated,
the White House declared
that "President Obama has committed to making his administration the
most open and transparent in history". Obama continues even now to
parade around as a historically unprecedented champion of openness. In
a 2010 speech,
he said "I will not stop fighting to open up government" and then
praised himself this way: "we have put in place the toughest
transparency rules in history: in history." Right this very minute,
on the White House website,
Obama is quoted this way: "My Administration is committed to creating
an unprecedented level of openness in Government" because "transparency
promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what
their Government is doing."
This week is Sunshine Week,
created by
transparency and civil liberties groups and media outlets as "a
national initiative to promote a dialogue about the importance of open
government and freedom of information". The White House blog on
said that
"we celebrate Sunshine Week - an appropriate time to discuss the
importance of open government and freedom of information" and quoted the
president this way: "Openness will strengthen our democracy, and
promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government."
Along with
others, I've spent the last four years documenting the extreme, often
unprecedented, commitment to secrecy that this president has exhibited,
including his vindictive war on whistleblowers, his refusal to disclose
even the legal principles underpinning his claimed war powers of
assassination, and his unrelenting, Bush-copying invocation of secrecy
privileges to prevent courts even from deciding the legality of his
conduct (as
a 2009 headline on the Obama-friendly TPM site put it: "Expert Consensus: Obama Mimics Bush On State Secrets"). Just this week,
the Associated Press conducted a study
proving that last year, the Obama administration has rejected more FOIA
requests on national security grounds than in any year since Obama
became president, and quoted Alexander Abdo, an ACLU staff attorney for
its national security project, as follows:
"We've seen
a meteoric rise in the number of claims to protect secret law, the
government's interpretations of laws or its understanding of its own
authority. In some ways, the Obama administration is actually even more aggressive on secrecy than the Bush administration."
that last sentence in italics. Most of those policies have been covered
here at length, and I won't repeat them here. But what is remarkable is
that this secrecy has become so oppressive and extreme that even the
most faithful Democratic operatives are now angrily exploding with
public denunciations.