Friday, October 05, 2012

not one word about poverty...,

aera-l | Lots of talk about the middle class. Tax cuts for the middle class. Saving the middle class. Doing more for the middle class.

Not one word about poverty.

No mention that nearly 25% of the children in the world's richest nation live in poverty. Not one word. The overriding influence of poverty on educational achievement has been noted in, e.g. (alphabetical order by author):

1. "Our Impoverished View of Educational Reform" [Berliner (2005)], at;

 2. "Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success" [Berliner (2009)],

3. "Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances"   [Duncan & Murnane (2011a)] at;

4. "Economic inequality: The real cause of the urban school problem," [Duncan & Murnane (2011b)] at;

5. "To Improve Schools, Fight Poverty, Education Expert Says" [Gosier (2011)], online at;; - the expert is Stephen Krashen;

6. "Re: Economic Inequality: The Real Cause of Urban School Problems #2" [Hake (2011a)] at;

7. "Is the 'Teacher Effect' the Dominant Factor in Students' Academic Gain?" [Hake (2011b)], online at;

8. "Is the 'Teacher Effect' the Dominant Factor in Students' Academic Gain? #3" [Hake (2011c)], online at;

9. "Class Matters. Why Won't We Admit It?" [Ladd & Fiske (2011)] at;

10. "Education and Poverty: Visualizations of World, US, and State-level Educational Data" [Marder (2011)] at;

11. "Failure of U.S. Public Secondary Schools in Mathematics" [Marder (2012)] at;

12. "The hard bigotry of low expectations and low priorities" [Ravani (2011b)] at;

13. "Unaddressed Link Between Poverty & Education" [Schaffer (2011)] at;

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...