Monday, October 22, 2012

Greece 2012 - black-shirts smashing migrants' homes and swastikas on the streets...,

dailymail | Academics in Greece warn of disturbing parallels between the rise of the Right today in an economically crippled country indebted to the EU and the rise of the Nazis in the Thirties after hyper-inflation in Germany’s Weimar Republic led to economic collapse.

Between the wars, you may recall, an indebted Germany was forced to make huge reparation payments to the victorious Allies of the Great War as a punishment for starting the conflict. The German people felt humiliated, just as the Greeks feel hostile to their eurozone masters and Mrs Merkel today.

The Nazis claimed their first parliamentary seats even as they were garnering the local support of Germans by sending out gangs of ‘storm troopers’ to terrorise Jewish and immigrant communities and blame them for the troubles of the time. It sounds horribly familiar.

As Nickos Dermetzis, a professor of political science at the Athens University, explains: ‘We have a major socio-economic crisis in which native Greeks are losing ground. You also have a rising number of immigrants, many illegal.

`This is a volcanic situation where all the classic parameters for the flourishing of a Far-Right force such as Gold Dawn are present.’

Of course, it does not help that police are struggling to cope with the huge numbers of illegal immigrants arriving daily in Greece. Their sweeps of immigrants happen regularly in Athens and the port of Patras, a three-hour drive away, where a thousand immigrants doss down in disused factory buildings near the promenade. They wait, hoping to smuggle themselves on to freight and passenger ferries going to Italy.

Ten days ago, 350 Afghanis, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis were picked up in Patras and put in holding centres. As one disgruntled resident, a man in his 50s living near the promenade, said: ‘They only took a few and so many are here. I am no racist, but this town used to be paradise. The police sweeps are a merry-go-round. The ones they took today will be back next week, wait and see.’

It is a viewpoint supported by Andreas Nicolacopoulos. The 59-year-old architect is a leading light in the Patras Golden Dawn party.

‘The Greek people don’t want illegal immigrants,’ he says. ‘They have to be deported to their own countries. We have to stop them coming in, too. We will lay landmines at the Turkish-Greek border to blow them up so they do not enter our country. We have promised our voters this.’

Golden Dawn also wants to make immigrant criminals serve double the prison terms of their Greek counterparts and introduce capital punishment for foreign murderers.

Back in Athens, I meet Golden Dawn’s spokesman, MP Iliopoulos Panagiotis, at the Greek Parliament building.

The face of this 34-year-old former internet marketing executive can be seen clearly on the video of immigrants being attacked at the market by Golden Dawn’s louts.

Mr Panagiotis is in bullish form. He boasts that the party is so popular that at the next election it will be the second biggest in Greece. ‘In a few years, we expect to be the biggest of them all,’ he says.

The party’s MPs arrogantly puff on cigarettes even though smoking is banned inside the parliament building. They wear black shirts with the word ‘Hooligans’ emblazoned in orange on the sleeve. They have tattoos on their arms.

And on the walls are the blue flags stamped with the party’s swastika-style logo, an ancient Greek symbol.

The official Golden Dawn line is that they are not Nazis, even neo-Nazis, but nationalists wanting to save Greece for the Greek.

So what does Mr Panagiotis plan for illegal immigrants? ‘We will fly every one of them home,’ he says.

‘Even Pakistan would not dare shoot our planes down when their own people are on board and would be killed.’

And what does he think of the racist Golden Dawn gangs that systematically beat up those who were not born Greek?

‘We have a million supporters, some of them wilder elements. We cannot control them all,’ he says with a smirk.

It is hard to believe that his words are those of an elected MP in the Parliament of a modern democracy. Yet anything is possible now in Greece, as the unpalatable face of fascism makes an unwelcome return to Europe.


Big Don said...

..." Greece for the Greek.... ‘We will fly every [illegal immigrant] home,’ ..."

At least somebody over there has at least two functioning brain cells...

CNu said...

Here, here..., save America for the native American!!! Send all of these pale genocidal invaders back to where they came from!

Big Don said...

Photo below is Ruth Ann (Betts) Berry 1838-1923, one of BD's great-great grandmothers, full blood Cherokee. So you interlopers, with no genetic Native American roots, better watch your nasty mouths.....

And, furthermore, while we are on the subject of BD's genealogy, Ruth's husband's parents, Robert Berry, 1783-1847, and and Nancy (Russell) Berry, 1799-1889, of Reading, Michigan, are BD's and Mitt Romney's common great-great-great grandparents (Romney and BD are 4th cousins), So if Mitt is elected, BD will anticipate the proper respect being shown in these parts.....

(BD is still looking for any connection to Chuck Berry....)

Dale Asberry said...

Lolololol -- oops, crapped my pants

John Kurman said...

Cherokees? But, but... but these are your much advertised low-IQ loozers, zero-defence, original trail-o-tears slow fucking learners. And all of a sudden you are proud of this genetic inheritance? Can someone clearly and laboriously spell out the word "irony" for BD?

CNu said...

lol, CNu see's you and Elizabeth Warren's pale native claims and raises you as only a true blaxican possibly could. is how we dyed-in-the-wool naguals roll....,

Big Don said...

BD views his Woodpile as well-balanced...think of it as a diversified investment portfolio...

Big Don said...

Doesn't look like those folks were ever in North America...will CNu be emigrating to South/Central America to reclaim his tribal due....??

CNu said...

No, CNu asserts a valid and most ancient claim to everything south of Alaska all the way down to the Antarctic. You recent interlopers are the ones who need to consider beating your feet back to wherever you came from.

Big Don said...

..Bottom line- BD's First Law applies here: Unless you can defend your turf, you're a LOOZer. Olmecs and Native Americans failed....

Ed Dunn said...

Noticed they didn't round up all the Nigerian street walkers...

Gee Cee Veee said...

" of BD's great-great grandmothers, full blood Cherokee."

Wow! When I first heard my white photography teacher use that in an
argument against some Mexican classmates to make known his credentials, I
thought that was just the bass-ackwards rationale of one jackass. I
later learned that this bass-ackwardness is a fairly common argument.

Allow me to demonstrate how your reasoning works when flipped.

I'm black, but my great-great grandmother was mostly white because her
bi-racial mother, who's mother was raped by the slave master, was also
raped by her slave master. That makes me an authority to speak for white
people. Let's all return to Europe.

Come on my white blood kin, you can do better than that.

Dale Asberry said...

Wait... weren't you just proud as a 3 year old going potty for the first time that your family heritage included Native Americans... that failed to defend their own turf as you put it? That squarely puts you in LOOZer-dom.

Gee Chee Vision said...

CNu don't drop too much of BD's black lineage connection on him at once. You'll have him waking up tomorrow morning like Godrey Cambridge chanting a "Rinso White" incantation with some red ruby slippers on.

John Kurman said...

Actually, Scandinavia is looking pretty goddamn good right about now. Hell, Greenland's looking good.

makheru bradley said...

When this explodes in America it will make Greece look like a kindergarten party.

Big Don said...

If you play nice, perhaps BD will let you join him for a ride in Air Force One....

Gee Chee Vision said...

Better put an ultrasound scan on those eggs BD. I peeped backstage and read the script. Red is too much of a dead give away so imperialism is going to go with the blue camouflage again. Don't know about the Air Force One thingy. I'm more about fair trade products and I understand Nike got some sweatshop issues.

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...