He has that Eminem/ California freestyle rap pattern that I'm not the biggest fan of. But obviously for him to get 2 million hits within only two days says that his language is more updated than my understanding of it.
2 million hits in two days also dispels the myth of this phantom demographic these companies claim they serve with the Lil Waynes and Nicki Minajes.
Big Don, in light of the recent theater massacre could you provide a squirming explanation of the young white male serial killer/ lone gunman phenomenon? Due to your age I think your category would have more of that George C. Scott "Rage" Je ne sais quoi. No?
Because so much money and influence circulates within the music industry I wish Hopsin a safe long journey. These people killed Lennon and possibly Hendrix, Tupac, Biggie and Jackson.
People are killed because they may threaten money flow or they can be too influential and the machine "no like that."
It's just one record; his next song will be about exactly that which he was criticizing in this one. If he is unsigned, he'll be signed within 90 days with those numbers.
If I were trying to break in, I would come the same way knowing that a booty-shaking club hit was in my immediate future.
No need, when Dale tugged my sleeve, I peeped game. I conclude the brother has tasted the nastiness of the "industry", spit it out, and elected to take matters into his own hands - with all the struggle that that entails.
By that, I mean to say that imoho - he's rounding an evolutionary spiral. I do everything in my power to facilitate that particular flavor of human endeavor...,
-- motive, perhaps it's vindictive getting even with society for impeding (in some imagined fashion) his success, professionally or with chicks ...?? Have to wait for the details of his (insanity?) defense... http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-157085002.html
@Tom....Especially f you're working in a technology field, you should realize that if every last bit of relevant PRR supports a certain truth, no matter how unpleasant, you better believe it.
BD ... as someone who has actually been employed as a researcher--unlike you--let me reveal to you a few inside facts of the trade: (a) on-the-job racists are about as welcome--and as beneficial to the enterprise--as cockroaches or venomous snakes. Now I am humane. I use only live-catch traps and release the critters safely into their proper environment. But surely it's obvious even to you: that environment is not an R&D facility. (b) Only dummies consider peer review to be a magical cornucopia of truth (c) I've been around researchers from the day I was born until today. Nobody I have ever met goes around using the abbreviation "PRR." You're the only one. There's a certain amount of talk about review, and refereed journals, but primarily as a means to getting tenure. Again, certainly not as the magical guarantee of quality that you misunderstand it to mean. (d) You haven't cited any journal papers yet. So even your faulty talk is empty.
Now pack up your boxes. Security will be here to walk you out; I have a meeting to go to.
You see, Tom, your closed mind is one track, not what we need for Research here at The Firm.. BD's statement on the value of PRR was generic. It applies to any situation where there is overwhelming incontrovertible evidence that A is better than B (or C or D...), e.g., selection of materials for specific applications, or selection of employees to do the work, Other characteristics being equal, faster runners make better football players. Occasionally you might get away with going against that which has been found to be the best, but why take the risk...??
Furthermore, Tom. The world, including industry, now communicates heavily via texting. Abbreviations are encouraged. PRR beats spelling it out by a mile.
Your Replacement, who has fewer problems adapting to the 21st Century, will be reporting tomorrow...
Actually Big Yawn, I don't think that way. I was just curious if there ever exists a moment when you reflect on your rationale in the mirror. Guess there is no reflection with you. Your George C. Scott is more Béla Lugosi.
now, now, now...., the big donald doesn't sit still for carefully argued interrogatories. he's more a "big-picture", "common-sense", PRR type-a-guy whose gut-reaction would never lie.
BD one thing you've said deserves a response. I test the bejesus out of applicants. Of course there is no law against standardized tests as part of the interview process, but "Liberals" who hire at random after a primarily social (i.e., nontechnical) interview process are real, and they are causing exactly the same problem you caused: offensive idiots in the workplace. And for exactly the same reason: inessential BULLSHIT killing the signal-to-noise ratio of the interview process.
Liberals aren't nice guys. We just act mellow. Do you think all those road-bike-racing, surfer-talking Si Valley nerds are nice guys? Are you covered for a brain transplant? because you need one.
Second that, GCV. I'm no hiphop critic or even fan, and but even if he's just milking the message, so what, it's a good message for once. Let somebody make money by building instead of destroying, one time, wtf.
The Mighty Quinn [Media Notes 158]
I saw *The Mighty Quinn* when it was in theaters, 1989 and loved it then. I
just watched it on Amazon Prime. I still love it. Wikipedia quotes Roger
Too Many Bots
People don't like science and technology because we perceive that it
diminishes us. We went from Center of the Universe to a mere dust mote in
some unrem...
1/31 Again
When 1 = A and 26 = Z
Hypertiger = 131
Looks like the purpose of the Free Trade agreements in the past was to make
Canada and Mexico so dependent on ...
Announcing My 3rd Book
My latest book is now available for purchase! It is a bit different than my
prior works. It is entitled Becoming Missouri State: Conversations on the
Return of the Magi
Lately, the Holy Spirit is in the air. Emotional energy is swirling out of
the earth.I can feel it bubbling up, effervescing and evaporating around
us, s...
Covid-19 Preys Upon The Elderly And The Obese
sciencemag | This spring, after days of flulike symptoms and fever, a man
arrived at the emergency room at the University of Vermont Medical Center.
He ...
(Damn, has it been THAT long? I don't even know which prompts to use to
post this)
Can't get on your site because you've gone 'invite only'?
Man, ...
First Member of Chumph Cartel Goes to Jail
With the profligate racism of the Chumph Cartel, I don’t imagine any of
them convicted and jailed is going to do too much better than your run of
the mill ...
He has that Eminem/ California freestyle rap pattern that I'm not the biggest fan of. But obviously for him to get 2 million hits within only two days says that his language is more updated than my understanding of it.
2 million hits in two days also dispels the myth of this phantom demographic these companies claim they serve with the Lil Waynes and Nicki Minajes.
hopsin spitting purest music to my ears...., accept no substitutes!
Big Don, in light of the recent theater massacre could you provide a squirming explanation of the young white male serial killer/ lone gunman phenomenon? Due to your age I think your category would have more of that George C. Scott "Rage" Je ne sais quoi. No?
Because so much money and influence circulates within the music industry I wish Hopsin a safe long journey. These people killed Lennon and possibly Hendrix, Tupac, Biggie and Jackson.
People are killed because they may threaten money flow or they can be too influential and the machine "no like that."
It's just one record; his next song will be about exactly that which he was criticizing in this one. If he is unsigned, he'll be signed within 90 days with those numbers.
If I were trying to break in, I would come the same way knowing that a booty-shaking club hit was in my immediate future.
Matter of fact, contrast it to this one Sag My Pants.
No need, when Dale tugged my sleeve, I peeped game. I conclude the brother has tasted the nastiness of the "industry", spit it out, and elected to take matters into his own hands - with all the struggle that that entails.
By that, I mean to say that imoho - he's rounding an evolutionary spiral. I do everything in my power to facilitate that particular flavor of human endeavor...,
-- motive, perhaps it's vindictive getting even with society for impeding (in some imagined fashion) his success, professionally or with chicks ...??
Have to wait for the details of his (insanity?) defense...
Another opinion http://whiskeysplace.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/the-dark-knight-rises-movie-shooting-healthy-and-unhealthy-fantasies/
It's Obama's fault. Of course! How did I miss that?
Shoot, this Black prez thing is fantastic. Nothing is my fault ever again!
Even better, just to max out the irony, it's the crowd who are forever mouthing "personal responsibility" who are making that call.
lol, I'm still scratching my head about your reading any of that half sigma-esque whinery in which BD loves to marinate....,
It's my old mgmt reflexes emerging. BD posts, and before I realize it some deeply buried part of my brain starts building a case for firing him.
@Tom....Especially f you're working in a technology field, you should realize that if every last bit of relevant PRR supports a certain truth, no matter how unpleasant, you better believe it.
Now, you're fired...!!
BD ... as someone who has actually been employed as a researcher--unlike you--let me reveal to you a few inside facts of the trade:
(a) on-the-job racists are about as welcome--and as beneficial to the enterprise--as cockroaches or venomous snakes. Now I am humane. I use only live-catch traps and release the critters safely into their proper environment. But surely it's obvious even to you: that environment is not an R&D facility.
(b) Only dummies consider peer review to be a magical cornucopia of truth
(c) I've been around researchers from the day I was born until today. Nobody I have ever met goes around using the abbreviation "PRR." You're the only one. There's a certain amount of talk about review, and refereed journals, but primarily as a means to getting tenure. Again, certainly not as the magical guarantee of quality that you misunderstand it to mean.
(d) You haven't cited any journal papers yet. So even your faulty talk is empty.
Now pack up your boxes. Security will be here to walk you out; I have a meeting to go to.
lol@ big donald trumping his imaginary trigger....,
You see, Tom, your closed mind is one track, not what we need for Research here at The Firm.. BD's statement on the value of PRR was generic. It applies to any situation where there is overwhelming incontrovertible evidence that A is better than B (or C or D...), e.g., selection of materials for specific applications, or selection of employees to do the work, Other characteristics being equal, faster runners make better football players. Occasionally you might get away with going against that which has been found to be the best, but why take the risk...??
Furthermore, Tom. The world, including industry, now communicates heavily via texting. Abbreviations are encouraged. PRR beats spelling it out by a mile.
Your Replacement, who has fewer problems adapting to the 21st Century, will be reporting tomorrow...
Actually Big Yawn, I don't think that way. I was just curious if there ever exists a moment when you reflect on your rationale in the mirror. Guess there is no reflection with you. Your George C. Scott is more Béla Lugosi.
now, now, now...., the big donald doesn't sit still for carefully argued interrogatories. he's more a "big-picture", "common-sense", PRR type-a-guy whose gut-reaction would never lie.
It's corporatese for the same thing: "You don't even deserve a brain, gimme it."
BD one thing you've said deserves a response. I test the bejesus out of applicants. Of course there is no law against standardized tests as part of the interview process, but "Liberals" who hire at random after a primarily social (i.e., nontechnical) interview process are real, and they are causing exactly the same problem you caused: offensive idiots in the workplace. And for exactly the same reason: inessential BULLSHIT killing the signal-to-noise ratio of the interview process.
Liberals aren't nice guys. We just act mellow. Do you think all those road-bike-racing, surfer-talking Si Valley nerds are nice guys? Are you covered for a brain transplant? because you need one.
Second that, GCV. I'm no hiphop critic or even fan, and but even if he's just milking the message, so what, it's a good message for once. Let somebody make money by building instead of destroying, one time, wtf.
lol@ gimme it....,
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