zerohedge | people that care about civil liberties will vote for Romney saying
that he will at least be better on economic policy, yet that is the
exact same thing people did with Obama in reverse.
They ended up being disappointed with him and Romney will disappoint as well. These guys are both big government, crony capitalist puppets and that’s the bottom line.
Another thing that must be considered is basic math about the U.S. political landscape.
According to the latest Gallup poll, 32% of Americans identify
themselves as Democrats, 28% as Republican and 38% as Independents. Now
of course, amongst the Independents a majority lean more toward one
party or the other, but this is much less the case today than it was in
2008 or in any election prior. Furthermore, the mere fact that so many
choose to identify in this manner makes it clear that they are unhappy
with either of these political gangs. These Independents want
legitimate third, fourth or fifth party options but instead end up
herded into the mainstream parties by a sophisticated corporate scam,
part of which centers around the
Commission on Presidential Debates,
the gatekeeper of these circuses which ensures no alternative
candidates can debate and excludes any difficult or uncomfortable
Both the Republican and the Democratic presidential candidates
talk about liberty, freedom, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise,
choice and the Constitution. But neither candidate believes in those
principles. Elect either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, and government
will be bigger, spending will be higher, regulation will be more
intrusive, the military will be fighting more wars, more service
personnel will be dying, more money will be wasted abroad, civil
liberties of more people will be violated, and more privacy of more
citizens will be invaded. Overall, the free society will continue to
The above is invariably true and brings me to the key point of this article.
Should Romney win, the 28% of Americans that identify as Republican
will be thrilled, and the remaining 72% will be largely upset and on
edge. Should Obama win, similarly, the 32% registered Democrat with be
thrilled and the remaining 68% will be upset and on edge. Hence, the
70% referred to in the title of this article. This is a recipe ripe for
social unrest and it will be coming to our shores as I outlined
recently in
The Global Spring.
Personally, I am done with the two part system and will be voting for
Jill Stein.
I am not playing their games any longer and I will not fall for any
more of their scams. In my brief voting years I have pulled the lever
for both Republicans and Democrats, but I do not think I will vote for
any one of them ever again. I implore everyone to do the same, no
matter who you vote for, vote third party.
The only wasted vote I see is one for either Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama.
Where are you at with the Jill Stein and Gary Johnson bruddah CNu?
Ain't feelin either one-of-em GCV. Been reading Hitler's second book and wondering why nobody can keep it 300% like Der Fuhrer.
300% was during an age when there were only so many genres of music, brands of coffee & clothing etc prepping a culture to condition people to identify with others and create subgroups on the most minuscule of issues. People may agree with everything you say but if you differ on one issue you're immediately categorized.
I meant to say today's "diversity" preps us for subgroup set tripp'n.
That's because these humans have not as yet come to grips with the exigencies of survival. So long as they can remain caught up in the mass hallucination, the cultural and political mindstyle of conspicuous consumption, there's no hope for them. It is something to consider how 6500 Spartans was able to defeat 350,000 Helots and maintain the supremacy of the 300 against all comers.
Sandy/NYC -- Well it couldn't have happened to a better city - BD hates that fkn place cuz folx that live there all think it's the center of the Universe and they are such HotSht cuz they live there....
In the world of BD you're damned if your a Moozlim or a fancy talk'n city slick New Yorker or a blood Native American relative.
Speaking of New York and Fuzzlims, the captioned image below, entitled "Obama on the goodness of Islamic Faith," was received yesterday in BD's voluminous fan mail......
If you can damn an entire US city over petty envy, no wonder you believe any story that comes down the media shyt chute. Sorry BD, your hate'n on the center of the Universe is officially on record. Anyway, if Operation Northwoods had been successful
I'm sure Obama would've extended diplomatic courtesies to the Cuban people as well, that is after we (excluding NY-the center of the Universe) would've eliminated half their population over a staged event. 30
years from now, 9/11 will be an embarrassing zipped-lip subject just like the Gulf of Tonkin.
This assumes that the brief historical anomaly of bourgeois quasi-democratic governance continues unabated and that the contraction/collapse doesn't more nakedly expose the underlying feudal system which has persisted beneath that outer trapping for millenia...,
Whenever I make a "30 years from now" statement, I romanticize that it'll at least be like Mel Gibson in a dusty souped-up Ford Falcon...hoping for the luxury of having canned dog food on standby.
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